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Everything posted by dark_vegeta2003

  1. WARNING SPOILER! 10 - Body Armor 20 - Chainsaw 30 - Python 40 - Flame-Thrower 50 - Laser Scope Sniper Rifle 60 - Minigun 70 - Rocket Launcher 80 - Sea Sparrow 90 - Rhino 100 - Hunter & $100000 for the list of all hidden packages: http://www.gamewinners.com/playstation2 ... City-a.htm (the map) http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file ... ckages.txt (read only) is that enough?
  2. the most people are german or swedish so they don't know what you say.
  3. dark_vegeta2003


    its a dutch page but i am happy that i am dutch. LOL :lol:Q! http://www.gtaplanet.net . yeah your own page. smart!
  4. the steps if it doesn't work 1) Start GTA Launcher 2) Start GTA3 MP 3) Choice New Game then the first text. 4) you see the credits right? press ALT+Tab or Ctrl+Tab (i dont know wich it was) 5) Start ASE 6) Choice a server 7) enter your nickname note: some server give some errors try it again then 8 ) press Send Game Request and select GTAIII in your tray 9) have phun
  5. i don't know what you mean. server problems? then folow this... download ASE (All Seeing Eye). the link will be here... http://www.udpsoft.com/eye2/index.html after installing go to File|Setup Wizard|Next||Next|Next|Not Installed|GTA3:MTA|Next|Complete thats all. then Refresh and choice a server. Hope this helps and have fun
  6. ahh ghost town! somewhere near Shoreside Vallay
  7. dark_vegeta2003


    i got a free acount. does it work with free versions?
  8. the new movie sucks! and you need to wait for the third one to to see the end! this one is just a introducion movie of number 3.
  9. LOL! let's create a other section called "Mindless posters".
  10. download a savefile just i do. download one with 100% complete game. but i dont give ya the link. cheating is weak.
  11. i think you installed a bad mod. or don't use Console programs.
  12. i use a DBZ skin and everyone becomes it to. but the other ones stay the same default skin. so its impossible[/img]
  13. the admin console doesn't work sometimes. my car is going flying if i get in the car. hey.. wait. i have a idea. flying helicopter cars mod 0.0!
  14. someone knows a good manual to upload phpbb2 on your site? i have problems with it so i need help. Thanks
  15. i downloaded the movie hey Black Dragon... you found a kickass movie. the sound track is verry cool.
  16. on http://www.codenamegta3.co.uk/show_file.asp?ID=439. but if you use MTA much. then don't download this mod.
  17. ok i try 800x600. i only use 1024x or higher since i have the Geforce 3. but... il try. thnx everyone for the tips.
  18. I am a bit confused there's a Blokker and Blokker_1999 wich one is the real?
  19. dark_vegeta2003


    hope you find a better one. The one with that mike mounth is funny. take that one.
  20. Its looking great! features: Domain (http://www.domain.com) or subdomain (http://subdomain.neopages.net) hosting (You may also create a subdomain at: neominds.net, neoartists.net, neosurge.net, or neoburn.net 50 Megabyes (upgradable to max of 100 megs by request) CGI (Perl) Support (with CGI Wrap already enabled) PHP 4.3.1 Support mySQL database 3 POP/FTP Account Image Magick Installed E-Mail forwarding True FTP Account Site Admin Control Panel 5 Gigs bandwidth/month (Upgradeable to 10 gigs a month by request) Great support in our support forums!
  21. The site is OK. i dont have problems with the speed. maybe i am a newbie here but i always visit the site everyday and the forum too.
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