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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Here my son: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Vehicle_variants everything for the Vehicle Variants, Just look down the list for NRG 500
  2. Jaysds1


    He said it's linuix:
  3. Nice, this is a good example for vehicle variant.
  4. Hello, Welcome to the MTA Forums, and I hope you have fun with MTA.
  5. Can you post a screenshot of what's in your GTA San Andreas Folder please.
  6. Jaysds1


    Hi all, Today/Tonight I'm having trouble with this and I get this error in console: [2012-01-22 02:59:28] ERROR: [gameplay]\JL\server.lua:3: dbConnect failed; Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql13.000webhost.com' (10060) this is all I got in the script: addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() cnct = dbConnect("mysql","dbname=a4528318_players;host=mysql13.000webhost.com","a4528318_JWP","*********") end) Is this an error or bug?
  7. Jaysds1

    I need help!

    ok, Can you post the meta file for the map you saved please.
  8. ?????, What is Killumanti about???:
  9. I don't know what to say but, The video was nothing compared to what you said:
  10. Jaysds1

    Skin Bug

    ok, then disable it
  11. I don't know what to say, I'm reading this page on wikipedia right now: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:SOPA_initiative/Learn_more MORE DETAILS ON: Stop Online Piracy Act PROTECT IP Act GovTrack lets you follow both bills through the legislative process: SOPA on this page, and PIPA on this one
  12. Welcome back, and I hope you like the new stuff we added.
  13. I'm not sure what to ask... Did you forward it properly?
  14. actually, that's only for scripts, bugs are reported by people who noticed it, so it's a possibility that it's a 1.2 bug.
  15. I don't think it's possible to make a gen for flash...
  16. why don't you just show him the admin group acl and he'll copy and paste it in to his?
  17. Jaysds1

    Resource Not Found

    uhhh, I wanted to help, but it's ok, Come back next time
  18. I think you could add it anywhere in the file... not sure where you got that though
  19. I liked the video but since it was edited it, I don't know what to say...
  20. srry, ThaD4NI3L told me you use it
  21. ohhh, He's gonna have to check out the Vedic Gaming Community here: http://www.vedicgaming.net
  22. If this is your server then it might be a scrip that you made... Did you made anything or created any objects using the script?
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