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Everything posted by [DooD]Heavyair

  1. looking at the wiki it said i can use addCommandHandler client side so i have tried to run this as client side only but still no camera change and no error function thrillcam ( theplayer ) local whatusee = getLocalPlayer () local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( whatusee ) toggleCameraFixedMode ( whatusee, true ) setTimer ( setCameraPosition, 10, 1, whatusee, x + 10, y + 10, z + 10 ) setTimer ( setCameraTarget, 10, 1, whatusee, whatusee ) setTimer ( toggleCameraFixedMode, 3000, 1, false ) outputChatBox ( "go" ) end addCommandHandler ( "funcam", thrillcam ) EDIT ::: i have managed to find a script that does what i want it to on another thread but it did say it gets very jumpy ( they were right ) thanx for all the help
  2. didnt think this was really worthy of posting on resources but its pretty cool creates a fog machine inside car so it looks like you have a james bond smoke screen LOL server side script function carsmoke ( player, command ) local vehicle = getPlayerOccupiedVehicle ( player ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( vehicle ) local smoker = createObject ( 2780, x, y, z ) attachElementToElement ( smoker, vehicle, 0, 0, -1 ) outputChatBox ( "BURNIN RUBBER! cough cough" ) setTimer ( destroyElement, 10000, 1, smoker ) end addCommandHandler ( "smoker", carsmoke ) it could probably use a way of putting smoke machine in different places depending on what vehicle your in but works ok as is
  3. thanx a lot 50P ok now trying it like this ( think i got rid of all the typeos ) with the debug running i get no errors but still doesnt work. i have another script ( not written by me ) that detects when a player enters a collision sphere and then fires projectile at them and it calls a client side function ( to create the projectile ) in the same way this does so i thought it would work. is it not working because the server side script that calls the client side function is a player command instead of a hit collision sphere event. im not totally sure what u meant when u said but heres the script anyway server side function docam ( player, command ) triggerClientEvent ( player, "thrillcam", getRootElement() ) outputChatBox ( "now" ) end addCommandHandler ( "camfun", docam ) client side function thrillcam ( theplayer ) local whatusee = getLocalPlayer () local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( whatusee ) toggleCameraFixedMode ( whatusee, true ) setTimer ( setCameraPosition, 10, 1, whatusee, x + 10, y + 10, z + 10 ) setTimer ( setCameraTarget, 10, 1, whatusee, whatusee ) setTimer ( toggleCameraFixedMode, 3000, 1, false ) end addEvent ( "thrillcam", true ) addEventHandler ( "thrillcam", getRootElement(), thrillcam )
  4. thanx for that 50P i was wondering how to use that debug script thing its very handy i have tried using this code but it gives me an error in the client side script in line 2 attempt to call getLocalPlayer a nil value server side function docam ( player, command ) triggerClientEvent ( player, "thrillcam", getRootElement() ) outputChatBox ( "now" ) end addCommandHandler ( "camfun", docam ) client side function thrillcam ( theplayer ) local whatusee = getLoclaPlayer ( theplayer ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( whatusee ) toggleCameraFixedMode ( whatusee, true ) setTimer ( setCameraPosition, 10, 1, whatusee, x + 10, y + 10, z + 10 ) setTimer ( setCameraTarget, 10, 1, whatusee, whatusee ) setTimer ( toggleCameraFixedMode, 3000, 1, false ) end addEvent ( "thrillcam", true ) addEventHandler ( "thrillcam", getRootElement(), thrillcam ) thanx for any advice
  5. thanx for the reply TMA i was looking at the wiki again and thought this might work but still no change and no errors server side function docam ( player, command ) setCameraMode ( player, fixed ) triggerClientEvent ( player, "thrillcam", getRootElement() ) outputChatBox ( "now" ) end addCommandHandler ( "camfun", docam ) clientside function thrillcam ( theplayer, command ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( getLocalPlayer() ) setCameraPosition ( x + 10, y + 10, z + 10 ) setCameraLookAt ( x, y, z ) end addEvent ( "onThrillcam", true ) addEventHandler ( "onThrillcam", getRootElement(), thrillcam ) i was wondering when i do the triggerClientEvent does it know where the function in the client side script is. like do i have to tell it where it is in the xml file or anything like that EDIT ::: now tried this but same result. just wondering if im getting any closer server side function docam ( player, command ) triggerClientEvent ( player, "thrillcam", getRootElement() ) outputChatBox ( "now" ) end addCommandHandler ( "camfun", docam ) client side function thrillcam ( theplayer ) local whatusee = getLoclaPlayer () local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( whatusee ) toggleCameraFixedMode ( whatusee, true ) setTimer ( setCameraPosition, 10, 1, whatusee, x + 10, y + 10, z + 10 ) setTimer ( setCameraTarget, 10, 1, whatusee, whatusee ) setTimer ( toggleCameraFixedMode, 3000, 1, false ) end addEvent ( "onThrillcam", true ) addEventHandler ( "onThrillcam", getRootElement(), thrillcam ) if i try putting setCameraMode in the server function then it doesnt do the chatbox message. all the other ways i at least got the message
  6. i have just tried this but no camera change and no errors could anyone give me an idea where im wrong server side function docam ( player, command ) triggerClientEvent ( player, "thrillcam", getRootElement() ) outputChatBox ( "now" ) end addCommandHandler ( "camfun", docam ) clientside function thrillcam ( theplayer, command ) local player = getLocalPlayer ( player ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( player ) setCameraMode ( player, fixed ) setTimer ( setCameraPosition, 10, 1, player, x + 10, y + 10, z + 10 ) setTimer ( setCameraLookAt, 10, 1, player, x, y, z ) setTimer ( setCameraMode, 3000, 1, player, player ) end addEvent ( "onThrillcam", true ) addEventHandler ( "onThrillcam", getRootElement(), thrillcam ) at the moment im just trying to understand the functions and ill worry about trying to move it after thanx for l kin
  7. this is almost there i think but i dont know ive only got me in my server so no one to check if color is changed im not sure if u need something that puts the blip attached to the player into a field or variable thingy here u go function blipchange ( player, command, name ) local theplayer = getPlayerFromNick ( name ) setBlipColor ( theplayer, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) outputChatBox ( "Blip color reset" ) end addCommandHandler ( "changeblip", blipchange ) i am very noob at scripting so no guarantees sorry
  8. i think u are pretty close ( im no expert either mind ) there is a function. here it is http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=SetBlipColor but im unsure as to how to attach it to the blip of the player you want to change. i will have a play with it and see what happens will post any progress what do u want to change the blip color for ( player / checkpoint ) if its for a player you probably need getPlayerFromNick or getPlayerTeam which are here http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=GetPlayerFromNick http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=GetPlayerTeam
  9. if you set yourself as admin you can stop and start resources from the console or admin screen ( press F8 for console / p for admin screen to set admin look in mta server directory\mods\deathmatch open ACL.XML <group name="Admin"> <acl name="Moderator"/> <acl name="SuperModerator"/> <acl name="Admin"/> <acl name="RPC"/> <object name="user.HeavyAir"/> <object name="resource.admin"/> then change HeavyAir to what your username is and then open ACCOUNTS.XML and add this <account name="Username here" password="password if u want one" /> then either press P and start resource or press F8 and type start resource name here
  10. sorry to sound dumb 50p but what would that do my idea is to make a thrill cam like in stuntman. when you do a big jump or something like that it changes camera angle so you get a better look at the jump and it looks more dramatic do i need to do this client side ( so as not to create lag or something ) or do u mean i should use on client render to update the camera position as the player moves i was also considering slowing game speed during the jump but not sure if i can do that for just one player. not to worry to much about the slowdown thing as i have just this second thought of it and havent really looked to see if it can be done
  11. still no go start medit then started mta and joined ( still just black screen but waited a bit ) logged in through console and restarted medit ( still just a black screen ) then tried to restart 2 more times but no effect ( just black screen ) not sure what to try now. i tried it with the map_editor bit i mentioned above and with it as normal but nothing seems to work i can get player to spawn if i change the map_editor to medit ( sorry repeating myself there ) but it wont save the map then just dont seem to be getting anywhere tried stopping all other resources then started medit still just black screen one funny thing i noticed is that when i join the server at bottom of screen it says TANTON which is where my freeroam normally spawns players but when i have managed to get player to spawn with medit im in a different area ( the farm i think ) think i might have to give up on this one ( oh come to me sweet DP3 )
  12. just found and tried this addEventHandler( 'onResourceStart', rootResThis, function( r ) if( getResourceName( r ) == 'map_editor' ) then addEventHandler( 'onPlayerJoin', getRootElement(), function() fadeCamera( source, true ) spawnPlayer( source, 0, 0, 3 ) end) end end) if i change map_editor to medit in second line of above code it spawns my player ( after 2-3 minutes ) but i still cant save maps other than that i just sit with black screen ( waited about 5 minutes ) and if i press F2 and spawn a vehicle watching the coordinates in the little screen ( with destroy / change model button ) i can see that it is falling through the air ( z coordinate starts about 500 and steadily drops ) like there is nowhere for it to be. havent given up yet but im running out of ideas ill give that a go robhol ( fingers crossed )
  13. hi all i have just been browsing the wiki and i came across camera mode and camera position is it possible to make the camera pan round ( watch someone do a jump / crash ) i assume i would have to set camera start position and then use settimer to move it so u can watch the player from a distance but just wanted to be sure thanx for any replys another thought is there a zoom ability or would i just need to move camera closer
  14. really cant figure this one out could someone who has this map editor running tell me how to get it to work. this is the only map editor ive found that uses the object list and without it its very difficult making maps. really not sure where im going wrong i have tried running it on its own with the server starting default resources ( spawnmanager/admin/mapmanager/etc. ) and ive tried stopping all other resources before i load it but no joy yet any help really appreciated as i really want to use this
  15. have to say i had the same problem ( using winrar ) when u create an archive with winrar it defaults to .RAR format you have to tick the little .ZIP button and then delete the .ZIP extension it puts on the end of the filename and then create archive should just say test but not test.rar or test.zip
  16. [DooD]Heavyair


    pretty much everything u need comes built in with MTA server you have at least 5 game modes and a few maps for each what kind of server do u want to run
  17. there doesnt seem to be a command / function for this the only way i know of is through the map file but i dont think thats any good for what u want to do i looked through the wiki and there is SETPANELSTATE but i think that is for showing damage sorry not much help
  18. not to show server in list but to allow clients to download resources from you 22004 is for connection and 22127 is for ASE ( server browser ) / i think
  19. if your using a router you need port 22004 open for udp port 22005 open for tcp port 22127 open for udp and u cant ever see your own server on the list even if its working properly ( dont know why but has always been like this )
  20. that has happened to me a couple of times but not always. not sure why EDIT ::: i have been messing around with it for a while now but seem to get mixed results tried starting MEDIT on its own ( just black screen ) tried start BROPH and then MEDIT ( menu dont work ) start BROPH then MEDIT login and restart MEDIT ( works sometimes but often get user data 00000000 ) start MEDIT join and login start BROPH so u spawn then stop BROPH press "." and load map ( worked until i started airbrake script then userdata 0000000 again ) not sure what else to try now. im so annoyed i cant remember what i did before i have been using DSM map editor which is very good but i cant seem to find it on the resource page or in the forums or i would give u a link. the only limitation with DSM is it doesnt use menu for objects u just have to scroll through them one at a time. if i can find it i will post u a link asap EDIT 2 ::: just found it here u go https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=22617&p=276898&hilit=dsm#p276898
  21. yes i think that should do it
  22. if u go to DM server support thread and search heavy air i have posted a few guides on how to get server running. that should give u everything u need to know but if not just post and i will write u a guide
  23. you might need to load a map but not sure best thing ive found for testing is BROPH resource as you dont need anything else to run it with ( freeroam mode with some nice commands ) if you roun CDM , TDM , INTERSTATE 69 , ASSAULT , CTF , CTV or any of the others you need to start a map as well as the resource what u have to do is start the resource ( example CDM ) and then join the game, open console, and type VOTEMODE. it should then give you a list of playable maps ( i think its 1-9 ) in bottom right of screen but like i said easiest way to test everything is workin is just run BROPH one other problem may be that you dont have spawnmanager and such running but i think the default for the server is to start these <resource src="admin" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="helpmanager" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="mapcycler" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="mapmanager" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="resourcebrowser" startup="1" protected="1" default="true"/> <resource src="resourcemanager" startup="1" protected="1"/> <resource src="scoreboard" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="spawnmanager" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="votemanager" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="webadmin" startup="1" protected="0"/> so that shouldnt be the problem but still worth trying to start spawnmanager ( same as other resources ) i have also noticed that certain gamemodes ( definitely INTERSTATE 69 ) you need more than one player for the game to start so it never spawns your player unless someone else joins ( possible reason for staring at sky )
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