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Everything posted by SugarD-x

  1. SugarD-x

    MTA Dead?

    I didn't start this topic, nor did I start any arguments. I defended myself, but I didn't begin any of the arguing you now see here. And for the record, no, I will not stop discussing 0.5. I don't care if you think it's dead or not. The forums still exist here and the MTA team has not officially said that the project is no longer to be discussed on these forums, so I have all the right to try and rally support for it again. If enough users request for it to be updated, maybe the MTA team will see that it's worth doing again. That probably won't happen unless the users actually make it worth the work for them, and you all know it. Let's please get back on topic here. I want this project to survive and thrive, not die because users cannot agree on the goal of keeping it alive. May I request a lock of this topic to save MTA's sanity lol?
  2. It's all on the same topic because that is what is being discussed in all the topics! I haven't created tons of topics on the same idea...I've only mentioned the same or similar points in them, which directly related to what was being discussed. I understand your point but I assure you I'm not here to spam the forum with my ideas just to get a point across. Anyways, back on-topic. What does MTA:SA now use as their server browser? Maybe it would be a good idea for this if we can ever get updates on it.
  3. SugarD-x

    MTA:VC 0.5

    Gawd I hope it gets updated before I...well, I want to say grow up, but I'm 18 now and I'm not sure how to define that hahaha...
  4. SugarD-x

    MTA Dead?

    More like MTA:SA first -.- To make it clear to everyone that keeps bringing up MTA:SA...I already said, that was for AFTER it is completed. Why would they complete something after it's already done? That makes no sense at all. I beg of you, READ THE ENTIRE TOPIC BEFORE POSTING. Thanks!
  5. I'm not spamming the forums, and my posts are allowed. Yes, I know what they said about it. That doesn't mean it can't be discussed, especially by users themselves in the event that GTA3:MTA/MTA:VC is open-sourced. The forum is not locked, and no one says I can't post about it. If anything your post would be a "spam" post more than my own. I'm on-topic with the discussion here.
  6. SugarD-x

    MTA Dead?

    Finish GTA3:MTA and MTA:VC before anything else. The users of those games have been waiting literally for years for an update. Finish up your current projects and that gives GTA IV time to get patched up and prepare users for computer upgrades that will allow for a MTA:IV in the future. Note: I have atleast 176 reasons as of this post to why you should update GTA3:MTA/MTA:VC before anything else. They are listed here: http://www.petitiononline.com/mtab1u3/petition.html
  7. That still continues to be an issue for the MTA:VC 0.5 server over at Argonath RPG because the map says DM so users can freeroam, but the scripts are set up as RPG so users can actually roleplay.
  8. I'm bumping this topic for the sake that the ASE Master Server has been permanently shut down and no longer exists. Is there any way we can figure out a new way to update it, even third-party? It's relevant to this topic, so whether or not this topic is 4 years old, the discussion needs to be re-opened.
  9. http://www.petitiononline.com/mtab1u3/petition.html
  10. SugarD-x

    MTA Dead?

    seriously you just have no idea at all. ?!? ISSUES? OMFG IT'S 2009!!! WHO THE HELL STILL DEVELOPS ISSUES??? CRUEL! https://mtasa.com/85.html - here you go. version numbers don't say anything at all. FACT when the hell will you give up trying to manipulate the devs? they'll start or not, and if they will they will do it whenever they want, there is nothing you can change, you just make yourself sound like a seven year old who can't cope with the possibility not to get exactly what he wanted source? Going down the list: 1. I think it's you that does not. It's known that GTA IV has very high system requirements that most people cannot meet satisfactorily. 2. Who the **** said developing issues?!? I said it still HAS issues, meaning bugs! 3. I meant as a full release, sorry. That is still a beta/release candidate. 4. Actually, they don't, but they CAN! Think about it, MTA:SA is reaching to 1.0 and MTA 0.5 is, well, 0.5. Not only that, but it's obvious that MTA for GTA 3 and GTA: VC was never finished...hence why there are topics discussing error reports to be used to fix bugs for MTA 0.6. 5. Seriously, back off and calm down. I never manipulated or tried to manipulate the devs. It's called a suggestion, which is an OPINION, which I backed up with evidence relating to the subject. 6. My source? How many people want MTA:IV? Now, read this: http://www.petitiononline.com/mtab1u3/petition.html On a sidenote: as some already know, we have registered a new domain "mtaiv.com", who knows for what to come. No one said they wont do it, this quote taken from a status report posted a while back stated that they actually have plans to start it, but no one said they wont do it! One dev said they probably wouldn't, and like I said, it is always possible, but highly unlikely in the near future. Then whats MTA race and DM? See answer #3 in the list above. WRONG! i think you're talking about yourself, yes many people think that IV should be left for later but even more people prefere MTA:SA than GTA3:MTA/MTA:VC How am I wrong?!? I'm discussing MTA:IV production versus GTA3:MTA/MTA:VC production! No one said anything about MTA:SA in that! This is where you're guessing, yes IV's requirements are high, but many of the population can handle it and just cause there are people that cant handle it, it doesn't mean that MTA:IV would just be a waste of time! I never said it would be a waste of time...I said it would be a waste of time to work on RIGHT NOW because of the high system requirements which yes, MOST people have a very hard time dealing with at this time. Examples of the high requirement complaints found in a one-second search on Google: http://www.gamespot.com/pages/unions/fo ... n_id=15792 http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=93506 http://www.thavi.net/grand-theft-auto-i ... uirements/ Seriously people, PLEASE, read my entire posts before you reply. Don't pick and choose so you can quote and make me look like a moron. You obviously didn't read it all the way through because you are claiming i said one thing when I actually said something else. The last 2 quotes on here are a perfect example of that...
  11. SugarD-x

    MTA:VC 0.5

    I did. I left the message so if the user does still have access to his/her account and checks their posts some time, they'll see it. Anyway, back on topic people, please...
  12. SugarD-x

    MTA:VC 0.5

    What are you saying ".." about? He's advertising with a fake or phished account. I want his spam deleted from this topic. Please don't give useless replies quoting me unless you actually have something to say. I don't want this topic ruined anymore than it has been already.
  13. SugarD-x

    MTA Dead?

    I don't think somebody made it clear that we will not do MTA:IV. We sure could start it someday, more likely even open source from the very beginning. Blue core allows us to port it to other games, without rewriting tonns of code we got for the last years. One of the devs said the requirements would be way too high for a MTA:IV to be possible anytime in the near or somewhat distant future. GTA IV alone has extremely high requirements and almost no one, even with the super gaming computers available, can run it. MTA:IV would be even worse because whatever system memory, CPU time, video card memory, and hard drive space that GTA IV didn't suck up, MTA:IV would eat...especially with how powerful it would have to be to work with that kind of game. Plus on the note made by another user, even though GTA IV multiplayer for PC is constantly having issues, it does exist. That right there could conflict with MTA:IV's success, and maybe even it's ability to run. On another note, MTA:SA isn't even out yet, and when it's out it's only version 1.0! GTA3:MTA/MTA:VC is still at version 0.5! You guys should spend time on these before even considering MTA:IV anyway. It'll be a long time until the world population has computers that can handle GTA IV, so make the best of it so the project doesn't die from people not being able to run it right away. There's more people interested in you bringing back GTA3:MTA/MTA:VC than making MTA:IV right now anyway.
  14. SugarD-x

    MTA:VC 0.5

    Fix your account and delete your spam post NOW!
  15. SugarD-x

    MTA Dead?

    Common sense and gained knowledge through topics stated on the forums by MTA Team developers, mods, and admins? Don't think I'm implying that that is all stuff they WILL do. I'm stating that it is the order they have planned IF they do it, with the last one being an obvious exception since it happens between and during each project as well. As for the GTA IV MTA thing, they've already made that one plain and clear multiple times.
  16. SugarD-x

    MTA Dead?

    Guys, I was listing their current to-do list, and they already stated they will not be doing a GTA IV MTA in the near future, if ever, due to high requirements and the fact that multiplayer is built in already.
  17. I think he means VC on the SA engine, like what GTA:LC did with GTA 3 on the VC engine. Although that would also be a fun mod to play, it goes a little away from what we are trying to accomplish, even though I do love that idea as well.
  18. They have alot to focus on right now unfortunately. They are trying to keep the community and clients alive by getting MTA:SA out the door bug free so they can focus on other stuff, like this!
  19. SugarD-x

    MTA Dead?

    Their to-do list: 1. Finish MTA:SA 2. Release Blue for MTA:VC 3. Release 0.6 for MTA:GTA 3 4. Improvements to everything
  20. I agree. This community is growing desperate as well. There are numerous topics floating around, a few of which I started, on their community site/forums that discuss how we can save MTA:VC from going down the toilet. I know you guys are focusing on MTA:SA, but if there's any way you can pull a meeting together and agree on open-sourcing it for now, that'd be awesome. After MTA:SA's completion you could consider bringing it back then as well, which I really hope you'll do. Please...the MTA:GTA 3 community is practically dead and MTA:VC is nearing that status as well. Bring VC back, and GTA 3 if you can as well. Examples of these discussions: http://www.argonathrpg.eu/forum/index.php?topic=24569.0 http://www.argonathrpg.eu/forum/index.php?topic=14633.0 http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/ ... ?mtab1u3&1 http://clanxperience.ulmb.com/forums/vi ... p?f=1&t=61 http://www.xoxideforums.com/multi-playe ... -auto.html Off-topic: Hey JDC.
  21. There's still a huge chance it could become big again...come on guys! I've only advertised this on one site so far and already within the first day of it's creation there were over 100 signatures. People are still signing it, despite it not even being advertised! I say open source/update MTA 0.5 and let the old school MTA'ers have their fun! http://www.petitiononline.com/mtab1u3/petition.html
  22. We've gotta wait and see what the dev team does first about the 0.5 source and project itself before we know what'll happen...
  23. So any news or decisions on MTA 0.5 yet, or the future 0.6/Blue (I hope)? Please guys, I'm begging you. Here I am at age 18, I only get enough time to game late at night and maybe once during the week during the day, and I'm still desperate for this. How sad is that? I started playing MTA when it was at 0.4...come on...
  24. You guys want help? Start talking to this community: http://www.argonathrpg.eu/forum/index.php?topic=14633.0 These guys host dedicated servers for multiple GTA multiplayer clients and are run 24/7 with almost no downtime. This community is great and their MTA:3/VC users are begging for some progress on the client. Please, don't forget us!
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