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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. I think the only thing you could do is to tell them to reconnect to the server.
  2. There's a way to avoid it, and it means you would need to use 'getPlayerPing'. Basically you would need to set a timer that's always running to check if every player's ping is not 0 and if it is then basically kick them. Example: setTimer(function() for _,p in ipairs(getElementsByType('player'))do local ping = getPlayerPing(p) if ping == 0 then kickPlayer(p,'Disconnected from server!') end end end,1000,0)
  3. Jaysds1

    Having 2 servers?

    If you're hosting the main server on your local computer then yes, you would need to copy the server folder and change the name and ports for your server.
  4. Yea, the old one was better, I was actually tripping out and was like what the f*ck happened lmao Plus I think they should put a text to say that the existing page or sub-domain doesn't exist at least.
  5. What are you using to pay them by? Paypal? And how much are you planning to pay them for?
  6. Oh that's why then, This topic could be locked!
  7. Code is for the feather skull which only came on 12 month Xbox live hold cards. Rare and hard to find. The feather skull modifies the melee in game. To make it when you melee an enemy they are light as a feather.
  8. Was that recently added? Because I've never seen it before.
  9. Jaysds1

    Program for Lua

    Notepad++ FTW! BTW, this would need to be in BLAST.
  10. So, I was signing in and I seen Google is planning to discontinue with OpenID... Now I'm guessing that OpenID is going to be removed in the future meaning that the Wiki won't support Signing in or out. My question now is how is the MTA Admins/Devs going to deal with this?
  11. Jaysds1

    Green Candy

    Yea, but there's updates on the lowes though.
  12. Ya, but you would need to leave your PC on which will make it slow after 2-3 days.
  13. LMAO Thanks Woovie for the preview; Jessica, you should have made a preview which would allow people to preview the template before downloading it. Here's a free hosting site if you want to keep demo's to show: Hostinger
  14. I also have another question, I currently have a computer and I didn't build it my self, but I want to know is it possible if I could just buy more RAM and just add it to my computer or do I need to know if it's compatible with it?
  15. Example: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Main_Page If you want to make a new home page in different language: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Main_Page_NewLanguage Click on create after the page loads, after it loads, you put what you want in it then press save and voila, a new page! Basically Change the end of the url to what you want to create a page about.
  16. dude use your mind why BUMP you can go support board Leave him alone, at least he provided us with the link to get the program.
  17. Jaysds1

    Internet Speed

    God damn, that actually sucks and it's a rip off
  18. What do you mean by "people can see what is being stored", are you talking about the devs having access to the DB to see what's stored or the players of the server can see what's stored in the DB?
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