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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. It works perfectly for me, on Chrome. Remi, supposing you use chrome (it was the last time I saw), all I did was press okay to that warning.
  2. Well, first make a colshape and post the code here. Then I can tell you from that onwards.
  3. bandi, really? wtf was that? getTeamFromName with the playerteam and you expect returning a string? wtf is spawnPlayer...
  4. bad scripting mehod! Save into SQLite or mysql or xml the gang names, and then save accoutn data of gang name. and check whn the gang is already made
  5. Removed, Removed and did I mention the third one was removed too?
  6. built-in root variable can be used as an alternative to getRootElement()
  7. Don't double post, remove your editied post. There are two ways to do it, personally the second way is easier for me. 1. Colshapes, on player enter, warp away from the base. 2. Markers, on player enter, warp away from the base.
  8. good job, it looks great I'll test it laters
  9. Bobba, at the community, see cheats resource. That will do what you are looking for. and the colours, when typing, type "#ff0000RED, #00FF00GREEN, #0000ffBLUE, #00ffffCYAN, #ffff00YELLOW" etc..Yeah, i know, i hate the console window, sometimes.
  10. then I can finally make the edit's I have been longing to make..
  11. qaisjp

    two questions

    Use collision editor. that might work
  12. melony suxxx!!!! melony suxxx!!!! melony suxxx!!!! melony suxxx!!!! melony suxxx!!!! melony suxxx!!!! YEs, i had that in my paste.
  13. I'm glad to have tested this <3 epic shit.
  14. Wojak, i took a look in teh code, how did you achieve doing this O_O Are you making two screen sources, one for the entire screen, one for mirror, and per frame changing the camera matrix
  15. I suppose that would require saving your handling via map name. However, nnnikt, I think Remi-X would allow use of the part of the code for handling.cfg importing, if you credit him, ofc.
  16. +ontopic @with prostitute at the world bank
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