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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Can't you use setElementData and getElementData for this to?
  2. ohhh, that's what he meant, sorry like Wafamde said, "add GUIEditor_Window[1]" to the end of the Tab Panel: --YOUR'S GUIEditor_TabPanel[1] = guiCreateTabPanel(409,174,551,400,false) --Parent GUIEditor_TabPanel[1] = guiCreateTabPanel(409,174,551,400,GUIEditor_Window[1])
  3. I know, that's why I added destroyElement(GUIEditor_TabPanel[1]) destroyElement(GUIEditor_Window[1]) it destroys the tabpanel then destroys the window
  4. add this to the script: addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",GUIEditor_Button[1],function(button) if (button == "left") then destroyElement(GUIEditor_TabPanel[1]) destroyElement(GUIEditor_Window[1]) showCursor(false) end end,false)
  5. He doesn't want anyone using it and saying it's their's, that why, I keep my resources with copyright and put titles on the gui saying "J ****", and if they want it for them selves, they have to pay, $7.00 for the full script, unless if they want the client-side or the server-side alone, they have to pay $3.00 =)
  6. Do you mean, if the player shoot, they get damaged instead of the element that they're shooting at?
  7. JSave Features: Saves: spawnPlayer x, y, z, rotation = 0, skinID = 0, interior = 0, dimension = 0 ) createVehicle ( model, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz,) createMarker ( float x, float y, float z, [string theType, float size, int r, int g, int b, int a, visibleTo = getRootElement()] ) createPed ( int modelid, float x, float y, float z [, float rot = 0.0 ] ) (ONLY CLIENT-SIDE) createObject ( int modelid, float x, float y, float z, [float rx, float ry, float rz] ) Description: When you type in the command /save, a tab panel appears and tells you what to do, there's different tabs for what you want to save. (NOTE: This resources saves the position and stuff in different files, not in to the actual server) Screen Shots: OUT!
  8. Ok, I got the results for now, and I'm going to restart poll for the new options. BTW, Sorry for the second post
  9. I made it for beginners
  10. I love rp server. @CrystalMV i'm gonna try to add that
  11. Hi all, I wanted to know what's your favorite gamemode on MTA, because I don't know which server should I create that would make MTA a better multiplayer source. The poll is there to vote, but if you want me to add anything in the poll just post it below.
  12. Do you want me to put the timer on the gui or show it to the player in jail?
  13. I think it's going to launch Zalmon, don't listen to the other, they just like bringing people down (like me), I'll be there when the server is up and running.
  14. Hi, I was thinking, instead of using isVehicleOnGround or isPedOnGround, why don't we make isElementOnGround and remove these function, plus it could check if an object is on the ground... What about it guyz/girlz?
  15. I've fixed your script adward: Server-side addEvent("jail",true) addEventHandler("jail",root, function(playerNick) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then local thePlayer = getPlayerFromPartOfName(playerNick) local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) if not thePlayer then return end if theVehicle then removePedFromVehicle(thePlayer) end if (getElementData( thePlayer, "isJailed") == "yes") then outputChatBox("This player is already in jail.",source,255,0,0) return end setElementInterior ( thePlayer, 0 ) setElementPosition (thePlayer, -2354.158203125, 1922.5645751953, 693.34704589844) setElementData ( thePlayer, "isJailed", "yes" ) outputChatBox (playerNick.." you are in jail now", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) showPlayerHudComponent (thePlayer, "weapon", false) else outputChatBox ("Access denied", thePlayer, 193, 13, 13) end end) addEvent("unjail",true) addEventHandler("unjail",root, function(playerNick) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then local thePlayer = getPlayerFromPartOfName(playerNick) if thePlayer then if not (getElementData( thePlayer, "isJailed") == "no") then outputChatBox("This player is not in jail.",source,255,0,0) return end setElementInterior ( thePlayer, 0) setElementPosition ( thePlayer, -2313.3076171875, 1902.7426757813, 9.9688625335693) setElementData ( thePlayer, "isJailed", "no" ) outputChatBox (playerNick.."yor are out the jail now"..name, getRootElement(), 0, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ("Access denied", thePlayer, 193, 13, 13) end end) Client-side function create() GUIEditor_Window[1] = guiCreateWindow(212,58,358,493,"jail script",false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[1],false) GUIEditor_Edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(187,132,162,42,"",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) guiEditSetReadOnly(GUIEditor_Edit[1],true) GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(206,224,122,44,"jail",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Button[2] = guiCreateButton(206,324,119,38,"unjail",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Label[1] = guiCreateLabel(194,94,124,35,"Player Name:",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) playerList = guiCreateGridList(10,23,174,461,false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(playerList,2) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, create) function update() playerName = getPlayerName ( getLocalPlayer() ) local column = guiGridListAddColumn( playerList, "Player", 0.85 ) if ( column ) then for id, playeritem in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( playerList ) guiGridListSetItemText ( playerList, row, column, getPlayerName ( playeritem ), false, false ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", playerList, click ) end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), update) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), update) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerChangeNick", getRootElement(), update) function click () local playerName = guiGridListGetItemText ( playerList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( playerList ), 1 ) guiSetText ( GUIEditor_Edit[1], playerName ) end function onGuiClick (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) if (source == GUIEditor_Button[1]) then playerNick = guiGetText ( GUIEditor_Edit[1] ) triggerServerEvent ("jail", getLocalPlayer(), playerNick) elseif (source == GUIEditor_Button[2]) then playerNick = guiGetText ( GUIEditor_Edit[1] ) triggerServerEvent ("unjail", getLocalPlayer(), playerNick) end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Window[1], onGuiClick)
  16. Where would you like the timer to be shown?
  17. Is this going to be shown to the admin?
  18. so, Where does the gui come from?
  19. How do you make a module? Dont you have to use some other code for that?
  20. ok, I'm confused, What's the problem?
  21. Jaysds1


    np, even I make that mistake with my resources
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