JR10, It doesn't work...
i added my coordinates and restarted it but the camera is blank/black.:
local Table = {
{1636.267578125,-2286.37890625,72.458694458008, 1682.93359375,-2286.330078125,13.508057594299},
{1786.759765625,1450.986328125,92.410263061523, 1688.240234375,1448.77734375,10.767894744873},
{-1685.783203125,-580.9912109375,272.26177978516, -1570.81640625,-455.7080078125,14}}
local timer = {}
function Show()
local x, y, z, lx, ly, lz = unpack(Table[math.random(#Table)]) -- get a random value from the Table and unpack it to get the coords
fadeCamera(source, true, 5)
setTimer(setCameraMatrix, 100, 1, source, x, y, z, lx, ly, lz)
setTimer(fadeCamera, 100, 1, source, true)
setTimer(Show, 8000, 1, source)