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Everything posted by Al3grab

  1. To anyone searching for a scripter in this forum : viewtopic.php?f=91&t=26541
  2. well , my server and other servers has been hacked from "resourcebrowser" and i dont know how he did it !
  3. maybe "onClientProjectileCreation" getProjectileCreator
  4. or you could function play (x,y,z,thePlayer) play = playSound3D('http://stream.electroradio.ch:26630/listen.pls', x,y,z) attachElements(play,thePlayer) setSoundVolume(play, 10) setSoundMaxDistance(play, 100) end addEvent("play", true) addEventHandler("play", getRootElement(), play) server: function play2 (thePlayer) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) triggerClientEvent ( "play", getRootElement(), x,y,z ,thePlayer) end addCommandHandler("play", play2)
  5. they hack servers using resourcebrowser .. xx.xx.xx.xx:22003/resourcebrowser and somehow they go over the firewall , this happened to me when i was on delux-host , so you need to remove resourcebrowser from the default resources @ server config to be more safe
  6. Al3grab

    WTF ! .. xD

    hi , this server have 1000/999 players and there is only 2 players
  7. yes i know that but when i try to set the next map with another gm like mine or any other gm the set next map button disabled and i cant click on it , so i think i should do something in the gm to make it compatible with it Edit1 : ok , i will see it now thx Edit2 : couldn't make it work , i think i will make my own next map system
  8. Hi , now i am setting up for my own gm , so i was wondering how the 'Set Next Map' button works , and how could i use it in my gm so if the map ends the next map starts , i checked the map cycler and map manager wiki page and there is no information about it example in race gm , its working :
  9. Al3grab


    is InfoPanel the resource name or a folder inside the resource ?
  10. Al3grab

    Error ???

    you dont need the [k] here charLabel[1] = guiCreateLabel(5,0,100,15,character[k],false,charPane[k]) charLabel[2] = guiCreateLabel(5,0,100,15,"Something",false,charPane[k]) charLabel[3] = guiCreateLabel(5,0,100,15,"Something",false,charPane[k]) for i,v in ipairs ( charLabel ) do guiSetFont(v, "default-bold-small") end end
  11. getDistanceBetweenPoints3D
  12. interstate69 GM have weapons on vehicles
  13. you can make it with gui with the same idea
  14. maybe : function noChat( msg,messageType ) if messageType == 0 then local canChat = getElementData(source,"canChat") if not canChat then if not tCounts[ source ] then tCounts[ source ] = 0 end if tCounts[ source ] ~= Max then tCounts[ source ] = tCounts[ source ] + 1 outputChatBox( "Sorry you cant use this chat, use team chat", source, 255, 0, 0 ) if isTimer( tTimerInterv[ source ] ) then killTimer( tTimerInterv[ source ] ) end tTimerInterv[ source ] = setTimer( function( player ) tCounts[ player ] = 0 end, interv*1000, 1,source ) else if not isPlayerMuted( source ) then setPlayerMuted( source,true ) outputChatBox( "Sorry you are muted For Flooding !", source, 255, 0, 0 ) if isTimer( tTimer[ source ] ) then killTimer( tTimer[ source ] ) end tTimer[ source ] = setTimer( function( player ) outputChatBox( "You are unmuted dont Try Flood in Chat !", player, 255, 0, 0 ) setPlayerMuted( player,false ) tCounts[ player ] = 0 end, Time*1000, 1,source ) end end cancelEvent( ) end end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerChat", root, noChat ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit", root, function( ) tTimerInterv[ source ] = nil tTimer[ source ] = nil tCounts[ source ] = nil end ) addCommandHandler("canChat",function(me,c,him,state) local him = getPlayerFromName(him) if him and state then setElementData(him,"canChat",state) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(him).. " chat state has been set to "..state) end end ) use command /canChat
  15. function setH(plr) local myVeh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(plr) call (getResourceFromName("hedit"),"importVehicleHandling",myVeh,'1600.0 2200.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.05 70 0.50 0.8 0.70 5 300.0 33.0 16.0 F P 5.4 0.90 1 45.0 0.95 0.14 0.0 0.80 -0.10 0.5 -0.7 0.00 0.00 19000 0 0 0 3 0') end addCommandHandler("set",setH)
  16. there is a resource changing the color of your text ( probably freeroam ) , stop it and try again
  17. they are doing the best they can , cant you show some respect ?
  18. hi , i know them .. [HD]kSA~S3D~~[Hajwalah^7rb~falah]~S3D~KSA[HD]/999~b7~GTA AR~~al3grb... this server don't belong to their site , the server owner only uses the tag to get more visitors ..
  19. i know all this setElementModel for one skin like this triggerServerEvent ("skin", getLocalPlayer()) addEvent( "skin", true ) function setSkin () setElementModel ( source, 46 ) end addEventHandler ( "skin", getRootElement(), setSkin ) but setElementModel with all skin when Button go right and lift any help -- Client Side triggerServerEvent ("skin", getLocalPlayer(),getElementModel (getLocalPlayer())) -- Server Side addEvent( "skin", true ) function setSkin (theSkin) if not theSkin then theSkin = math.random(0,100) end setElementModel ( source, theSkin ) end addEventHandler ( "skin", getRootElement(), setSkin )
  20. everything seems to be good , make sure you have the latest Admin panel version [ mtasa-resources-r827.zip : http://code.google.com/p/mtasa-resource ... p&can=2&q= ]
  21. is they are in the same side ?
  22. hi , i got the same error here , and i really like the new update for the function list but it still got one problem .. the search is not working , and i like the resource zipper it's going to be very useful . Keep the good work
  23. functions are case sensitive , getPlayerNameTagColor = getPlayerNametagColor addCommandHandler( "bye", function ( chatterName, cmd ) -- removed function name from here , because you dont use it inside command handler local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor( chatterName ) -- and why source is here ? , source should be the player who entered the command local chatterName = getPlayerName ( chatterName ) outputChatBox ( chatterName..":#FFFFFFwould like to say Bye Everyone!", getRootElement(), r, g, b, true ) -- messages have to be in "string" end ) -- you have to close the command handler
  24. note that myped is only for example , you have to do the same with your ped . good luck then
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