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Everything posted by JR10
Umm, you need a table with the teams and the coordinates. here: local teamsTable = { [ "teamName1" ] = { spawnX , spawnY , spawnZ } , [ "teamName2" ] = { spawnX , spawnY , spawnZ } , [ "teamName3" ] = { spawnX , spawnY , spawnZ } } addEvent ( "onPlayerChooseTeam" , true ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChooseTeam" , root , function ( teamName ) local team = getTeamFromName ( teamName ) setPlayerTeam ( source , team ) local spawnX , spawnY , spawnZ = unpack ( teamsTable [ teamName ] ) spawnPlayer ( source , spawnX , spawnY , spawnZ ) end )
There is no much people can help you, because not every one tried SlothBot. Wait for Slothman.
Because it's hexColor not hexcolor function hideJack(player,command,who,...) local targetPlayer = getPlayerFromName ( who ) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor ( player ) local hexColor = string.format ( "#%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b ) if targetPlayer then local message = table.concat({...}, " ") outputChatBox(getPlayerName(targetPlayer )..""..hexColor..":"..message ,root,255,255,255,true) end end addCommandHandler("yaziasda",hideJack)
addCommandHandler("register", function(player, cmd, name, password) local account = addAccount(name, password) if account then outputChatBox("Thank you " .. getPlayerName(player) .. ", you're now registed, you can login with /login",player) end end)
Will, it's .com not .co.uk wiki.multitheftauto.com
server: function bulletexplosion (hitX, hitY, hitZ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup ( "FGMembers" ) ) then createExplosion ( hitX, hitY, hitZ, 2 ) end end addEvent("bulletboom",true) addEventHandler("bulletboom",getRootElement(),bulletexplosion) This will check for the player's account name, if it's in FGMembers it should work, if he's in FGMembers.
What is this?? It stays invisible because there is no code to create it back, it won't create itself back. here: iv = 0 function toggleInvis( source ) if iv == 0 then iv = 1 setPlayerNametagShowing(source, false) setElementAlpha(source, 0) destroyBlipAttachedTo(source) else iv = 0 setPlayerNametagShowing(source, true) setElementAlpha(source, 255) --createBlipAttachedTo(source, arguments ... ) end end function destroyBlipAttachedTo(player) for id, attachedElement in ipairs(getAttachedElements(player)) do if getElementType(attachedElement) == "blip" then destroyElement(attachedElement) end end end addCommandHandler ( "invisible", toggleInvis)
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", root, function ( button ) if button == "left" then if source == send then local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( teamsList ) local teamName = guiGridListGetItemText ( teamsList, row, col ) triggerServerEvent ( "onPlayerChooseTeam", getLocalPlayer(), teamName ) end end end) server: addEvent ( "onPlayerChooseTeam" , true ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChooseTeam" , root , function ( teamName ) local team = getTeamFromName ( teamName ) setPlayerTeam ( source , team ) end )
Oh. Alright: local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor ( player ) local hexColor = string.format ( "#%02X%02X%02X", r, b, b ) outputChatBox ( hexColor.."golkalpfirat: #FFFFFF"..message, 0, 0, 0, true )
The resource ratings is actually a shock to me, didn't expect it to be in the "top rated resources" It been the first for short time, bone_attach took the first and kept it, now it's the 2nd.
You mean timer between for robb.? this line: robbank = setTimer( robb, 10000, 1, source ) 10000 is the amount of time in Milliseconds. (1000 ms = 1 second)
It's onClientGUIClick not OnClientGUIClick.
No, it's not. It was a wrong method already, but I was trying to fix your code.
Then you are not in FGMembers. Or you are using a different name from your account name: server: function bulletexplosion (hitX, hitY, hitZ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup ( "FGMembers" ) ) then createExplosion ( hitX, hitY, hitZ, 2 ) end end addEvent("bulletboom",true) addEventHandler("bulletboom",getRootElement(),bulletexplosion)
Not laughing, dude, look at the last post's date. PM him, it's too old.
server: function bulletexplosion (hitX, hitY, hitZ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getPlayerName(source), aclGetGroup ( "FGMembers" ) ) then createExplosion ( hitX, hitY, hitZ, 2 ) end end addEvent("bulletboom",true) addEventHandler("bulletboom",getRootElement(),bulletexplosion) client: function weaponfired (weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitElement ) triggerServerEvent ("bulletboom", source, hitX, hitY, hitZ ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", root, weaponfired )
DUDE, what in the world is this. Here: server: function bulletexplosion (hitX, hitY, hitZ) createExplosion ( hitX, hitY, hitZ, 2 ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function ( _, acc ) local accName = getAccountName ( acc ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getPlayerName(source), aclGetGroup ( "FGMembers" ) ) then addEvent("bulletboom",true) addEventHandler("bulletboom",getRootElement(),bulletexplosion) end end ) client: function weaponfired (weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitElement ) triggerServerEvent ("bulletboom", source, hitX, hitY, hitZ ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", root, weaponfired )