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Everything posted by eAi

  1. But then you can't read things because the text is too small, and the GUI widgets will look bad if they're scaled up or down.
  2. Indeed, replace source with hitElement. It's really stupid and an abuse of the ACL system to check for specific named groups - the whole point of the ACL is to make it so that that kind of stuff isn't necessary - to detach scripts from knowledge of the users. So if you find yourself using aclGetGroup in your script, think twice about it. The only valid use for that is for admin tools that are modifying the ACL.
  3. Why doesn't it generate a .map file? You could edit that with the map editor then... Plus, it uses less bandwidth.
  4. We've done that before - a lot more of MTA used to be hard coded. For example, the scoreboard used to be in C++, now it's in Lua.
  5. That really isn't the way to do it - you should do: if hasObjectPermissionTo(source, "resource.yourResourceNameHere.openGate") then
  6. eAi

    Help MTA

    We suggest not to use isObjectInACLGroup. It's much better to create your own right(s) then use hasObjectPermissionTo. That way, if you share your resource, other servers don't have to name their groups to match your script (or edit your script to match their names).
  7. You certainly could do the same in MTA, but we avoid doing such nasty things as making people break their GTASA install to play on a particular server. Of course, if a server admin wants to do so, they can, but as a development team, our aim is to avoid such things using The Wonderful MTA Resource System™. The very fact that this thread exists on our forum should answer the question in the title.
  8. eAi

    Missing Textures

    Try the latest 1.0.4 nightly build.
  9. Yes, bones don't have angles, just positions.
  10. Debug builds are slow. Release builds are faster.
  11. getPedBonePosition is the way to do it. And I believe SAMP has the same issue that Kayl had with slopes and getPedBonePosition. SAMP is doing the same thing.
  12. You're creating 5 tables - he wants one table with 7 columns.
  13. That looks completely wrong.
  14. eAi


    Compile, yes; encrypt, no.
  15. Because we'd rather you played the mod we've spent 8 years making than the competition that copies us? Weird indeed.
  16. You shouldn't be able to break scripts by using the map editor. You shouldn't need to run your own server specifically either - just clicking the Map Editor option in the main menu should do it (though this does run a server in the background). You put the zombie spawn points in a map file in a resource. Depending how (well) the zombie resource is coded, that could be it. If you look at viewtopic.php?f=91&t=24660&start=46 you can download other maps that use it and see how they work, along with lots of documentation.
  17. Why not use the map editor rather than making your (and our) life harder?
  18. Which it really shouldn't of course, being a rather old game! I heard from someone that one of the GTA:SA patches fixes this - does anyone know if that's true?
  19. It's a feature Honestly, that's how it was designed. I can't quite remember why. It's open to debate whether this is a useful feature.
  20. There's a general feeling that people who use MTA to make SAMP maps are just abusing the hardwork that MTA developers have put in to benefit another mod.
  21. I'd agree - I'd deprecate them and remove them in a future version. They're basically just really old functions from before we had written many other functions.
  22. theVehicle in your Test function isn't a number, it's an element, so VehicleInfo[idx] isn't going to find anything. If you want to assign data to elements, use setElementData.
  23. As far as lua is concerned, functions do not have names - references to them are stored in one or more variables (that have names). So, no.
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