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Everything posted by MIKI785

  1. MIKI785


    MTA wiki documents only functions that were added by MTA itself, loops are pure Lua. Info about for loops can be found here: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#2.4.5
  2. I guess you didnt supply the agruments needed. Btw. i cant read that and i doubt that anyone will, use [lua] tags.
  3. MIKI785

    Dx Library?

    There is one in the default race resource.
  4. There is actually an example of that on wiki: removeWorldModel
  5. Bad Argument @ 'playSound' [Expected string at argument 1,got table] That's exactly what i've told you, why didn't you fix it? Just change sound for sounds as you defined yourself above.
  6. Well that makes no sense, you're simply setting it to what it is, it's like if the code didn't do anything at all. If you want to stop it altogether just try using setVehicleTurretPosition ( veh, 0, 0 ) It might need some adjustments if you want it to face forwards. Also, this: getElementModel ( veh ) Will throw warnings if the player is not in a vehicle, just put simple if not veh then return end before it.
  7. MIKI785

    vehicle damage

    Again, this is not a request forum. Read this: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=47897 especially this part: This isn't how you "learn" to script, by having someone else post the whole thing for you and learn nothing.
  8. Why would you run wine on a linux server to run something that is available for linux? Makes no sense whatsoever.
  9. MIKI785

    vehicle damage

    Use setVehicleDamageProof in conjunction with onVehicleEnter and onVehicleExit. Btw. this is not how you ask for help in this forum.
  10. sound = {"files/shoot.wav"}, {"files/shoot2.wav"} That won't work, it is correct but it won't work in the way you want it to. Should be like this: sound = {"files/shoot.wav", "files/shoot2.wav"} Also, function random_sound() local shoot = playSound(sound) setSoundVolume(shoot, 10) end You are trying to play a table, should be sounds as you defined above. And setSoundVolume takes a volume in the range 0 - 1.
  11. Trust me , i had sa-mp server for many years and saw players advertise like this: ip: 185 87 183 90 (press enter instead of '.' or write ip without '.' i dont want ban numbers, i just wanna it report it to admins Are you serious? Do you think that anyone will leave your server because some pathetic idiot spams an IP in chat? Think again.. I myself dont even bother banning these if it occurs, they just join, send IP and leave. Noone cares.
  12. Seems like the connection between you and the server is too slow, how is your ping? If the ping is ok, it may be that the host is simply too slow (possibly high CPU usage; you can monitor that using ie. top command). Or it may be caused by packet loss (that can be monitored using shownetstat in MTA client).
  13. The event is not registered on the client, use addEvent to do that (allowRemoteTrigger argument must be set to true).
  14. It's most likely the encoding of the file itself, change it to UTF-8.
  15. That script is useless to him, he simply wants to test some stuff with more players than just himself present on the server. Simplest way would be to go for VM if you have only one PC available.
  16. MIKI785

    SWAT turret

    getVehicleModelFromName takes a string, not element. Use getElementModel instead. Also it is possible to disable the water, just use toggleControl.
  17. MIKI785

    Player Status

    If you're iterating through a table use pairs.
  18. No, he won't get kicked if his gta3.img is modified. That setting applies ONLY to ped models. So if he has vehicles, objects etc. modified it will let him in. If you want to disable modified gta3.img altogether you can use Special Detection SD#20, see here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide.
  19. You'd have to make your own way of downloading required files and also your own script loader, since most scripts that require files require them straight after they are started, so if you just disabled "download" in meta it would throw warnings/errors since the files wouldn't be downloaded yet. It's simply too complex to do just to change the message that's shown, I don't even understand why would you want to change it.
  20. That has to throw an error since you're trying to call function 'convertNumber' that is nil. It is nil because it wasn't defined yet until few lines later. You have to put the function definition outside of this function (I assume it is a function called by some event handler).
  21. Yes, he said he did that, you should never be creating a new texture every frame. Just put the dxCreateTexture above the event handler and it will work fine.
  22. I think you have to crack it anyway. But you say it was dowbloaded? How can there be a disc then?
  23. Also in SQL queries its better to put any names of fields/tables within ` characters as some names are actual variables in MySQL.
  24. Try using dxCreateTexture with textureEdge argument to "clamp".
  25. MIKI785

    ASE Help

    Use GameQ, https://github.com/Austinb/GameQ.
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