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Everything posted by BriGhtx3

  1. TO CREATE A FILE : xmlFile= xmlCreateFile ( "YOURXML.xml", "root" ) -- Create the xml file xmlHouses = xmlCreateChild ( xmlFile, "house") -- CREATE THE TAG xmlNodeSetAttribute(xmlHouses,"markerPosX", "VALUE1") -- CREATE THE MARKERPOSX PART xmlNodeSetAttribute(xmlHouses,"markerPosY", "VALUE2") -- SAME WITH Y xmlNodeSetAttribute(xmlHouses,"markerPosZ", "VALUE3") -- SAME WITH Z xmlNodeSetAttribute(xmlHouses,"owner", "VALUE4") -- SAME WITH OWNER TO GET THE X,Y,Z, OWNER : posX = xmlNodeGetAttribute(xmlFile, "markerPosX") posY = xmlNodeGetAttribute(xmlFile, "markerPosY") posZ = xmlNodeGetAttribute(xmlFile, "markerPosZ") owner = xmlNodeGetAttribute(xmlFile, "owner") outputChatBox("X : "..posX.." Y : "..posY.." Z : "..posZ.." Owner : "..owner)
  2. BriGhtx3


    function initGUI( ) -- Create our button btnOutput = guiCreateButton( 0.7, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, "Output!", true ) -- And attach our button to the outputEditBox function addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", btnOutput, outputEditBox, false ) -- Create an edit box and define it as "editBox". editBox = guiCreateEdit( 0.3, 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, "Type your message here!", true ) guiEditSetMaxLength ( editBox, 128 ) -- The max chatbox text length is 128, so force this end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource( ) ), initGUI ) -- Setup our function to output the message to the chatbox function outputEditBox ( button ) if button == "left" then local text = guiGetText ( editBox )-- Get the text from the edit box outputChatBox ( text ) -- Output that text end end this is from the wiki
  3. Oh now I understand this. So I have to destroy it and create it again?
  4. UAepro very nice Code. But you can't use guiSetText with it oO
  5. got it : I triggered it wrong triggerClientEvent("getTextClient",source,tostring(thetext))
  6. Already tried this. Doesn't work
  7. function getthesite(textaa) sitetext = tostring(textaa) --guiSetVisible(Laptop_LBLPhish,true) -- guiSetText(Laptop_LBLPhish,sitetext) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawsitetext) addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawsitetext) end addEvent("getTextClient",true) addEventHandler("getTextClient",getRootElement(),getthesite) function drawsitetext() dxDrawColoredText(sitetext, 200, 250, 900, 900, tocolor(255,255,255,255),0.7,"bankgothic") end This is my code, if you want the function dxDrawColoredText : my problem is, it is visible for all players. but it should be just visible for me oO
  8. Lol I knew that but it is very difficult to create 100 labels -.- And the users add the texts via color codes.
  9. Quantum thats wrong. Its easier to use xampp cause you don't have to configurate anything. Youre right Navicat is good for navigating.
  10. I know there is no way to use color codes in labels. But i want to set colors for different texts. I know I can use dxtext but is there no other way? Like creating a display or something like this for a GUI? Ill freak out when someone says you cant use color codes in labels -.-
  11. Okay, got it, but now it first puts out "---" and by the second time the real text :edit got it
  12. Yes but i don't know how to output the text clientside. It still just returns true and not the text.
  13. You can create the script yourself
  14. giovanna = createPed(258, 2135.662109375, -1739.5107421875, 17.281345367432) setElementInterior(giovanna, 0) setElementDimension(giovanna, 0) setPedRotation(giovanna, 87) setTimer(setPedAnimation ,1000,1,giovanna, "INT_OFFICE", "OFF_Sit_Idle_Loop", -1, false, false, false )
  15. BriGhtx3


    @Ganja why should I search after a w? I think he could figure the error out himself.
  16. New thing : --Clientside thesitetext = tostring(triggerServerEvent("getText",getLocalPlayer(),url)) --ServerSide function getSiteText(site) local thetext = tostring(MySQL_GetString("web", "Text", "Site='"..site.."'")) return thetext end addEvent("getText",true) addEventHandler("getText",getRootElement(),getSiteText) Why does it return true? But when I output it serverside it outputs the text ?
  17. Miki i would not have asked if i didn't know that -.- Maurize thats not what i asked
  18. Is there a way to set the data for a string like Boom? For example : setElementData("boom","dog","cow")
  19. BriGhtx3

    How to..

    Cause I didn't know them ;D
  20. BriGhtx3


    He wrote he found this script. I realized that he is a noob, but alright I think he wont answer
  21. BriGhtx3

    How to..

    function checkAttachedElement(player) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if veh then if getElementModel(veh) == 515 then if isElementAttached(veh) then local attachedElement = getElementAttachedTo(veh) if getElementType(attachedElement) == "vehicle" then outputChatBox(tostring(getElementModel(attachedElement)) end end end end end addCommandHandler("check",checkAttachedElement)
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