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Everything posted by JR10

  1. Yeah, he's Dwayne "TheRock" Jhonson. Now enough about my avatar.
  2. Lol. It's "The rock" from WWE , as far i know
  3. Oh didn't watch the video, sorry then. Be more specific next time.
  4. JR10

    Changing Nick Spam !

    That will also work from the settings.
  5. You can also use the admin resource to modify the ACL ingame.
  6. JR10


    You can check an element's alpha by getElementAlpha And use function destroyBlipAttachedTo ( player ) local attached = getAttachedElements ( player ) if not attached then return end for index , attachedElement in pairs ( attached ) do if getElementType ( attachedElement ) == "blip" then destroyElement ( attachedElement ) end end end
  7. JR10

    Little Question

    What you're saying is not really apparent. If you mean getting an element, you can use getElementByID, but I don't recommend this, as you might have conflicts. So triggerServerEvent I think is the best way.
  8. JR10


    Post your ACL, you probably didn't add it correctly.
  9. JR10

    Newbie Needs Help

    Why do you hate it, it's where most of the scripters learned from.
  10. JR10

    Newbie Needs Help

    I didn't look carefully, I thought he wanted 'General Lua Help'.
  11. JR10

    Learning C++ and C#

    I'm learning c++ right now. But exams and life get in the way, I will have some free time soon. It's C++ only, right?
  12. JR10

    Newbie Needs Help

  13. JR10

    Objects bug?

    Well the status is still 'new', anyway it's reported.
  14. JR10

    Objects bug?

  15. JR10


    Is that server side or client side?
  16. JR10


    Why is there a guiGetScreenSize in the script? local enabled = true function getMarkerByHousenumber (housenumber) for i,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("marker")) do if (getElementData (v,"housenumber") == tonumber(housenumber)) then return v end end end bindKey( 'i', 'both', function( key, keyState ) if (keyState == 'down') then for k, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType( "marker", resourceRoot) do if (getElementData(v,"housenumber")) then createBlipAttachedTo( v, 31, 2, 255,0,0,255,100,500 ); end end else for k, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( "marker", resourceRoot) do for k, elem in ipairs( getAttachedElements( v ) ) do if (getElementType(elem)=="blip") then destroyElement(elem) end end end end end)
  17. JR10


    You can't get any support, sometimes your server just goes down for a couple of days. It actually sucks.
  18. Instead of 'NumberOfQuestions' use '#questions' Also lower the answers, so it won't be case sensitive.
  19. JR10


    Download the linux current release version 1.2. Upload the server files to your server.
  20. I'm not sure if this is what you mean: dxGetFontHeight dxGetTextWidth
  21. JR10


    This is wrong. Client side: function lowHealth() if getElementHealth ( source ) <= 10 then playSound("sounds/heart.mp3",false) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, lowHealth )
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