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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Main_Page try this, Server-side: addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter",root,function(player,seat,jacked) if(player)and(seat==0)then acc = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if(isObjectInACLGroup("user."..acc,aclGetGroup("Admin")))then setVehicleDamageProof(source,true) end end end)
  2. There should be a setting for moving objects... Check the Options folder...
  3. You could get the song meta instead of typing in the song name
  4. I've edited it again, try it now
  5. You could edit the player blips resource.
  6. I didn't see anything wrong but try this, Client: function clientSubmitLogin(button, state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then local username = guiGetText(loginEdit["Username"]) local password = guiGetText(loginEdit["Password"]) if username and password then triggerServerEvent("submitLogin",localPlayer, username, password) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", loginButton["Main"], clientSubmitLogin, false) function clientSubmitRegister(button, state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then local username = guiGetText(registerEdit["Username"]) local password = guiGetText(registerEdit["Password"]) if username and password then triggerServerEvent("submitRegister",localPlayer, username, password) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", registerButton["Main"], clientSubmitRegister, false)
  7. You could use those functions and use the event handler onVehicleDamage or, if the admin goes in to the car, set it damage proofed setVehicleDamageProof
  8. Sorry, I don't see anything wrong in the script, What's the name of the song?
  9. Jaysds1


    I think it's automatically default if you don't set the handlings... but you could use: getOriginalHandling()
  10. That's true, Anyways, Razerclaus, this live support looks nice and I never even thought about this... I'm not going to give a rude feedback though, so here's what's up: The gui is not unique, but looks nice, If the code behind all of this actually works and sends the message to the staff or who ever, then I could say this is a Perfect example of a real live support.
  11. Jaysds1

    Set up vG script

    SQlite is another built-in MTA Database... It's used for Accounts... but I doubt vG uses it...
  12. try this, Script: function repair1_Button (state) if state == "left" then if source == GUIEditor_Button[1] then local money = getElementData(localPlayer, "Money") local repair = getElementData(localPlayer, "Repair") if(money)then setElementData(localPlayer, "Money",money-50) end if(repair)then setElementData(localPlayer, "Repair",repair+1) end outputChatBox ("Du hast Dir ein Auto Repair gekauft!", 0, 255, 0 ) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, repair1_Button,true)
  13. np, if it still doesn't work, post the debugscript
  14. ok, in your server folder(where mtaserver.exe is), there should be a file called "acl.xml", go in to that file and add this: name="resource.csm" /> between: name="MapEditor"> <? and ?>> If you need any more info, refer to the wiki: ACL.
  15. sorry for going by the book but, this is off-topic... The date was: and the topic is useless now...even though Spanish4Life is appropriate but still, I think this should be locked or trashed or something...
  16. Jaysds1

    Set up vG script

    Here's the code again in LUA Syntax: -- connection settings local hostname = "**HOST**" local username = "** USR **" local password = "**PASS**" local database = "**DB**" local port = 3306 -- global things. local MySQLConnection = nil local resultPool = { } local sqllog = false local countqueries = 0 -- connectToDatabase - Internal function, to spawn a DB connection function connectToDatabase(res) MySQLConnection = mysql_connect(hostname, username, password, database, port) if (not MySQLConnection) then if (res == getThisResource()) then cancelEvent(true, "Cannot connect to the database.") end return nil end return nil end Anyways, Did it output to the console: "Cannot connect to the database." ?
  17. ok, did you add the resource CSM in the ACL for mapEditor? If not, add this to the mapeditor ACL: name="resource.csm" />
  18. Replace that meta.xml code with this one: > type="map" version="1.0.0" name="LS Prison">> src="[0.3e]LS_Prison.map" dimension="0" /> > name="#minplayers" value="[ 0 ]">> name="#maxplayers" value="[ 128 ]">> name="#gravity" value="[ 0.008000 ]">> name="#weather" value="[ 0 ]">> name="#time" value="12:0">> name="#locked_time" value="[ false ]">> name="#waveheight" value="[ 0 ]">> name="#gamespeed" value="[ 1 ]">> >> And change your map name (your Los Santos Prison.map) to "[0.3e]LS_Prison.map". Tell me if it works after
  19. That's true and ur welcome JokeR
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