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Everything posted by Hulkkiller

  1. Geany: A GTK+-2 and Scintilla based Text Editor with Function List (Windows compatible) http://www.geany.org/ I like Geany more than Notepad++
  2. i have "upx -d" this Software and i see you have integrated the Qt Libs in your Software. How did you do it?
  3. C or C++ with embedded Lua is better (Lua is open Source) And "Unix" is a system kernel, the name confused linux user that search a compiler without console
  4. Edit the singleplayer with http://www.sannybuilder.com
  5. Why don't have the MTA MySQL Module have Updates? [2013-09-06 15:05:35] MODULE: Unable to find modules/mta_mysql.so (libmysqlclient.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)! I have only libmysqlclient.so.18 installed.. Is the module Open Source?, that i can modify this..
  6. GTA San Andreas ist nicht installiert, oder gta_sa.exe ist im Arsch/Beschädigt oder ist falsch
  7. its work for me, http://mtasa.keppe.org (I am running PHP5.4 on my Server) My Public Code <?php /**************************************************** MTA LINUX SERVER LATEST BUILD FETCH SERVICE Documentation: [url=http://uhm.sparksptpm.co.uk/mta-linux/]http://uhm.sparksptpm.co.uk/mta-linux/[/url] Developed by uhm under Apache License v2.0 Edited by KPT (Keppe Project-Team) *****************************************************/ function get_data($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $data; } function getBetween($haystack,$start,$end,$index=0) { $positions = array(); $positionsB = array(); $count = 0; $cnt2=0; while($cnt2<($index+1) && $count = strpos($haystack , $start , $count+1)) { $positions[] = $count+strlen($start); $cnt2++; } $cnt2=0; while($cnt2<($index+1) && $count = strpos($haystack , $end , $positions[$cnt2]+1)) { $positionsB[] = $count; $cnt2++; } return substr($haystack,$positions[$index],$positionsB[$index]-$positions[$index]); } // get last check date $time = filemtime('cache.txt'); if ((time() - $time) > 7200) // has it been longer than 2 hrs? (7200 seconds) { $data = get_data('https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/'); $psdata = explode("- Current release version",$data); $version = getBetween($psdata[1],'<img src="mta_nightly.php?image=gz" alt="gz" /> <a href="','"'); file_put_contents ( 'cache.txt' , $version ); // make sure to chmod this file to 644, 755, 775 or 777 } else { $version = file_get_contents('cache.txt'); } if (isset($_GET['latest'])) { echo getBetween($version,'/','.tar'); } elseif (isset($_GET['ver'])) { $gdata = getBetween($version,'/','.tar'); $psg1data = explode("-",$gdata); $psg2data = explode("-",$psg1data[1]); echo $psg2data[0]; } elseif (isset($_GET['build'])) { $gdata = getBetween($version,'/','.tar'); $psg1data = explode("-",$gdata); $psg2data = explode("-",$psg1data[3]); echo $psg2data[0]; } elseif (isset($_GET['get'])) { header('Location: ' . 'https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/' . $version); } else { echo 'Invalid request; see [url=http://uhm.sparksptpm.co.uk/mta-linux/']http://uhm.sparksptpm.co.uk/mta-linux/'[/url]; } Thank your for the help thx
  8. I meaning the Nightly Version (nightly.multitheftauto.com), Otherwise this is good with the latest normal Release I can hosting the php source on my webserver if you want, i can register a sub-domain example.. (mtasa.keppe.org)
  9. nightly.multitheftauto.com running on php, can create and upload a script for get the latest and recommend version for the Linux Server? Is less work for me, because then I could build my project better (I have my own MTA Panel for hosting and need this for a update interface)
  10. https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver/ (It's given for the Linux Server?)
  11. I have my own Map, in the very high world 1370 height Bugsite: http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=7664 Screenshot: local water local height function createWaterResStart() height = 1370.87 SizeVal = 2950 southWest_X = -SizeVal southWest_Y = -SizeVal southEast_X = SizeVal southEast_Y = -SizeVal northWest_X = -SizeVal northWest_Y = SizeVal northEast_X = SizeVal northEast_Y = SizeVal water = createWater ( southWest_X, southWest_Y, height, southEast_X, southEast_Y, height, northWest_X, northWest_Y, height, northEast_X, northEast_Y, height ) setWaterLevel(height) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), createWaterResStart ) function createWaterResStop() destroyElement ( water ) end addEventHandler("onResourceStop", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), createWaterResStop ) if i am restart the script more than 2-5, the water enable, the first start don't enable it it's server side and client side this problem (it's not a script error) it's a engine error
  12. MTA ist kein SA:MP Map Editor Kannst gleich SA:MP von deine Festplatte löschen und die Serverliste bei MTA durchsuchen Weil SA:MP is echt für jeden *****sohn (nicht gegen die Leute das spielen) aber der Entwickler von SA:MP ist geistlich ein kleines Kind, und wie der immer labert, omg. Ich sage dir bleibe bei MTA, mach einfach nichts mit SA:MP, tu dir ein gefallen damit, nicht uns, ok?
  13. I would like programming an MTA server updater program for Linux Is there a file where the latest Linux server version is in there because it should automatically update as the MTA client then
  14. Was is meaning with 2.0/eir fork Development build only - 2.0/eir fork
  15. Junge der hat die Serial gebannt, es ist was anderes als den "SCHEISS REALLIFE SERVER KACK"
  16. Would it be possible that you just hergibt the networking code, because the interest me very Or is the Networking Code very sensitive?
  17. Reallfie = gibt es schon genug und es sind fast alle Scheisse außer bestimmte Wenn dann du was gutes machen willst musst du was ganz neues erschaffen, wer will was den mit ein Reallife Server, das ist so als würde 40 Katzenfutter Marken bei EDEKA stehen Überleg was du komplett anderes machen willst, ist viel besser, Reallife gibts genug
  18. I downloaded the mtasa-blue Source Code an didn't find netc ("net"), in the sdk is only the header files -.- Is very interesting to me as the "netc" built Is there a particular place or you can send me the? -------------------------------------------------------------- Very nice greeting by me
  19. Dont can Download the File, Upload the File new pls..
  20. you are idiot? mta orange trailer!! show the video!!
  21. good work, please release a new version, have minibugs
  22. what for day come the developer preview? MTA Orange DP Version, day or month?
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