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Everything posted by myonlake

  1. You need to put it in a lua file with this as exported function. export.slothbot:spawnBot(...) Wrong section by the way. Should be in Scripting.
  2. Put all the resources in the resources folder and all the .dll files in the modules folder. Make sure your mtaserver.conf has correctly configured the modules and resources. Also make sure you have a copy of libmysql.dll in your server folder.
  3. Not really. Read posts above.
  4. Oh, I completely forgot that we had that valid skins functions, nice. Oh yes, spawnPlayer does have a skin argument, but I tried to make the skin check a little more dedicated.
  5. There may be other people having similar issue so I'd rather not delete the thread.
  6. And I don't see any issues with the code either. viewtopic.php?f=148&t=38203
  7. First you should read the wiki. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Exe ... andHandler
  8. myonlake


    Doesn't matter if you know basic maths, viewtopic.php?f=91&t=41865&p=423999#p423999 Yeah, I first didn't understand denny's comment since it is quite easy to place it in the middle of the screen.
  9. Well first of all I suggest using an actual database (MySQL, sqlite), which makes all this so simple. One line of text.
  10. No, there is no dedicated events for teams. You have to make them yourself.
  11. In that case you have two same variables. local a=guiGetText(GOLD_lab) and local a=gg(GOLD_lab) Those two are both defined as 'a', which doesn't really work out, unless I understood you wrong. I think solidsnake has a resolution for this as soon as he sees this.
  12. local a=guiGetText(GOLD_lab) local a1=guiGetText(GOLD_am) One or both do not have an actual value, returns a nil value. This means check if the GUI element GOLD_lab or GOLD_am return any value when triggered.
  13. Why from 7 to 288? There are skins from 0 to over 300. local fit = false; addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function() spawnPlayer(source, 0, 0, 3); while(fit == false) do if(setElementModel(source, math.random(0, 312))) then fit = true; end end end ) Not tested.
  14. myonlake


    Another way on doing is basically making a photo and using DirectX functions to place the image on the screen. It doesn't really matter how you do it though.
  15. myonlake

    Andro script.

    Eh, Andromada with an enterable back? Yes, that has been done many many times. You can do it in many ways as well. I don't see why are you saying it like "this is a secret".
  16. You don't come to the scripting section and say: Hello, how to make this, code plz. You need to learn before even asking anything, you can't do anything without knowing the basics first. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction http://www.lua.org/pil/ Please come back after you have learnt something - we do not make scripts for you.
  17. Do this via acl.xml. You can disable players from using those commands by giving them no permissions to those specific commands.
  18. Check if the date is the same as the current date, then delete the data and remove from the team
  19. Well, it's quite easy. Connect your MTA server with the same database as SMF/phpBB and then make it so that the registration saves all the same details as your board system. Quite easy.
  20. What type of bugs? I would like to know as well because I might be using it soon. I only remember one: When an animation is playing, if you minimize game, the animation stops and it bugs the whole thing. Well with the new functions of MTA you are able to prevent that. We are now able to see if the client has minimized the window. With some small scripting in the library we can fix it Thanks though.
  21. That should work perfectly - simply because I've done this for a hundred times. As Aibo already mentioned, you could check if the descriptionMemo is actually defined somewhere and then make sure you actually trigger those functions correctly. Perhaps give us a little bit more code so we can help you out.
  22. What type of bugs? I would like to know as well because I might be using it soon.
  23. myonlake

    Question !!

    GUI elements are only supported client-side. Quote from: GUI widgets @ Multi Theft Auto Wiki
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