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Everything posted by JR10

  1. Is this is what you want? function createPeds(client) local accountID = getElementData(client, "gameaccountid") resultz = mysql:query("SELECT id, charactername, cked, lastarea, age, gender, faction_id, faction_rank, skin, DATEDIFF(NOW(), lastlogin) as llastlogin FROM characters WHERE account='" .. accountID .. "'") if resultz then addEventHandler("onPlayerClick",getRootElement(),pedSelInfo) playerid = getElementData(client, "playerid") if ( mysql:num_rows(resultz) >= 1 ) then local x = 2350 for i=0, 5 do x = x+3 dbSel = mysql:fetch_assoc(resultz) peds = createPed(dbSel['skin'], x, 532.7783203125, 1.796875) setElementDimension(peds, 65000+playerid) setElementRotation(peds, 0,0,180) setElementData(peds, "skin"..i,dbSel['skin'], true) setElementData(peds, "charactername", dbSel['charactername'], true) setElementData(peds, "cked", dbSel['cked'], true) setElementData(peds, "lastarea", dbSel['lastarea'], true) setElementData(peds, "age", dbSel['age'], true) setElementData(peds, "faction_id", dbSel['faction_id'], true) setElementData(peds, "faction_rank", dbSel['faction_rank'], true) setElementData(peds, "lastlogin", dbSel['lastlogin'], true) outputDebugString(dbSel['skin']) outputDebugString("Looper2 called!") end end end end
  2. The development of sebasIRC has stopped use ml_sockets https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Modules/Sockets
  3. You can do that too, but there might be 2 groups with the same permission so use isObjectInACLGroup.
  4. JR10

    Race mod!

    1. That's not an issue the resource doesn't support colors so you must edit it or make your own 2. I don't understand, but you want something that doesn't exist on the community?? you must do it yourself else if it exists you must edit it to suit you. 3. look for exports.dxscoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn and remove it.
  5. Did you edit it? it was just an example you should edit /add more checking for groups. Example: if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getPlayerName(source), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getPlayerName(source), aclGetGroup ( "Moderators" ) ) then you can add more.
  6. create both teams Members and Users on player join check if he is in the acl group and set his team like this Members = createTeam('Members') Users = createTeam('Users') addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', root, function() -- check if he is admin according to you it's not with account because it's onPlayerJoin so this is with name not the best way to do it if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getPlayerName(source), aclGetGroup ( "Groupname" ) ) then setPlayerTeam(source, Members) else setPlayerTeam(source, Users) end end )
  7. For your 3rd question: for thier names: setPlayerNametagColor createBlipAttachedTo -- got 3 arguments RGB to set the color
  8. There is a resource and module for it.
  9. If you used getRealTime() it should get the real time and already synced for all players.
  10. Yea like someone posting "Ok" "good", i'm not referring to someone particularly. Anyway, Good luck.
  11. I don't think that someone will help you out for free.
  12. Wrong category, and will you pay him??
  13. post it dude and is the meta working now
  14. JR10

    Admin panel

    Well, yes but i dont think he removed any thing or he would probably know it.
  15. Dont double post <meta> <info author='YOsse' version='1.1' name='Panels' description='Its A Panel' type='script' /> <script src='c_report.lua' type='client' /> <script src='login_client.lua' type='client' /> <script src='logo_client.lua' type='client' /> <script src='sidebar/clickgame_client.lua' type='client' /> <script src='sidebar/map_info_c.lua' type='client' /> <script src='sidebar/tkrmenu.lua' type='server' /> <script src='sidebar/toggle.lua' type='server' /> <file src='img/loginbg.png' /> <file src='img/logo.png' /> <file src='img/radar.png' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/1.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/2.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/3.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/4.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/5.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/6.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/7.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/8.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/9.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/10.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/11.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/12.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/13.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/14.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/15.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/16.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/17.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/18.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/19.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/20.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/21.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/22.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/23.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/24.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/25.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/26.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/27.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/28.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/29.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/30.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/31.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/32.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/33.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/34.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/35.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/36.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/avatars/DefaultAvatar.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/wheels/acces.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/wheels/ahab.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/wheels/atomic.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/wheels/grove.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/wheels/import.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/wheels/mega.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/wheels/offroad.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/wheels/twist.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/wheels/virtual.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/wheels/wires.jpg' /> <file src='sidebar/sounds/message.mp3' /> <file src='sidebar/images/apps.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/bgr.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/bronze.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/calendar.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/checkbox1.jpeg' /> <file src='sidebar/images/checkbox2.jpeg' /> <file src='sidebar/images/checkbox3.jpeg' /> <file src='sidebar/images/checkbox4.jpeg' /> <file src='sidebar/images/clickicon.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/clickme.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/clickme_clicked.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/clock.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/close.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/Colors.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/flm.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/games.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/gift.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/gold.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/mapbuy.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/music.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/new.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/rouletteicon.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/settings.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/sidebarbgr.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/silver.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/snake.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/table.jpeg' /> <file src='sidebar/images/tictactoe.png' /> <file src='sidebar/images/tuning.png' /> <include resource='race' /> <config src='rememberMe.xml' type='client' /> <config src='userSettings.xml' type='client' /> </meta>
  16. when i add it to it doesn't appear here it is:
  17. set Item data will only work after you set the item text.
  18. Well, there is no BUGS in the grid list why do you use print shouldnt it be outputChatBox??
  19. isObjectInACLGroup hasObjectPermissionTo
  20. THERE IS NO ERROR OR BUG IN MTA IN THE SECTION YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT IS THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND?? any problem you face is not just "Mta Bug !!!", did u use test function??, did u add it onClientResourceStart addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() testfunction end )
  21. He made the function "isPlayerAdmin" you have to remove it and put your admin check.
  22. testfunction = function ( ) gridlist = guiCreateGridList( 0.3328, 0.7825, 0.3211, 0.175, true ) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled ( gridlist, false ) c1 = guiGridListAddColumn( gridlist, "Column1", 0.4 ) c2 = guiGridListAddColumn( gridlist, "Column2", 0.2 ) c3 = guiGridListAddColumn( gridlist, "Column3", 0.45 ) --This will be see like this: Column1 Column2 Column3 local row = guiGridListAddRow ( gridlist ) guiGridListSetItemData ( gridlist, row,c1, 15 ) guiGridListSetItemData (gridlist,row,c2, 20 ) guiGridListSetItemData (gridlist,row,c3, 201 ) button = guiCreateButton( 0.6600, 0.8750, 0.05, 0.082, "Execute", true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", button, function ( ) local i1, i2 = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( gridlist ) Here15 = guiGridListGetItemData ( gridlist, i1, 1 ) Here20 = guiGridListGetItemData ( gridlist, i1, 2 ) Here201 = guiGridListGetItemData ( gridlist, i1, 3 ) print( tostring(Here15) ) -- print 15 print( tostring(Here20) ) -- print 20 print( tostring(Here201) ) -- print 201 end ) end
  23. No problem, now you can use getPlayersInTeam
  24. 1. You didn't say what happen it doesn't work? any errors or warnings? 2. Well, why you need to make a table with the army players when we got an awesome team system. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ser ... _functions 3. we have a function "givePlayerMoney" so you dont have to get the players money and add on it.
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