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Everything posted by GodFather

  1. Then its time to update to a newer version?
  2. I drive this. I know it isn't that great but hell its better then walking somewhere. Btw not actual pic of my car but its that model and colour.
  3. When he gets online I'll inform him about this issue maybe he'll fix it.
  4. Yeah I think somebody was high on drugs when they changed it. But well what can you do.
  5. Check out this tutorial, its old but it should do the trick -
  6. With a picture of them saying mta forums and the date. Pretty easy.
  7. Amazing stuff mate. Keep it going! Love your work.
  8. Then the goal of this project has been reached! If you review my older threads on ivmp I tried jump starting the motivation of the community. Developing my version of the source code evidently lit the fire under their dev team to hopefully make something a lot better haha. Best motivation is competition Seems like so mate! https://github.com/IVMultiplayer/IVMultiplayer
  9. Negdje se mora početi. Kamoli teško je otvarat race server ima par ovih velikih koji su popularni(TG,DDC,FFS,VIP itd).
  10. Not totally releated to your topic but there was a vote on the ivmp forums about starting from 0(starting over again). So yeah maybe you could get involved or you'll just edit the one you got?
  11. I think assembla is for more closed sharing then for open like googlecode or github. Well Lukkaz I hope you'll make something great with this, we the community need a decent IV multiplayer mod!
  12. All is subject to change. You can comment, talk about it and tell it's shit. All comments are appreciated! Oh and read the description.
  13. GodFather


    Možda je server jednostavno ugašen? Daj IP da se probaj spojit.
  14. Well there are people in there indeed but I don't see any games setting up or anything. Feel free to join and ask somebody to play. Maybe Ransom might play I remeber him talking about getting Worms again.
  15. Nice work man. It would be a blast if you could make an RPG in the Chernobly wasteland. That would be so epic.
  16. GodFather

    Prevođenje MTA.

    Mislim da bi trebo ostavit sve naše znakove(č,ć.ž,đ,š). A prijedlog za prevođenje map editora bi mogao biti 'Urednik mapa' i ova slika kaj si stavio bilo bi bolje 'Brzo povezivanje'
  17. They don't like it and like somebody said not enough of devs. As far as I know about the project is that it will never be continued BUT the core itself could be used in GTA V if it ever comes to PC. Because the core of Orange is far superior then Blue.
  18. GodFather

    Prevođenje MTA.

    Bravo za prevođenje. Ja se ispričavam što nisam pomogao bio sam zauzet a i zaboravio sam.
  19. MTA disabled that and SA:MP didn't. You can make your own casino with scripting.
  20. S.T.A.L.K.E.R has a multiplayer ? I mean I know it has but it is just deatmatch I would like freeroam or something.
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