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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Actually, you don't need a mysql, because it's already built in to mta. The internal.dbs is the database with all the players accounts
  2. Jaysds1


    reinstall mta and try again
  3. I've just finish making a resource for this, here: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=3185
  4. sorry, but you should have used the "edit" button, instead of making new posts
  5. try this: addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter",getRootElement(), function(player,seat,jacked) if (player) then if (seat == 0) then veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) bindKey(player,"l","down",sirens,veh) end end end) addEventHandler("onVehicleStartExit",getRootElement(), function(player,seat,jacked) if (player) then if (seat == 0) then unbindKey(player,"l","down",sirens) end end end) function sirens(keyPresser,key,keyState,veh) if (keyPresser) then if (key == "l") and (keyState == "down") then if not getVehicleSirensOn ( veh ) then setVehicleSirensOn ( veh, true ) --Turn it on else setVehicleSirensOn ( veh, false ) --Turn it off end end end end
  6. I've just finish creating a resource for it, here: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=3178
  7. First of all, you forgot to create the colshape secondly, you have to put getElementPosition(landmine) in the colshape hit eventhandler
  8. function join ( ) local admins = getTeamFromName("Admins") local serial = getPlayerSerial() local hour, mins = getTime() local name = getPlayerName(source) local version = getPlayerVersion(source) local ip = getPlayerIP(source) outputChatBox(tostring(name).."'s serial: ".. tostring(serial),admins ) outputChatBox(tostring(name).."'s IP: ".. tostring(ip),admins ) outputChatBox(tostring(name).."'s version: ".. tostring(version),admins ) outputChatBox(tostring(hours)..":".. tostring(mins),admins ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,join)
  9. Are you sure you want to output all that info to everyone?
  10. Jaysds1


    @Solidsnake14, The problem was, When the eventhandler onPedWasted triggered, the triggerEvent function didn't worked for the player who killed the ped, but John helped me, thanks for trying @John_Michael, Thanks, it works now
  11. Ok, nvm about the post then, I'm not sure about this then
  12. Jaysds1


    @John_Michael, The same problem persist, The event wont trigger for the player that killed the peds, it says "Expected element at argument 2, got number("0"), How do I fix this?
  13. This isn't an issue/bug, a real boat would turn the same way we do in-game, because of the water, the water would move and the boat would just need to get a grip of the water(if you know what I mean), so it's hard to turn a boat, either way.
  14. THEY WERE ALL NICE, it doesn't even seem like there old, nice work
  15. Maybe next vid, you could add MTA Logo, so people could join your server and MTA would have more players, and Nice vid
  16. Jaysds1


    ok, I see what you did now, thanks
  17. Jaysds1


    thanks, but How do I know if it's the last ped? The first 3 peds killed, the person that killed them goes to another station then they get another weapon, how do I add this to this script?
  18. Jaysds1


    So, put the the peds in the table and if they die, How could the event trigger for the source which is the killer?
  19. Jaysds1


    Hi all, I was having a problem with my script for the past few days, When the player kills the ped, there suppose to warp to another Position, but After the player kills the ped an error message comes up and they don't move anywhere: t1 = createPed(23,-3666.6447753906,-2015.8166503906,11.793441772461,124.23803710938,true) setElementFrozen(t1,true) addEventHandler("onPedWasted",getRootElement(), function(killer) if (getElementModel(source) == 23) if (getElementType(killer) == "player") then if (source == t1) then outputChatBox("",killer,100,0,0) t2 = createPed(23,-3660.0227050781,-2013.6018066406,9.9486846923828,124.23803710938,true) setElementFrozen(t2,true) elseif (source == t2) then outputChatBox("",killer,137,0,0) t3 = createPed(23,-3652.7902832031,-2014.0773925781,8.7459049224854,124.23803710938,true) setElementFrozen(t3,true) elseif (source == t3) then outputChatBox("",killer,137,0,0) triggerEvent("finish1",killer) setTimer(outputChatBox,7000,1,"",killer,137,0,0) t4 = createPed(23,-3609.2392578125,-2068.7431640625,6.6531052589417,118.68984985352,true) elseif (source == t4) then outputChatBox("",137,0,0) t5 = createPed(23,-3600.7316894531,-2065.0659179688,6.3656249046326,123.07897949219,true) elseif (source == t5) then outputChatBox("",137,0,0) t6 = createPed(23,-3590.8957519531,-2061.6762695313,6.3656249046326,126.83633422852,true) elseif (source == t6) then outputChatBox("",137,0,0) t7 = createPed(23,-3585.2629394531,-2059.3198242188,6.2059550285339,122.42526245117,true) elseif (source == t7) then outputChatBox("",killer,137,0,0) triggerEvent("finish2",killer) setTimer(outputChatBox,7000,1,"",killer,137,0,0) end end end end)
  20. ADDED: [img][url=http://cabue.net16.net/mta/MTAFreeUser.gif]http://cabue.net16.net/mta/MTAFreeUser.gif[/url][/img] the other one is coming soon
  21. Jaysds1


    hi all, I want to know how to update this label, When the cars are respawning this label comes up and shows how much seconds is left to respawn all the vehicles but the seconds don't get updated: -- Server-side function respawn(command) outputChatBox("RESPAWNING ALL UNOCCUPIED VEHICLES IN 30Secs") outputDebugString("Cars Respawning") rspwn = setTimer(function () local vehicles = getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) -- Return all the vehicles in a table for k, vehicle in ipairs ( vehicles ) do -- For every vehicle do the following... if isEmpty( vehicle ) then local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers(vehicle) resetVehicleIdleTime ( vehicle ) -- Reset the vehicle's idle time respawnVehicle ( vehicle ) end end outputDebugString("Cars Respawned") outputChatBox("ALL UNOCCUPIED VEHICLES RESPAWNED") triggerClientEvent("r_close",getRootElement()) end,30000, 1) remaining = getTimerDetails(rspwn) triggerClientEvent("r_open",getRootElement(),remaining) if (command) then resetTimer(auto) outputDebugString("Timer Reset") end end -- Client-side addEvent("r_open",true) addEventHandler("r_open",getRootElement(),function(remaining) rlbl = guiCreateLabel(13,572,106,15,"Respawning cars in: ",false) guiSetAlpha(rlbl,1) rlbl2 = guiCreateLabel(123,572,25,15,tostring(remaining),false) guiSetAlpha(rlbl2,1) end) addEvent("r_close",true) addEventHandler("r_close",getRootElement(),function() destroyElement(rlbl) destroyElement(rlbl2) end)
  22. ok, I'll make a "I'm a New User" Signature and thanks otto
  23. Jaysds1


    thanks for telling me that, I'll try figuring another way.
  24. Jaysds1


    Hi all, I was having a problem with this isInsideRadarArea function, Every time a person goes in the Col Shape, it's suppose to check if the player is inside a Radar Area, but it says that there's a nil for argument 1 which is the radar area: createRadarArea(2428.345703125,-1628.1298828125,200,-110,0,255,0,100) createColRectangle(2444.5830078125,-1719.29296875, 190,105) addEventHandler("onClientColShapeHit",getRootElement(), function(theElement,theArea,matchingDimension) if (theElement == getLocalPlayer()) and (matchingDimension == 0) then if (getPlayerTeam(theElement) == getTeamFromName("Grove Street Famillies") or getTeamFromName("Ballas") or getTeamFromName("Varous Los Aztecas") or getTeamFromName("Los Santos Vagos")) then x,y = getElementPosition(theElement) if (isInsideRadarArea(theArea,x,y) == true) then r,g,b = getTeamColor(getPlayerTeam(theElement)) rr,gg,bb = getRadarAreaColor(theArea) if (r == rr and g == gg and b == bb) then outputChatBox("*TURF*: You entered your gangs territory.",r,g,b) else outputChatBox("*TURF*: YOU HAVE ENTERED ANOTHER GANGS TERRITORY, STAY IN THIS TERITORY FOR 22 SECONDS OR KILL A GANG MEMBER TO TRIGGER A WAR!",255,0,0) triggerEvent("war",getLocalPlayer()) end end elseif (getPlayerTeam(theElement) == getTeamFromName("Los Santos Police Department")) then outputChatBox("*TURF*: YOU HAVE ENTERED A GANGS TERRITORY, IT MIGHT BE UNDER WAR",100,0,0) end end end)
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