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Everything posted by dark_vegeta2003

  1. sonic game on a grand theft auto forum? whats next Rayman goes UT2003?
  2. This is a Grand Theft Auto forum not an Half-Life forum
  3. I found some realy cool files for gtaIII. I have found some MGS skins and weapon. I give you all some links... 1) for the Grey Fox model go to http://www.codenamegta3.co.uk/show_file.asp?ID=554 2) For Solid Snake Model go to http://www.codenamegta3.co.uk/show_file.asp?ID=566 3) For the Kantana for Grey Fox go to http://www.codenamegta3.co.uk/show_file.asp?ID=538 Thats all i will give DBZ later. GREETZ DARK_VEGETA2003
  4. i reinstalled VC much. you will keep your savefiles and mp3`s. but you need to install all your mods again.
  5. is there coming "gta 1 on vice city" "gta vice city one gta2" "gta 2 on gta 4" "gta 3 on gta 1" 'gta 1 + gta 3 on vice city"??????? LOL
  6. someone want my multiplayer mod muhahahaha
  7. Wich mod? whats the download page !!!! Double thnx!
  8. Ahhh. i know that launch place. Groovy man groovy
  9. where you talking about? i only see 5 tools.
  10. where are those strange people from? whats funny? uhhhh....
  11. 13) kill those @#@#$!!!! players! 14) scream aloud... GROOVY MAN! IAM THE BEST! 15) be kicked out of the server
  12. Wich is better... A vice city mod or Multiplayer mod? i think both. You?
  13. looks good. better a vice city mod then a full game with a high price
  14. somebody got a idea to make a Matrix mod for gtaIII?
  15. i only make Morrowind mods not GTA
  16. WOW! This realy kicks! i have seen the screenshots and it is.... GREAT! iam now bussy with downloading and il try it.
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