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Everything posted by TAPL

  1. TAPL

    Max player ....

    lol then what did you thinks ? i thinks maybe we open server and name #2 in Samp you see server with 500 slot
  2. TAPL

    Max player ....

    I think that everyone knows that the maximum of players is 128 player. Is there a way to up the number more than 128 ? Anyway what is the reason to maximum the of players is 128 ??
  3. i thinks he stole script
  4. i have big probelm i don't know what worng when i try join my server with MTA V1.0.4 i get this error but when i join with MTA V1.0.2 my server work and i can join Please Help
  5. are probelm in vote ? ? lol you don't say vote you say /arena 20 20 and this only admin
  6. copy all you acl and past here !!
  7. this is group Admin i Copy it from my server acl <group name="Admin"> <acl name="Moderator" /> <acl name="SuperModerator" /> <acl name="Admin" /> <acl name="RPC" /> [color=#FF0000] <acl name="Default" />[/color] <object name="resource.admin" /> <object name="resource.webadmin" /> <object name="user.basel" /> <object name="resource.BaseMode" /> </group> The problem is not from acl it is from the Script just Delete wtf Default in admin group ? lol
  8. BaseMode #2 work fine and no have bug lets see what you do in acl copy you acl and past here !!
  9. yes becouse BaseMode auto stop mapmanager you can't get map in admin you no need for it you should start map with /arena id Exampl: /arena 10
  10. lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol you do worng in acl just add this in acl group Admin only !! don't add BaseMode on group Everyon !!
  11. Frankly, I stole I know that I need to server-side i try learn to do server-side but not succeed so I need help
  12. Hello my old post = https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=28541 i got this resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement() Window = guiCreateWindow(207,170,389,334,"Vehicle Upgrades",false) hydrauGrid = guiCreateGridList(0.0231,0.2526,0.2776,0.5966,true,Window) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(hydrauGrid,2) hydrauc = guiGridListAddColumn(hydrauGrid,"Hydraulics",0.7) wheelsGrid = guiCreateGridList(0.6941,0.2526,0.2776,0.5966,true,Window) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(wheelsGrid,2) wheelsc = guiGridListAddColumn(wheelsGrid,"Wheels",0.7) okBut = guiCreateButton(0.0231,0.8905,0.4537,0.081,"Close ===> F2",true,Window) nitroGrid = guiCreateGridList(0.3625,0.2568,0.2776,0.5966,true,Window) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(nitroGrid,2) nitroc = guiGridListAddColumn(nitroGrid,"Nitro",0.7) img = guiCreateStaticImage(0.0282,0.0811,0.941,0.1622,"dl3 seartk.png",true,Window) guiSetVisible (Window, false) guiWindowSetSizable (Window, false) guiMoveToBack( img ) guiSetEnabled ( img, false ) lbl = guiCreateLabel(0.509,0.8952,0.4627,0.0719,"Double click to upgrade",true,Window) guiLabelSetColor(lbl,255,255,255) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(lbl,"top") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(lbl,"left",false) ------------ Hydraulics Grid ------------- local hydraurow = guiGridListAddRow ( hydrauGrid ) hydraulics = guiGridListSetItemText ( hydrauGrid, hydraurow, hydrauc, "Hydraulic", false, false ) ------------ Nitro Grid ------------- local nitrorow1 = guiGridListAddRow ( nitroGrid ) local nitrorow2 = guiGridListAddRow ( nitroGrid ) local nitrorow3 = guiGridListAddRow ( nitroGrid ) nitro1 = guiGridListSetItemText ( nitroGrid, nitrorow1, nitroc, "Nitro x1", false, false ) nitro2 = guiGridListSetItemText ( nitroGrid, nitrorow2, nitroc, "Nitro x2", false, false ) nitro3 = guiGridListSetItemText ( nitroGrid, nitrorow3, nitroc, "Nitro x3", false, false ) ------------ Wheels Grid ------------- local wheelsrow1 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow2 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow3 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow4 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow5 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow6 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow7 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow8 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow9 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow10 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow11 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow12 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow13 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow14 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow15 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow16 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) local wheelsrow17 = guiGridListAddRow ( wheelsGrid ) wheels1 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow1, wheelsc, "Wheel 1", false, false ) wheels2 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow2, wheelsc, "Wheel 2", false, false ) wheels3 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow3, wheelsc, "Wheel 3", false, false ) wheels4 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow4, wheelsc, "Wheel 4", false, false ) wheels5 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow5, wheelsc, "Wheel 5", false, false ) wheels6 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow6, wheelsc, "Wheel 6", false, false ) wheels7 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow7, wheelsc, "Wheel 7", false, false ) wheels8 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow8, wheelsc, "Wheel 8", false, false ) wheels9 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow9, wheelsc, "Wheel 9", false, false ) wheels10 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow10, wheelsc, "Wheel 10", false, false ) wheels11 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow11, wheelsc, "Wheel 11", false, false ) wheels12 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow12, wheelsc, "Wheel 12", false, false ) wheels13 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow13, wheelsc, "Wheel 13", false, false ) wheels14 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow14, wheelsc, "Wheel 14", false, false ) wheels15 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow15, wheelsc, "Wheel 15", false, false ) wheels16 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow16, wheelsc, "Wheel 16", false, false ) wheels17 = guiGridListSetItemText ( wheelsGrid, wheelsrow17, wheelsc, "Wheel 17", false, false ) --------------------------------------- Code --------------------------------------- function resourceStart () bindKey ("F2", "down", menuShow) end addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, resourceStart) function menuShow () visableornot = guiGetVisible (Window) if (visableornot == true) then guiSetVisible (Window, false) showCursor (false) end if (visableornot == false) then guiSetVisible (Window, true) showCursor (true) end end function guiClick (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) if (source == okBut) then guiSetVisible (Window, false) showCursor (false) end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), guiClick) function triggerHydrau () local hcheck = guiGridListGetItemText ( hydrauGrid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( hydrauGrid ), 1 ) triggerServerEvent ( "hydrau", getLocalPlayer(), hcheck) end addEventHandler( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", hydrauGrid, triggerHydrau ) function triggerNitro () local ncheck = guiGridListGetItemText ( nitroGrid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( nitroGrid ), 1 ) triggerServerEvent ( "nitro", getLocalPlayer(), ncheck) end addEventHandler( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", nitroGrid, triggerNitro ) function triggerWheels () local wcheck = guiGridListGetItemText ( wheelsGrid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( wheelsGrid ), 1 ) triggerServerEvent ( "wheel", getLocalPlayer(), wcheck) end addEventHandler( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", wheelsGrid, triggerWheels ) so what is problem ?? gui is work but upgrade not work what i can do ?
  13. Yes, that's what I mean anyone can help me ?
  14. what i can do ? go to cry ? how i can do script ?
  15. need script for do this ? can do this with edite files freeroam?? when people add car like camry 2010 and another people not add car " old car " people not add car use upgrades and some people have car camry What happens??? game crash on you face!
  16. hello IN MODE freeroam I want Elimination all upgrades And keep Hydraulics and Nitro and Wheels only How i can do this ??? i try find this in files freeroam but I did not know how
  17. bug two when try start (arena) with no enough players you only see Starting((((((((((( base )))))))))is stopped ** Error: Not enough players in teams. Starting base is stopped.
  18. wtf a lot of bug how people know what id car ? maybe random id lolz here is bug oh i can play with music
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