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Everything posted by JR10

  1. Maybe because chance never equaled 2 in any of the 4 kills? It's random, you know.
  2. We can't spot the error from your code, that's why we need to know if there are any errors or warnings. Are you sure that the data is not removed? You're using false as the value, so it will remove the account data.
  3. dbQuery returns a query handle, you need to use dbPoll to fetch the data. Your query string is wrong, it's CREATE TABLE not CREATETABLE.
  4. cash is probably nil here, make sure to check for its value before comparing it. local cash = tonumber(getAccountData(acc,"cash")) or 0
  5. So instead of replying to that topic, you post a whole new topic in a different section? Locked again.
  6. The player must have access to function.banPlayer, which the Admin group by default has access to.
  7. You can store the coordinates in a table where the name of the location is the key. The key can also be an id, perhaps stored with guiGridListSetItemData. There are plenty of ways to do what you want.
  8. addEventHandler is called before giveJetpack is even declared. buttonjet = guiCreateButton( 0.05, 0.1, 1, 0.1, "Jetpack", true, window ) function givejetpack () triggerServerEvent ( "onGiveJet", resourceRoot ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", buttonjet, givejetpack, false )
  9. And use setElementModel, setPlayerSkin and setPedSkin are both deprecated.
  10. JR10

    OFF [topic]

    NombreJug is not defined and neither is admin.
  11. You're missing a pair of parentheses. isTimer(disableGhostMode[player]) Next time, use /debugscript3 to look for errors and warnings.
  12. If the other script doesn't increment the wanted level for whatever reason, then the wanted level will be decremented.
  13. Why not use addCommandHandler for each command? Also, you should store "..." in a table and then check its length. local args = {...}
  14. The script should be server-side though, since you're handling other players than the localPlayer.
  15. JR10


    Moved to Scripting
  16. Because the wanted level would have already been changed. You need to edit the part where you increment the wanted level.
  17. JR10


    If localPlayer is not defined (according to debugscript) then this script is server-side, make sure it's client-side. Also, change any 'source' variable to 'localPlayer', since source is not defined.
  18. You can use isTimer to check if a timer is still running. You can also use getTickCount and store it in a table where the key is the player, then on spawning the vehicle calculate how many seconds passed.
  19. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Se ... stallation
  20. allowRemoteTrigger must be set to true. addEvent("example", true)
  21. The obvious explanation here is that onlineTime is not separated by that separation character.
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