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Everything posted by JR10

  1. policeVehicles = { [416]=true,[574]=true, [433]=true, [427]=true, [490]=true, [528]=true, [407]=true, [544]=true, [523]=true, [470]=true, [598]=true, [596]=true, [597]=true, [599]=true, [432]=true, [601]=true, [428]=true, [497]=true, [510]=true, [564]=true} function enterVehicle (loss) if ( not policeVehicles[getElementModel(source)] ) then blip = createBlipAttachedTo ( source, 55, 1 ) elseif ( policeVehicles[getElementModel(source)] ) then outputChatBox ( "#FF0000Crook Escaped!", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleDamage", getRootElement(), enterVehicle )
  2. local windowWidth , windowHeight = 400 , 400 local screenX , screenY = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local left , top = screenX / 2 - windowWidth / 2 , screenY / 2 - windowHeight / 2 guiCreateWindow ( left , top , windowWidth , windowHeight , "Window" , false )
  3. Where is team1survivers and team2survivers defined.
  4. JR10

    skin shop

    Fill the gridlist with the skins, and onClick, get the selected item text, and set the skin to it. Try doing that yourself, if you can't maybe take a look at this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... Tutorial_1
  5. if team1survivers > team2survivers then The two variables are not defined. Post the full code.
  6. He doesn't mean Scripting forum, we don't accept requests. You are not going to find someone that will edit it for you for free.
  7. if team1survivers > team2survivers then triggerClientEvent("playSomeSound", getRootElement(), "sounds/team1.ogg") local alltheplayers = getElementsByType("player") for index, thisplayer in ipairs(alltheplayers) do textDisplayAddObserver( redwinsdisplay, thisplayer ) end local teampoints = getElementData ( team1, "Score" ) setElementData ( team1, "Score", teampoints+1 ) end if team2survivers > team1survivers then triggerClientEvent("playSomeSound", getRootElement(), "team2.mp3") local alltheplayers = getElementsByType("player") for index, thisplayer in ipairs(alltheplayers) do textDisplayAddObserver( bluewinsdisplay, thisplayer ) end end
  8. Add it again with lower case letters, or just change it to lower case.
  9. If you found it, then it works. What a question.
  10. English only. I don't know spanish, any way.
  11. Dude, Those 2 compilers, compile directories, which contains several lua files, if that is not what you want, then explain better.
  12. Edit your code? It's outputChatBox not OutputChatBox.
  13. The two I posted allow you to compile a directory, containing scripts.
  14. JR10

    please fix

    I tested his GUI, it's correct and it showed up. But something is wrong, with triggerClientEvent.
  15. Holsten, it's the same, with some changes like the wrong OutputChatBox.
  16. There is an argument for it, Alpha in createMarker.
  17. JR10

    please fix

    That wasn't the problem, I tried it client side, without anything, the GUI showed. But using triggerClientEvent, server side, it didn't work, for some reason.
  18. I don't get you. LUAC GUI (Lua Compiler) by FabienWang File or Directory Compiler GUI by xtreamlua.com (found & tested by Ransom)
  19. JR10

    please fix

    Qaisjp, you just wrote another addEvent on top. Did you take my code again?
  20. JR10

    please fix

    Copy my code again. And use /debugscript 3
  21. JR10

    please fix

    It's triggerClientEvent not triggerEvent. local markerTGB = createMarker(495.71051025391,-75.590278625488,997.7578125,"cylinder",1,255,0,0) setElementInterior (markerTGB, 11) function markerTGBhit( hitElement ) triggerClientEvent ( hitElement , "onSpecialEvent", hitElement, "test" ) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", markerTGB, markerTGBhit )
  22. No one insulted you, but this forum is for helping you ... with your code. Not making you one, or giving you one we made. Stop saying you don't have time, because you do, you ask too much for a guy that doesn't have time.
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