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Everything posted by JR10

  1. car mod: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=2887 car mod: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=2885 skin mod: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=2886
  2. That's not true. ! 9: attempt to call global 'addCommandHandler' (a nil value) Eh.
  3. I meant try stopping freeroam, see if it's solved.
  4. You need to check the Server_Manual In a client side .lua file, and of course add it to the meta.xml, Resources, Meta.xml About chat colors, I remember something about freeroam resource blocking color codes, not sure though, I can't find that topic through search, try stopping freeroam resource.
  5. getRootElement is not for that at all. And yea use getLocalPlayer client side. Read what I said again.
  6. What? Define player? Player is sometimes defined by default as source in some events like onPlayerjoin, and as an argument in some events like onPickupHit. Or you can define it by name: local player = getPlayerFromName ( "irinel" )
  7. I suggest you stick to the wiki, so you can know what you are doing. /fly? Use the superman script: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=220 /water? cars drive on water? here: setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "hovercars" , true ) There is RGB colors argument in outputChatBox And the dxscoreboard: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=419
  8. The prize for seeker works as following, the distance between the assignment marker and the briefcase is multiplied by 15, which can be edited in j-jobs.settings.server.lua. Don't you have "interiors" resource? Start it.
  9. Nice design, good job. You're welcome.
  10. Version 2.0.1 Released, check the first page.
  11. I tested it on 1.0.5 and 1.1, and it worked fine, did you change the name or anything?
  12. JR10


    I said might not, I don't know whether it will work or not.
  13. JR10


    This function returns the row and colum indexes of the selected item in a grid list. -- CLIENT-SIDE ONLY function radioSt() guiSetVisible(radio, not guiGetVisible(radio)) showCursor(not isCursorShowing()) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",background,function() guiMoveToBack(background) end,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",play, function() if (guiGridListGetItemText (stations, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(stations)) == guiGridListGetItemText(stations,1,1)) then playSound("http://www.flow935.com/live/") end end,false) end You better outputDebugString because the URL might not work.
  14. I'm using this, it's friendly. Anyway, I want when it's done compiling to inform me of that. And perhaps an option to delete .bak Thanks.
  15. function showintro1() fadeCamera(root,false,1 ) setTimer(fadeCamera,1000,1,root,true,5 ) setTimer(start,1500,1) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource () ),showintro1) function start() for index, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementFrozen(player, true) end setCameraMatrix(root,815,-1284.33,7.33,-40000,0,00) anchor1 = createPed(57,808.0,-1285.66,6.27) anchor2 = createPed(219,808.0,-1284.11,6.27) anchor3 = createPed(187,808.0,-1282.50,6.27) setPedFrozen(anchor1,true) setPedFrozen(anchor2,true) setPedFrozen(anchor3,true) setElementRotation(anchor1,0,0,270) setElementRotation(anchor2,0,0,270) setElementRotation(anchor3,0,0,270) setTimer(anims,1000,1) end function anims() setPedAnimation( anchor1,"INT_OFFICE", "OFF_Sit_Idle_Loop",5000,false,false,false) setPedAnimation( anchor2,"INT_OFFICE", "OFF_Sit_Idle_Loop",5000,false,false,false) setPedAnimation( anchor3,"INT_OFFICE", "OFF_Sit_Idle_Loop",5000,false,false,false) setTimer(floodmess,3000,1) end function floodmess() setPedAnimation( anchor2 ) setPedAnimation( anchor2,"GANGS", "prtial_gngtlkC",5000,false,false,false) triggerClientEvent(root,"flood1",root) setTimer(bye,4000,1) setTimer(beach,9000,1) end function bye() setPedAnimation( anchor1,"GANGS", "hndshkda",5000,false,false,false) setPedAnimation( anchor2,"GANGS", "hndshkaa",5000,false,false,false) setPedAnimation( anchor3,"GANGS", "hndshkba",5000,false,false,false) setTimer(anims1,4000,1) end function anims1() setPedAnimation( anchor1,"INT_OFFICE", "OFF_Sit_Idle_Loop",5000,false,false,false) setPedAnimation( anchor2,"INT_OFFICE", "OFF_Sit_Idle_Loop",5000,false,false,false) setPedAnimation( anchor3,"INT_OFFICE", "OFF_Sit_Idle_Loop",5000,false,false,false) end function anims2() setPedAnimation(carla,"GANGS", "prtial_gngtlkC",5000,false,false,false) setPedAnimation(carla1,"ped", "WOMAN_runpanic",5000,true,true,false) setTimer(setPedAnimation,6000,1,carla) end function beach() setCameraMatrix(root,923.71,-1846.40,10.627,0,-10000,00) newsvan = createVehicle(582,925.06,-1851.71,10.2375) setVehicleRotation(newsvan,0,0,36) setVehicleColor(newsvan,106,106,106,106) carla = createPed(141,921.89,-1849.92,10.121) carla1 = createPed(245,910.39,-1857.66,9.75) setElementRotation(carla,0,0,353.53) setElementRotation(carla1,0,0,263) triggerClientEvent(root,"flood2",root) setRainLevel(1) setTimer(anims2,1000,1) setTimer(byebeach,8000,1) end function byebeach() destroyElement(carla1) destroyElement(carla) destroyElement(newsvan) triggerClientEvent(root,"flood3",root) setCameraMatrix(root,815,-1284.33,7.33,-40000,0,00) setTimer(anims1,1000,1) setTimer(bye,4000,1) setTimer(back,6000,1) end function back(source) triggerClientEvent(root,"flood4",root) resetRainLevel() fadeCamera(root,false,1 ) setTimer(fadeCamera,1000,1,root,true,5 ) setCameraTarget(root,source) setElementFrozen(source,false) local x, y , z = getElementPosition ( source ) setElementPosition ( source , x , y , z + 1) end
  16. JR10

    [Request] Scripters

    Well, It's unlikely you will get a scripter to work for you for free.
  17. local x , y , z = getElementPosition ( player ) setElementPosition ( player , x , y , z + 1 ) Sorry I suck at explaining.
  18. That's happened to me, I was doing something similar, and he falls. Freeze him, and then when you setCameraTarget unfreeze him, and move him up, z + 1.
  19. You can use it like that client side only. ( without specifying a player I mean ) You're welcome.
  20. It's playSoundFrontEnd. playSoundFrontEnd ( player , 0 ) There is a sound viewer on the community, will help you selecting the sound.
  21. I got virtual box, with windows xp. I installed guest additions. With Direct 3D support. And I get that message when I open MTA 1.1.
  22. addEvent("pushim", true) addEventHandler("pushim", rootElement, function(name) local player = getPlayerFromName(name) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) x,y,z = getElementVelocity(vehicle) setElementVelocity ( vehicle, x, y, z+0.30) outputChatBox("PRO|Admin Panel : Push " ..getPlayerName(player), getRootElement(), 255, 200, 0, true) end )
  23. server: addEvent("pushim", true) addEventHandler("pushim", rootElement, function(player) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) x,y,z = getElementVelocity(vehicle) setElementVelocity ( vehicle, x, y, z+0.30) outputChatBox("PRO|Admin Panel : Push " ..getPlayerName(player), getRootElement(), 255, 200, 0, true) end ) You are sending an argument containing the selected player, but you are not using it, you are using source, which is the player who is using the panel. And you don't need client argument @ triggerServerEvent ( "pushhim" ) function onGuiClick (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) if (source == botton1) then selectedPlayer = guiGridListGetItemText ( playersList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (playersList), 1 ) if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( playersList ) ~= -1 ) then triggerServerEvent ("pushim",getLocalPlayer(),selectedPlayer) else outputChatBox("No user selected \"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"Neutral\" />'", nil , 255, 0, 0, false) end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), onGuiClick)
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