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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. not a tutorial. in before the lock
  2. How does it know what the name is? Unless it just takes the server name..?
  3. Lua has more understandable code, if not less code required by PRAWN.
  4. function driveVehicle(veh, x,y,z, velocity=0.1, gpsmode=false) check if x y and z are numbers, check veh is element if gpsmode try and use an export using the gps resource to get the road map to drive and use velocity variable for setting velo. if not gpsmode, or no export then just rotate veh and drive directly, which in that case probably hit a wall end
  5. What I am saying, when you minimize you get the bug, and when you restore, you can shift the camera matrix one unit and then put the matrix back to the original. Now that I understand what you mean by meta.xml I realise that this wouldn't work
  6. Yeah, if you created some sort of utility like that of the freeroam panel, you could automatically generate a command and it's fellow GUI item in the same block. it says logged in as charnelhouse rpg, is this some sort of online subscription bla or jjujst another admin web resource..?
  7. Looks nice, but 50% of people are lazy to find the resource, that includes me, please include a link in the above post.
  8. qaisjp

    Locked time

    a) cant complain, but i 'was' once, not anymore (lets not talk about that shit in this topic now) b) if you set it every render is that kind of redundant, the time doesnt change every frame
  9. you need to stop making yourself look like a fool, cause your turning into a great piece of foolshit
  10. qaisjp

    Locked time

    nah al3grab,you are still a noob then what are you ? An awesome scripter who has gone through many situations within Multi Theft Auto since 2010 winter, who is also a veteran on this forum and infamous. Problem?
  11. function onChat ( message, messageType ) local theSerial = tostring(getPlayerSerial( source )) if theSerial == "A48ABXD5945E4AB2EB0BF8BDD486E54994" then killPlayer(source, source) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, onChat )
  12. No, that resource is a UTILITY resource for downloading files easily using exports
  13. qaisjp

    Locked time

    nah al3grab,you are still a noob
  14. qaisjp

    Innovative Gamemode

    I didnt even read point six and ahead, learn to use the return key please.
  15. The problem is n00b passwords. Whoever made the original post (i lost track), make it a patch for Multi theft auto, not an external program. you should talk very closely with the devs about your attempt
  16. It's MTA bug called by mirror, only way to fix it is change camera position in meta.xml meta.xml? you mean script. onClientRestore
  17. +1 the logo is like a mark on the face of the modding community, you change it and you disrupt time as we know it
  18. go ahead and pls dont every make a resource topic if you dont have anything to contribute.
  19. -ffs-Sniper, looking at those stats at the end of your post made me smile. You need to find a good server, 50% of servers are shit and you really need to find good ones like the ones sniper mentioned and also try out DKR or Andromeda Race/DD/DM For your own server, it being optional is possible already. If you are NOT using 1.4, then use the community to find the resource, or you can use downloadFile to download the file. It is possible, and you can just download the basic scripts required
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