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Everything posted by XetaQuake
Dann mach ich doch gleich mal den Anfang Ich finde, Boards in anderen Sprachen sind eine gute Idee, wobei ich mir nicht sicher bin, ob diese für etwa Scriptingfragen sinnvoll werden. Nun denn, ich wollte eigentlich auch nur mal meinen Gruß hinterlegen. PS: Einige kennen mich vielleicht (noch), die meisten wohl nicht. Bin Admin des German Public Servers und war früher aktiv im MTA Board, mittlerweile bin ich aber nicht mehr so sehr darauf angewiesen. Beste Grüße, Xeta
Hey, i was wondering why setPedStat is only Server-side, cause i need it to set a client-side ped fat. is it possible to make setPedStat both server and client-side in future versions? This would be really great. Have a good one!
Works very good, i found no Bugs. Also, it's very useful, thanks But the size of the resource seems me a little bit to large. Can't you try to bring down the sound files size a little bit?
You can move a Player inside a Team while spawning - using the last spawnPlayer() argument. Possible, this would save your some codelines.
Hey guys. I don't get it, how i can build an Linux (debian 4) version now? In the news, ijsf says that precompiled server packages will be available as soon as possible - so i need to build it from scratch yet. The problem is: i get errors when building the server There must be a problem with the libtool. I checked again the tools using this command: All checked successful, except one: libcurl4-openssl-dev. I meant no harm by it, cause this package are not listed in the required build tools (here, debian). Are libcurl4-openssl-dev required or not? Can anyone help me(/us)?
Erm...aha. I read all of your Posts, but the new accountdata method are NOT working with much money....that was just an info by my side! What ever....I'm going to use the Old version i fixed myself (Marker) and using TEXT. I just had given you an info, because i think an resource should work with an new version, and not only with an older one, if anyone have much money. Have a good night. Over.
But it seems that my GPS: Anti-Abuse script works correct with the Serials inside the database - that's much more numbers then 6579258271. Yeah, these tables are BLOBs, but is this the only way to work with high numbers? Whats about the IPs inside the banlist.xml etc. - there are also long. That's strange. Possible adding dots inside the balance helps? Like 6.579.258.271.
Okay, no problem. But it would be nice if you releasing it sometime
Nice Update! But it seems to not work perfect. I have a Bankaccount with a balance of 6579258271 inside the database, and after transferring the accounts using /transferaccounts, the account have: <number_data bank.balance="-2010676321" /> Another account with an balance of 1426701349 was transferred correctly. Note: there a some no-more existing accounts inside the database, but i think that's not the reason for this "transfer bug". Hmm, possible i know why Playsinator had this question: If i seen correctly, there is no marker inside the Bank-interior?!
I think i know why this happens now. Delete your resource cache, so you need to download files. "Works" by me.
I have found a Bug: Sometimes the Chat-bubbles doesn't go away (not either after 10 minutes)! This doesn't happened by me, but many players are annoyed about this Problem. And a little suggestion: Can you add an command to disable the Chat-bubbles clientside?
Wanna share it?
Hey Ladys and Gentlemen, Do anybody know how i can find the dance resource from this video?: (I think) i can remember that i found them on community.multitheftauto.com, but i can't find it anymore. Searching "dance" oder "dancing" is pointless.
I'm glad I could help. Can you add an simple Converter inside a extra scriptfile to convert the SQLLITE version to the accountsdata? I still have the proper balances of all (~10.000) Accounts from dp2.3 times (inside the database.)
Sounds great! Can you tell me, what the reason for this problem was?
That would explain a lot, thanks Gamesnert! Can someone else test this with the Bank resource? Anyway, curious that this Problem doesn't appeared with MTA dp2.3
Hm, you can try to set your balance to 139282797445 and login. You can also try to logout then, reconnect and login again - that should show the bug. Alternatively, i can start my testserver for you and i create an account with an high count of money.
Sorry to break in your discussions. 50p, i found a Bug: This happens with MTA 1.0, using the latest Bank version for 1.0 and also my self-patched version. as you may still know, Most player have a lot of money on our Server - and this resource already had some problems with this (99999999 max bug). So, since 1.0 there is a new Bug: Player with a lot of money (one of them had 139282797445 $) are getting minus balance! I had that Bug too. I logged in and found "-1447184811" on my Bank account. It seems that the money are only wrong displayed, it where still correctly in the sqllite database. I tried to fix this, but can't find the Problem... I know, you are busy with your nice Script Editor, but can you take a look at this? Thanks, XetaQuake
Hey. Today, i compiled the server by myself using this tutorial: http://code.google.com/p/multitheftauto ... BuildLinux (got root today) I was thinking the problem i posted on this thread (and are written in the latest news) will not appear when i compile the server by myself (instead of installing the server using linux.multitheftauto.com), but this problem are still existent! When i will be possible to run an MTA 1.0 Server on Debian 4? It would be nice if you or an other Team member can give me an status report! //Update: Got the 1.0 Server to work now Just used this SyncStructures.h: http://github.com/multitheftauto/multit ... ructures.h
It's not finished yet and it was never finished. So, if you want to download it because you think you can use it: It was never finished. If you want to continue development: i can give you an little bit older prototype-version to continue scripting. Gamesnert scripted the latest version before we stopped development. Possible he have the current version (Well as i said already: not finished and not "playable"!)
I have a problem, on Debian 4, too: Doesn't know what was going on - all the Radar icons were at the bottom left corner of the map (no, not at 0, 0, 0 - somewhere behind Mount Chiliad, above the ocean). Also all Markers where not visible, i think they were also on this "mystic" place. Note that the Colshapes was working. Last Problem: All vehicles were only visible, as i going very near to them (~ 10 meters). I also tried to reinstall MTA:SA 1.0. Note: All scripts and resources are completely updated to 1.0, i have absolutely no problems on my test Windows-server using the same scripts! I also setting up the Linux-server again and just started ctv - same problem, without any custom resources! so long, XetaQuake
Hi, i tried it now - works very well You could write this as an alternative and "easier" way to get this scoreboard to work.
I fixed it by my own - but its no-more the original resource, cause i changed some other stuff. Most problems are the Markers - just set them in the correct interior. Also remove the button-state check if an Button was pressed - "down" are not working and not needed. Just search for "down" and remove the if-check. Greets, Xeta
That's true, please change the layout of the Teams a little bit. But really great resource, i will use it //EDIT: I know, that sounds "crazy", but wouldn't it better to change the name of the resource to "scoreboard"? So nobody need to change "scoreboard" to "dxscoreboard". Possible, this would prevent some problems with resources like stealth, race or admin if the person don't changed "scoreboard" to "dxscoreboard". I for my part would prefer it to rename the original scoreboard in scoreboard_old - and that's it.