Still the same error message on debug3 showing
Client :
local gRoot = getRootElement() local g_Root = gRoot local gMe = getLocalPlayer() local gResourceRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) local theRamps = {} addEvent ( "vehicleramps_SpawnRamp", true ) addEventHandler ( "vehicleramps_SpawnRamp", gRoot, function ( mode, returnedData ) --outputChatBox ( "A RAMP WAS MADE BY " .. getPlayerName(source) ) if ( theRamps[source] ) then --outputChatBox ( "Destroying the ramps table" ) destroyElement(theRamps[source]) theRamps[source] = false end local parentUnit = createElement("myRamps" .. getPlayerID(source)) theRamps[source] = parentUnit if ( mode == "1" ) then if ( #returnedData == 6 ) then spawnRamp ( source, returnedData[1], returnedData[2], returnedData[3], returnedData[4], returnedData[5], returnedData[6], 1632 ) end elseif ( mode == "1s" ) then spawnRamp ( source, returnedData[1], returnedData[2], returnedData[3], 0, 0, 0, 1632 ) spawnRamp ( source, returnedData[4], returnedData[5], returnedData[6], 0, 0, 90, 1632 ) spawnRamp ( source, returnedData[7], returnedData[8], returnedData[9], 0, 0, 180, 1632 ) spawnRamp ( source, returnedData[10], returnedData[11], returnedData[12], 0, 0, 270, 1632 ) elseif ( mode == "2" ) then if ( #returnedData == 9 ) then spawnRamp ( source, returnedData[1], returnedData[2], returnedData[3], returnedData[7], returnedData[8], returnedData[9], 1632 ) spawnRamp ( source, returnedData[4], returnedData[5], returnedData[6], returnedData[7], returnedData[8], returnedData[9], 1632 ) end elseif ( mode == "3" ) then if ( #returnedData == 9 ) then local thisRamp = spawnRamp ( source, returnedData[1], returnedData[2], returnedData[3], returnedData[7], returnedData[8], returnedData[9], 1632 ) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation ( thisRamp ) spawnRamp ( source, returnedData[4], returnedData[5], returnedData[6], rx + 22, returnedData[8], returnedData[9], 1632 ) end elseif ( mode == "5" ) then if ( #returnedData == 6 ) then spawnRamp ( source, returnedData[1], returnedData[2], returnedData[3], 0, 0, returnedData[6], 13592 ) end elseif ( mode == "6" ) then if ( #returnedData == 6 ) then spawnRamp ( source, returnedData[1], returnedData[2], returnedData[3], 0, 0, returnedData[6], 13641 ) end elseif ( mode == "custom" ) then if ( #returnedData == 7 ) then spawnRamp ( source, returnedData[1], returnedData[2], returnedData[3], 0, 0, returnedData[6], returnedData[7] ) end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", gResourceRoot, function(name) --outputChatBox ( "Client Script Started" ) outputChatBox ( "Client Script Started" ) bindKey ( "1", "down", workOutRamps, 1 ) bindKey ( "2", "down", workOutRamps, 2 ) bindKey ( "3", "down", workOutRamps, 3 ) bindKey ( "5", "down", workOutRamps, 5 ) bindKey ( "6", "down", workOutRamps, 6 ) end) function workOutRamps(mode) local playerVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) if ( playerVehicle ) then local PV = getVehicleController(playerVehicle) if ( PV ~= getLocalPlayer() ) then outputChatBox ( "Your not the driver!" ) return end if ( theRamps[gMe] ) then --outputChatBox ( "Destroying the ramps table" ) destroyElement(theRamps[gMe]) theRamps[gMe] = false end local parentUnit = createElement("myRamps" .. getPlayerID(gMe)) theRamps[gMe] = parentUnit local distance = 20 local returnedData = {} local vehX, vehY, vZ = getElementPosition(playerVehicle) local rotX, rotY, rotZ = getElementRotation(playerVehicle) if ( mode == "1" ) then if ( getKeyState("lshift") ) then local ramp1X, ramp1Y = vehX + distance*math.cos(math.rad(rotZ+90)), vehY + distance*math.sin(math.rad(rotZ+130)) local ramp1Z = getGroundForCoords(ramp1X, ramp1Y, vZ) local ramp2X, ramp2Y = ramp1X+5.5, ramp1Y --vehX + distance*math.cos(math.rad(rotZ+74.5)), vehY + distance*math.sin(math.rad(rotZ+90)) local ramp2Z = ramp1Z --getGroundForCoords(ramp2X, ramp2Y, vZ) local ramp3X, ramp3Y = ramp1X, ramp1Y+5.5 --vehX + distance*math.cos(math.rad(rotZ+90)), vehY + distance*math.sin(math.rad(rotZ+90)) + 5.5 local ramp3Z = ramp1Z --getGroundForCoords(ramp3X, ramp3Y, vZ) local ramp4X, ramp4Y = ramp1X-5.5, ramp1Y --vehX + distance*math.cos(math.rad(rotZ+90)) - 5.5, vehY + distance*math.sin(math.rad(rotZ+90)) local ramp4Z = ramp1Z --getGroundForCoords(ramp4X, ramp4Y, vZ) ramp1Y = ramp1Y - 5.5 returnedData[1] = ramp1X returnedData[2] = ramp1Y returnedData[3] = ramp1Z + 1 returnedData[4] = ramp2X returnedData[5] = ramp2Y returnedData[6] = ramp2Z + 1 returnedData[7] = ramp3X returnedData[8] = ramp3Y returnedData[9] = ramp3Z + 1 returnedData[10] = ramp4X returnedData[11] = ramp4Y returnedData[12] = ramp4Z + 1 spawnRamp ( gMe, returnedData[1], returnedData[2], returnedData[3], 0, 0, 0, 1632 ) spawnRamp ( gMe, returnedData[4], returnedData[5], returnedData[6], 0, 0, 90, 1632 ) spawnRamp ( gMe, returnedData[7], returnedData[8], returnedData[9], 0, 0, 180, 1632 ) spawnRamp ( gMe, returnedData[10], returnedData[11], returnedData[12], 0, 0, 270, 1632 ) triggerServerEvent ( "vehicleramps_PlayerSpawnedRamp", getLocalPlayer(), mode .. "s", returnedData ) setElementPosition ( playerVehicle, ramp1X, ramp1Y, ramp1Z+3 ) setElementRotation ( playerVehicle, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementVelocity ( playerVehicle, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementVelocity ( playerVehicle, 0, 0, 0 ) else local ramp1X, ramp1Y = vehX + distance*math.cos(math.rad(rotZ+90)), vehY + distance*math.sin(math.rad(rotZ+90)) local ramp1Z = getGroundForCoords(ramp1X, ramp1Y, vZ) if ( doneOnce ) then if ( lastx == ramp1X ) then if ( lasty == ramp1Y ) then ramp1Z = ramp1Z - 0.78579690039 end else doneOnce = false end else doneOnce = true end lastx = ramp1X lasty = ramp1Y returnedData[1] = ramp1X returnedData[2] = ramp1Y returnedData[3] = ramp1Z + 1 returnedData[4] = rotX returnedData[5] = rotY returnedData[6] = rotZ spawnRamp ( gMe, returnedData[1], returnedData[2], returnedData[3], returnedData[4], returnedData[5], returnedData[6], 1632 ) triggerServerEvent ( "vehicleramps_PlayerSpawnedRamp", getLocalPlayer(), mode, returnedData ) end elseif ( mode == "2" ) then local ramp1X, ramp1Y = vehX + distance*math.cos(math.rad(rotZ+83)), vehY + distance*math.sin(math.rad(rotZ+83)) local ramp2X, ramp2Y = vehX + distance*math.cos(math.rad(rotZ+95)), vehY + distance*math.sin(math.rad(rotZ+95)) local ramp1Z = getGroundForCoords(ramp1X, ramp1Y, vZ) local ramp2Z = getGroundForCoords(ramp1X, ramp1Y, vZ) if ( doneOnce ) then if ( lastx == ramp1X ) then if ( lasty == ramp1Y ) then ramp1Z = ramp1Z - 0.78579690039 end else doneOnce = false end else doneOnce = true end lastx = ramp1X lasty = ramp1Y returnedData[1] = ramp1X returnedData[2] = ramp1Y returnedData[3] = ramp1Z + 1 returnedData[4] = ramp2X returnedData[5] = ramp2Y returnedData[6] = ramp2Z + 1 returnedData[7] = rotX returnedData[8] = rotY returnedData[9] = rotZ spawnRamp ( gMe, returnedData[1], returnedData[2], returnedData[3], returnedData[7], returnedData[8], returnedData[9], 1632 ) spawnRamp ( gMe, returnedData[4], returnedData[5], returnedData[6], returnedData[7], returnedData[8], returnedData[9], 1632 ) triggerServerEvent ( "vehicleramps_PlayerSpawnedRamp", getLocalPlayer(), mode, returnedData ) elseif ( mode == "3" ) then local ramp1X, ramp1Y = vehX + distance*math.cos(math.rad(rotZ+90)), vehY + distance*math.sin(math.rad(rotZ+90)) local ramp2X, ramp2Y = vehX + (distance+5)*math.cos(math.rad(rotZ+90)), vehY + (distance+5)*math.sin(math.rad(rotZ+90)) local ramp1Z = getGroundForCoords(ramp1X, ramp1Y, vZ) local ramp2Z = getGroundForCoords(ramp1X, ramp1Y, vZ) if ( doneOnce ) then if ( lastx == ramp1X ) then if ( lasty == ramp1Y ) then ramp1Z = ramp1Z - 0.78579690039 end else doneOnce = false end else doneOnce = true end lastx = ramp1X lasty = ramp1Y returnedData[1] = ramp1X returnedData[2] = ramp1Y returnedData[3] = ramp1Z + 1 returnedData[4] = ramp2X returnedData[5] = ramp2Y returnedData[6] = ramp2Z + 4.5 returnedData[7] = rotX returnedData[8] = rotY returnedData[9] = rotZ local thisRamp = spawnRamp ( gMe, returnedData[1], returnedData[2], returnedData[3], returnedData[7], returnedData[8], returnedData[9], 1632 ) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation ( thisRamp ) spawnRamp ( gMe, returnedData[4], returnedData[5], returnedData[6], rx + 22, returnedData[8], returnedData[9], 1632 ) triggerServerEvent ( "vehicleramps_PlayerSpawnedRamp", getLocalPlayer(), mode, returnedData ) elseif ( mode == "5" ) then local ramp1X, ramp1Y = vehX + distance*math.cos(math.rad(rotZ+90)), vehY + distance*math.sin(math.rad(rotZ+115)) local ramp1Z = getGroundForCoords(ramp1X, ramp1Y, vZ) if ( doneOnce ) then if ( lastx == ramp1X ) then if ( lasty == ramp1Y ) then ramp1Z = ramp1Z - 0.78579690039 end else doneOnce = false end else doneOnce = true end lastx = ramp1X lasty = ramp1Y returnedData[1] = ramp1X returnedData[2] = ramp1Y returnedData[3] = ramp1Z + 9 returnedData[4] = rotX returnedData[5] = rotY returnedData[6] = rotZ - 90 spawnRamp ( gMe, returnedData[1], returnedData[2], returnedData[3], 0, 0, returnedData[6], 13592 ) triggerServerEvent ( "vehicleramps_PlayerSpawnedRamp", getLocalPlayer(), mode, returnedData ) elseif ( mode == "6" ) then local ramp1X, ramp1Y = vehX + distance*math.cos(math.rad(rotZ+90)), vehY + distance*math.sin(math.rad(rotZ+90)) local ramp1Z = getGroundForCoords(ramp1X, ramp1Y, vZ) if ( doneOnce ) then if ( lastx == ramp1X ) then if ( lasty == ramp1Y ) then ramp1Z = ramp1Z - 0.78579690039 end else doneOnce = false