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Everything posted by Al3grab

  1. He can't use the normal aim system so he will need to make custom one
  2. use something like local x,y,z = getPedBonePosition(localPlayer,25) setCameraMatrix(x-2,y-2,z,x,y,z)
  3. guiSetText(GUIEditor_Label[2],"Arrests :"..data)
  4. addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,function() local data = getAccountData() -- you should finish it triggerClientEvent(source,"myEvent",source,data) end ) addEvent("myEvent",true) addEventHandler("myEvent",root,function(data) outputChatBox(data) -- or guiSetText end )
  5. createProjectile(getLocalPlayer(),16,x,y,z,200)
  6. Al3grab

    jail error

    /debugscript 3
  7. تبيه مع كاتشب ولا بدون
  8. also you can do it from ACL : aclSetRight(aclGet ( "Default") , "command.logout" , false) aclSave () -- to save the edits to acl.xml file or you can do it from acl.xml file ..
  9. EDIT : Fixed .. addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function (rsc) ShieldTXD = engineLoadTXD ("sh/riot_shield.txd") ShieldDFF = engineLoadDFF ("sh/riot_shield.dff", 487) ShieldCOL = engineLoadCOL ("sh/riot_shield.dff") -- engineImportTXD (ShieldTXD, 1631) engineReplaceModel (ShieldDFF, 1631) engineReplaceCOL ( ShieldCOL, 1631 ) end ) elseif (source == Shield) then triggerServerEvent ("buyShield", getLocalPlayer()) end Shields = {} addEvent("buyShield",true) addEventHandler("buyShield",root, function() if getPlayerMoney (source) >= 1000 then takePlayerMoney(source, 1000) outputChatBox ( "" .. getPlayerName(source).. " #ffff00 Has Bought #00ffff[shield] ", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) -- if not Shields[source] then createShield(source) end -- bindKey(source,"x","down",ShieldKey) -- setTimer(unbindKey,1 * 60 * 1000,1,source,"x","down",ShieldKey) setTimer(removeShield,1 * 60 * 1000,1,source) else outputChatBox("#00cc00You don't have #ff0000$1000 #00cc00to buy #ffff00[shield]",source,255,0,0,true) end end ) function ShieldKey( Player ) if Shields[Player] then removeShield(Player) else createShield(Player) end end function createShield(Player) if Player then if not Shields[Player] then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(Player) local int,dim = getElementInterior(Player),getElementDimension(Player) Shields[Player] = createObject(1631,x,y,z) setElementInterior(Shields[Player],int);setElementDimension(Shields[Player],dim) attachElements(Shields[Player], Player, 0, 0.5) end end end function removeShield(Player) if Player then if Shields[Player] then destroyElement(Shields[Player]) Shields[Player] = nil end end end
  10. cont = 3 local text = guiCreateLabel() setTimer(function() cont = cont -1 guiSetText(text,cont) end,1000,3) Wrong. And why is that ?
  11. cont = 3 local text = guiCreateLabel() setTimer(function() cont = cont -1 guiSetText(text,cont) end,1000,3)
  12. basegate = createObject ( 3115, 1728.8000488281, -1378.0999755859, 13.5, 0, 90, 0 ) basecol = createColCircle ( 1728.8000488281, -1378.0999755859, 13.5, 7 ) function openbase_area69gates ( thePlayer ) if not getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then return end -- if the hit element isn't a player then cancel .. local acc = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) -- get the player account if isGuestAccount(acc) then return end -- if it is a guest account then cancel local accName = getAccountName(acc) -- get the account name if not accName then return end -- if didn't got it then cancel local gang = exports [ 'ROADgang' ]:getAccountGang (accName) --changed source to client (for safety reasons) -- if ( gang and tostring(gang) == "SWAT" ) then moveObject ( basegate, 5000, 1728.8000488281, -1378.0999755859, 0 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", basecol, openbase_area69gates ) function closebase_area69gates(thePlayer) if not getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then return end -- if the hit element isn't a player then cancel .. local acc = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) -- get the player account if isGuestAccount(acc) then return end -- if it is a guest account then cancel local accName = getAccountName(acc) -- get the account name if not accName then return end -- if didn't got it then cancel local gang = exports [ 'ROADgang' ]:getAccountGang (accName) --changed source to client (for safety reasons) -- if ( gang and tostring(gang) == "SWAT" ) then moveObject (basegate, 5000, 1728.8000488281, -1378.0999755859, 13.5 ) end end addEventHandler( "onColShapeLeave", basecol, closebase_area69gates )
  13. addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() outputChatBox('Press F2 To Open Shop Window By x1ABooDx',[size=6]getRootElement()[/size],255,255,0) end)
  14. try to update : sudo aptitude update then apt-get install build-essential automake libtool libcurl4-openssl-dev libpcre3-dev libsqlite3-dev libreadline5-dev subversion libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libsparsehash-dev libmysqlclient-dev
  15. 'getVehicleDoorState' returns 'Shut,intact,Ajar,damaged,missing' i think this function will do the magic ..
  16. وهو فيه أحد ضربك على يدك قالك لاتنام ولا تسكر عيونك
  17. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=2984 this resource is supposed to do that , but i don't think it works anymore ..
  18. Using getRootElement() will trigger the event for all players .. function addPlayerZombieKills(killer) local account = getPlayerAccount(killer) if isGuestAccount(account) then return end local zombieKills = getAccountData(account,"Zombie kills") or 0 setAccountData(account,"Zombie kills",tonumber(zombieKills)+1) if getElementData(killer, "Zombie kills") == 5 then triggerClientEvent ( killer,"achievement", killer ) end end
  19. he want to make : from : '2 + 2' to : 2 + 2 something like un-string
  20. It won't work without tonumber() .. what the point of convert it to integer since the port is already integer lol you need it only if you are put the port using command because command will always return string and you need to convert it to integer number. isn't he trying to do a command ?
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