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Everything posted by TAPL

  1. onClientPlayerJoin Event is wrong, you must use onClientResourceStart
  2. TAPL

    Big problem

    so how about if player reconnect? i don't know what you are trying to do, but as you said you are saved the elemtndata to the players acc name so you can do the same to save vehicle model id in account when the player bought it for example (you shouldn't use it because if you server crash there will not be Event onResourceStop) addEventHandler("onResourceStop",resourceRoot, function() for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if veh then local Model = getElementModel(veh) setAccountData(player,"vehModel",Model) end end end if you saved vehicle model id in account you can get it when the resource start Example: addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function() for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local Model = getAccountData(player,"vehModel") if Model then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) createVehicle(Model, x, y+3, z) end end end
  3. وضح أكثر وين حاط القوانين أنت ووين تبيها تطلع بالشات مثلاً؟ في نافذه مثلاً؟
  4. TAPL

    Slow download.

  5. عندك أخطاء كثير لازم تستخدمها كلينت لان إذا أستخدمتها سيرفر بتتغير السرعة لكل اللاعبين setGameSpeed الوظيفة --Server-Side-- addEvent("buySpeed",true) addEventHandler("buySpeed",root, function() if getPlayerMoney (source) >= 2000 then takePlayerMoney(source, 2000) triggerClientEvent(source,"setPlayerSpeed",source) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source).." #ffff00Has Bought #00ffff[speed]",root,255,0,0,true) else outputChatBox("#00cc00You don't have #ff0000$2000 #00cc00to buy #ffff00[speed]",source,255,0,0,true) end end) --Client-Side-- function setSpeed() setGameSpeed(10) end addEvent("setPlayerSpeed",true) addEventHandler("setPlayerSpeed",root,setSpeed)
  6. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=3727
  7. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=3690
  8. اخوي انا نوب في عمل الكودات بس بسوي اول 2 لاكن الاخير ما اعرف له local x, y, z = getElementPosition(element) local shield = createObject(3504, x, y, z) attachElements(shield, element, 0, 1, 0.1) destroyElement(shield)
  9. MTA 1.3 أحذف وحمله من جديد http://www.busign.nl/mirror/mtasa/mtasa-1.3.exe
  10. 1- https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetGameSpeed 2- https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=2074 3- https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateObject and https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AttachElements
  11. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=3678 95% of the files (images - sounds files....) in the script is stolen from my script he just copied it and upload it to community you can find my name at the files, seems he is idiot didn't remove my name from it lol
  12. <script src="carpack.lua" type="client" /> <file src="car/sandking.txd" type="client"/> <file src="car/sandking.dff" type="client"/>
  13. this wouldn't be stupid if a one are able to shut down your server because this mod is running on your server and what the author said?
  14. Could you repeat what you said again? I am Ready to upload the log File (server.log) Size: 153 Mb and 62 kb you don't have anything to say so try to run away idiot stupid
  15. hehe, for first i made hack which make your walls transparent, this use gta3.img only and still work on MTA 1.3 so its bull :~ and you dont have an idea what ppl can make with your "ANTYCHEAT" =). maybe its spaghetti- code?. Sure its an option to block it from MTA site. and one information for you haters. Mate requested it to ccw . second question is, Did you ever played on basemode/aspect?.(im talking about clans scene not 1 time join A/D server) you dont have any experience to say whats wrong or good. and believe me Mate isnt a kid he won't "ban and haxs servers" he just wanna have an option to make A/D scene clear, your "ANTICHEAT" proof isn't ideal . Like Mate said "was created for professional clan matches with attention to clean game and playinign with rules." We all clear players agree with him, why he should ban someone if that person is clear? All cheaters rebel? maybe you all are cheaters? . Simple logic. you're not proffesional A/D players.. and if you dont like it, dont play on it. thats simple. I think you never played on it before . so what about this? huh?
  16. From My Server(Log File) BaseMode resource named in my server (BaseMode1) (Note: Admin does not have right to 'debugscript' and 'shutdown' in my server) [2012-01-03 12:26:06] CONNECT: [Ne]#3f3f3fMrX connected (IP: Serial: 1F505EAF92EE3BD418A775E22E43F243 Version: 1.2.0-9.03640.0) [2012-01-03 12:26:06] JOIN: [Ne]#3f3f3fMrX joined the game (IP: [2012-01-03 12:29:27] ADMIN: [Ne]#3f3f3fMrX registered account 'MrX' (IP: Serial: 1F505EAF92EE3BD418A775E22E43F243) [2012-01-03 12:33:47] ACL: BaseMode1: Object 'user.MrX' added to group 'Admin' [2012-01-03 12:33:50] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) [Ne]#3f3f3fMrX successfully logged in as 'MrX' (IP: Serial: 1F505EAF92EE3BD418A775E22E43F243) [2012-01-03 12:33:50] DENIED: Denied '[Ne]#3f3f3fMrX' access to command 'debugscript' [2012-01-03 13:23:56] ADMIN: [Ne]#3f3f3fMrX registered account 'YourSecurityFails' (IP: Serial: 1F505EAF92EE3BD418A775E22E43F243) [2012-01-03 13:24:03] ACL: BaseMode1: Object 'user.YourSecurityFails' added to group 'Admin'' [2012-01-03 13:24:08] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) [Ne]#3f3f3fMrX successfully logged in as 'YourSecurityFails' (IP: Serial: 1F505EAF92EE3BD418A775E22E43F243) [2012-01-03 13:27:22] DENIED: Denied '[Ne]#3f3f3fMrX' access to command 'shutdown' [2012-01-03 13:27:32] DENIED: Denied '[Ne]#3f3f3fMrX' access to command 'debugscript' [2012-01-03 13:27:41] ACL: BaseMode1: Object 'user.YourSecurityFails' added to group 'Console' [2012-01-03 13:27:44] SCRIPT: [Ne]#3f3f3fMrX(YourSecurityFails) set his script debug mode to 3 [2012-01-03 13:28:26] restart: Requested by [Ne]#3f3f3fMrX(YourSecurityFails) [2012-01-03 13:28:26] Stopping admin [2012-01-03 13:28:26] Starting admin [2012-01-03 13:28:27] admin restarted successfully [2012-01-03 13:35:18] SHUTDOWN: Got shutdown command from [Ne]#3f3f3fMrX(YourSecurityFails) (No reason specified)
  17. 1- I'm using MTA:SA Server v1.3-release-3741 2- i've try unpack and it's work! (some time not work and i have to do restart Aspect many times to work) but another problem, i always get kick
  18. no i don't, it's not work for me too waiting for author reply
  19. ERROR: Infinite/too long execution (Aspect)
  20. you can do trigger or you can create the markers server side and using the event onClientMarkerHit from client side
  21. Client-side local marker = createMarker( 1282, -1664.5999755859, 12.5, "Cylinder", 2, 255, 255, 255, 255) GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Memo = {} GUIEditor_Label = {} windowjob = guiCreateWindow(1031,232,301,397,"SWAT job",false) guiSetVisible(windowjob, false) GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(22,352,108,35,"Take job",false,windowjob) GUIEditor_Label[1] = guiCreateLabel(193,-103,5,5,"",false,windowjob) GUIEditor_Button[2] = guiCreateButton(179,352,110,36,"Cancel",false,windowjob) GUIEditor_Memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(19,33,273,215,"To take SWAT team job, press Take job.\n\nIf you don't want to, press Cancel.\n\n\nNOTE: You need to be into SWAT team group.",false,windowjob) function swatjob(hitElement) if getElementType(hitElement) == "player" then if not guiGetVisible(windowjob) then guiSetVisible(windowjob, true) showCursor(true) end end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", marker, swatjob) function swatjobleave(leaveElement) if getElementType(leaveElement) == "player" then if guiGetVisible(windowjob) then guiSetVisible(windowjob, false) showCursor(false) end end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerLeave", marker, swatjobleave) function joinTeam() triggerServerEvent("setSWAT",localPlayer) guiSetVisible(windowjob, false) showCursor(false) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[1] , joinTeam, false) function removeswatWindow() guiSetVisible(windowjob, false) showCursor(false) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[2] , removeswatWindow, false) Server-Side function createSWATTeam () SWATTeam = createTeam ("SWAT Team", 0, 0, 255) end addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createSWATTeam) function joinSWAT() setPlayerTeam(source,SWATTeam) setElementModel(source,285) outputChatBox("You are now SWAT.",source,0,255,0) end addEvent("setSWAT", true) addEventHandler("setSWAT",root,joinSWAT)
  22. Client-Side function joinTeam() triggerServerEvent("setSWAT",localPlayer) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[1], joinTeam, false) Server-Side function createSWATTeam () SWATTeam = createTeam ("SWAT Team", 0, 0, 255) end addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createSWATTeam) function joinSWAT() setPlayerTeam(source,SWATTeam) setElementModel(source,217) end addEvent("setSWAT", true) addEventHandler("setSWAT",root,joinSWAT)
  23. -- open the window function openJob1Window() if not guiGetVisible(job1Window) then guiSetVisible(job1Window, true) showCursor(true) end end function openJob2Window() if not guiGetVisible(job2Window) then guiSetVisible(job2Window, true) showCursor(true) end end function openJob3Window() if not guiGetVisible(job3Window) then guiSetVisible(job3Window, true) showCursor(true) end end -- hide the window function hideJob1Window() if guiGetVisible(job1Window) then guiSetVisible(job1Window, false) showCursor(false) end end function hideJob2Window() if guiGetVisible(job2Window) then guiSetVisible(job2Window, false) showCursor(false) end end function hideJob3Window() if guiGetVisible(job3Window) then guiSetVisible(job3Window, false) showCursor(false) end end then we create the marker local Job1 = createMarker(-2596.625, 579.358, 15.626, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150) local Job2 = createMarker(-2596.625, 579.358, 15.626, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150) local Job3 = createMarker(-2596.625, 579.358, 15.626, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150) function MarkerHit(hitElement) if getElementType(hitElement) == "player" then if (source == Job1) then openJob1Window() elseif (source == Job2) then openJob2Window() elseif (source == Job3) then openJob3Window() end end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", root, MarkerHit) function markerLeave(leaveElement) if getElementType(leaveElement) == "player" then if (source == Job1) then hideJob1Window() elseif (source == Job2) then hideJob2Window() elseif (source == Job3) then hideJob3Window() end end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerLeave", root, markerLeave)
  24. Event onResourceStart is Server-side Event onMarkerHit is Server-side Function guiCreateWindow is Client-side Function guiWindowSetSizable is Client-side Function guiCreateGridList is Client-side Function guiGridListSetSelectionMode is Client-side Function guiCreateButton is Client-side you should use Events onClientResourceStart and onClientMarkerHit
  25. if you don't post the script how we can help you?
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