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Everything posted by JR10

  1. JR10

    Help pls.

    He just made the GUI, and he's asking for help with the rest.
  2. JR10


    Do you have a resource called 'sql' running? I guess it should be: if dbFree ( dbQuery ( server, "UPDATE vehicles SET characterID = " .. faction .. " WHERE vehicleID = " .. data.vehicleID )) then
  3. JR10

    Help please:)

    You actually can, Press M and right click the ped. As for the gang system, no one will script it for you, unless you pay someone to do it. We don't accept requests, yet we can help you with your attempt. Learn and try something yourself, and then come asking for help with the code. Good luck.
  4. JR10

    Hide Ip adress

    Why would you change your server's location? Unless you have a good internet, I suggest you find a host.
  5. JR10

    Help pls.

    We don't accept requests, we can help you with your code, but not make you one.
  6. You can't. There is no way to recover a md5 string.
  7. JR10


    Search for <fpslimit>36</fpslimit> Change it's value to 100 <fpslimit>100</fpslimit>
  8. JR10

    swat ropes

    LOL. The server that made a script so you can use swat ropes. Do you understand how MTA servers works? You have to put scripts in your server and play. I think SAUR RPG do, not sure though.
  9. JR10


    Hm weird, try deleting 'Storedinfo.db'. And let the script create it.
  10. JR10


    Did you create 'Storedinfo.db' yourself?
  11. Same problem here, it's bugged. Every time I enter, same idle time.
  12. JR10


    Get a nil value where?
  13. function BugFix() local x = 2153 local y = 1012 local z = 12 spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z) fadeCamera(source, true) setCameraTarget(source, source) outputChatBox("Welcome to the #00FF00 TBG Server!#0000ff Press F1 for info,etc", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), BugFix) 'source' is the player who just joined. thePlayer is not defined.
  14. JR10


    @NightRider, I suggest you take a look at one of the resources that use sqlite, like house_system by dakilla, or my business resource.
  15. JR10


    You have to connect to a database, and execute a query. local connection = dbConnect("sqlite","newDB.db") dbFree ( dbQuery ( connection,"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS newTable (column1 TEXT,column2 TEXT)")) This will create a table called 'newTable' If you're unfamiliar with that, check the old SQLite functions wiki page. executeSQLCreateTable executeSQLInsert executeSQLUpdate executeSQLQuery
  16. JR10

    MTA:SA 1.2 Released!

    Learn C++ and start contributing code then! As always... And keep moving bugs tagget as immediate to next versions, patetic... What next? Move they to 1.2.2 then 1.2.3? Ok so people have been working on MTA for years FOR FREE and you're calling them pathethic? If you think stuff is so easy to fix why don't you fix them yourself and submit a source patch? +1 My point exactly, if you guys think you can do better, I would like to see it.
  17. JR10

    MTA:SA 1.2 Released!

    Well it should have been 1.1.2. And I'm talking about Looop post, it provoked me.
  18. JR10


    Same for me, about 6 months ago.
  19. JR10

    MTA:SA 1.2 Released!

    Looop, I would like to see you make a better multiplayer modification. No need for such negative replies.
  20. JR10

    MTA:SA 1.2 Released!

    Great news. Thanks to the team.
  21. Perhaps later when I release a new version.
  22. JR10


    They use the old sqlite functions. executeSQLCreateTable executeSQLInsert executeSQLUpdate executeSQLQuery
  23. JR10


    I think the wiki page is outdated. setVehicleColor works with rgb. like setVehicleColor(vehicle,r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2)
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