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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. Do advanced test, not basic test.
  2. You can replace any and as many as you want, of course, the more the more laggier. Make sure it's a GTA model ID and not 133333333337
  3. Request my other account to be removed "noddy" DONE
  4. Please don't change your original post to update your finished code, this messes with the brains of people who read your topic after your problem has been solved and beats the purpose of having a forum.
  5. qaisjp


  6. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5410 Description has an advert. DONE
  7. addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, function(player) if getPlayerTeam(player) ~= team then cancelEvent() end end)
  8. Make sure that when you spawn, it doesn't decide to show it again.
  9. For object model replacement, model_id.extension can be used. In fact, instead of having vehicle names, use model ID. So instead of using :res/subdir/infernus.txd use :res/subdir/411.txd this way you support each and every model For maps, you can tell them that the maps have to be numbered
  10. I use fraps I use the same thing Did you really have to say that?
  11. if stupidPlayers[player] then killPed(player) end
  12. For other models, you can do modelid.dff etc. I think you already implemented that though.
  13. Shortcutting is possible (but last checkpoint won't be updated if you shortcut unless you enter another checkpoint) only if map isn't stupid like that. The checkpoints are only for pwnguins?
  14. Connecting irc<->server Connecting Tf2 chat somehow to MTA chat e_e
  15. WRAPPER. Code extracted from NPG, please credits us where due: http://pastebin.com/BmfYYPyn use addCommand to add it to the list. then use installCommands() to load all commands and removeCommands() to delete all commands. doing installCommands after deleting commands will work (because its still listed)
  16. No offense but you should've throughly tested out your site before posting your topic
  17. qaisjp

    DM server.

    Just rent out a server, ask your first question in a seperate topic for dedicated support about it. http://www.multitheftauto.com/hosters/ viewforum.php?f=116
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