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Everything posted by HouseMD
Oh yes... I forgot to add the level system, i'll edit and make for GUS! Change the Gus.level to mta.level for normal RCON thing
With this you can add a command without uploading a script etc. alias check.com { unset %check var %a = 2 while (%a <= $lines(addcom.ini)) { if ($gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) == $4) { set %check $calc(%check + 1) } !inc %a } } alias check.com2 { unset %check var %a = 2 while (%a <= $lines(addcom.ini)) { if ($gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) == $3) { set %check $calc(%check + 1) } !inc %a } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { addcom $1- if ($3 == !addcom) { check.com $1- if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !addcom elseif (!$5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !addcom elseif (%check >= 1) || (%check == 1) mta.pm $1 $2 Command Already Created! else { if ($left($4,1) == $chr(33)) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) >= 4) { mta.text $1 The command " $+ $4 $+ " has been added! !writeini -n addcom.ini addcom $4 $5- } else mta.pm $1 $2 You need to be level 5 to use this command! } else mta.pm $1 $2 You need a "!" infront of your command! } } elseif ($3 == !remcom) { check.com $1- if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !remcom elseif (%check = 0) || (%check == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Command Never Created! else { if ($left($4,1) == $chr(33)) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) >= 4) { mta.text $1 Command " $+ $4 $+ " Deleted! !remini -n addcom.ini addcom $4 } else mta.pm $1 $2 You need to be level 5 to use this command! } else mta.pm $1 $2 You need a "!" infront of your command } } elseif ($3 == !listcom) || ($3 == !listcoms) { var %a = 2 while (%a <= $lines(addcom.ini)) { if (!%b) set %b $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%b,32) <= 9) set %b %b $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif (!%c) set %c $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%c,32) <= 9) set %c %c $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif (!%d) set %d $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%d,32) <= 9) set %d %d $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif (!%e) set %e $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%e,32) <= 9) set %e %e $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif (!%f) set %f $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%f,32) <= 9) set %f %f $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif (!%g) set %g $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%g,32) <= 9) set %g %g $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif (!%h) set %h $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%h,32) <= 9) set %h %h $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) !inc %a } if (!%b) mta.text $1 There are no Variables created else { mta.text $1 Created Command(s): %b mta.text $1 %c mta.text $1 %d mta.text $1 %e mta.text $1 %f mta.text $1 %g mta.text $1 %h } unset %b unset %c unset %d unset %e unset %f unset %g unset %h } } alias Addcom { check.com2 $1- if (%check == 1) || (%check >= 1) mta.text $1 $readini(addcom.ini,addcom,$3) } And sry scooby for before, i had no right to use your script! EDIT: if the "!" isn't in the front, you can't use it! (Thx liltoady)
Do you mean something like: on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { if ($mta.ip($1,$2) == *.*.*.*) mta.ban $1 $2 } Note, This will ban everyone in the server, because " * = Anything ", do not upload this unless u want everyone coming to that server to be banned!
GTA: IV no Airoplanes, you freaking nuts! they are not going a step forward and then back...like with GTA 3....so i ask you again...you freaking nuts?
and liltoady, I did /help and didn't find anything helpful (Since i tried it before) and no... I mean like if $4 = !test, then i want to see if it has the "!", so it will say a message when $4 = Test.
I'm trying to find stuff in "$4" eg !, I tried $Gettok, $Findtok or $istok and i couldn't get them to work....plz help
oh good... Because i thought i was about to lose touch with my scriptive side
I'll release mine after testing and thinking of some other cool stuff!
ok... how about this... on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { var %pma = 0,%ID = $2 while (%pma <= $mta.server($1).cmax) { if ($mta.level($1,%pma) >= 2) { if (%pma != %ID) mta.pm $1 %pma $iif(!$hget(prsalias,$mta.ip($1, %ID)),No Aliases Found For $mta.nick($1, %ID), $mta.nick($1, %ID) $+ 's Aliases: $replace($hget(prsalias,$mta.ip($1, %ID)),$chr(44),$chr(32), $mta.nick($1, %ID),$null)) } !inc %pma } } This should be for PRS, but i'll let Scooby check it
I think giving noobs admin powers is bad! so... be more creative, !buy map is good... my !buy script (not finished) has already some nice, not important, stuff... like "Friends List" where it PM's you when a friend has joined and you can say !friends (once you buy it ) and can see your online friends and not online friends! like "[uVA]Scooby - Not Online" or "Shadow_Lord - Online" this would help in a big and popular server!
in Prs, Don't you have $prs.level or something... so if u you want it for PRS, just change the $gus.level to $prs.level
thanks scoob, didn't know HTML could cause this
This script is nothing special, but its short and effective. This scripts sends the persons alias to a admin when they join, so no-fooling for a person that can read fast! on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { var %pma = 0,%ID = $2 while (%pma <= $mta.server($1).cmax) { if ($gus.level($1,%pma) >= 4) { if (%pma != %ID) mta.pm $1 %pma Alias for $mta.nick($1,%ID) $+ : $iif($readini($scriptdir $+ alias.ini,ALIAS,$mta.ip($1,%ID)),$v1,Not Found) } !inc %pma } } This is for GUS script, you can change it to make it work with PRS.
but heh, I'll try it with cedega...seems to be the best on running GTA SA...
I've seen stuff, where u can play GTA SA on linux... I was thinking maybe u can do the same for MTA SA, just wanted to know if anyone had tried this...since i was gonna try it on linux
The meaning of stealing someones script - "Taking another persons script, and using it as if it were your own" I didn't do that, I edited the script, do ppl ask rockstar everytime they make a car for SA if they are allowed to edit it? I don't see what the problem is, I said that I edited All credits are there... I donno why you are so pissed, I am sorry, and why i need to write 2 files...okay mr.scooby try to write with only 1 file, inside a .txt, aslong as i know... .txt doesn't work like a .ini and .ini's don't work like .txt? and yea, i know what i am doing...it works, that was my objective, not to see how small i can squeeze it into! I still don't see any "Bugs", oh and for you scooby "The definition of BUG/S - When something does not work right, or doesn't work like it was meant to work"Your just pissed, cause u think i stole ur work... Rockstar should Ban MTA for "Stealing his work" (Your definition of "Stealing someone's work")
Techniqally, you made it public and didn't say "You are not allowed to edit my work" so... I didn't have to ask you, sorry though and what bugs?
This is a Edited version of Scooby's "WordBan". This is script is a command to add commands (btw. It only says stuff, you can change it though) !addcom to add a command and !remcom to remove a command and !createdcoms to see how many u have created. alias gus.getid { var %a = 0 while (%a <= $mta.server($1).cmax) { if ($+(*,$2,*) iswm $mta.nick($1,%a)) !return %a !inc %a } !return -1 } on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { Commands.checks $1- if (($3 == !AddCom) || ($3 == !RemCom)) { Addand.Ban $1- } elseif ($3 == !CreatedCom) mta.text $1 There are currently $lines(Commands.txt) created commands } alias Addand.Ban { if ($gus.level($1,$2) <= 5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Level 5 Admins Only! elseif ($3 == !AddCom) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !AddCom if (!$5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !AddCom else { var %a = 1,%b = $lines(commands.txt) while (%a <= %b) { if ($4 iswm $read(commands.txt,%a)) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Command Already Created !halt } !inc %a } !write commands.txt $4 !writeini -n coms.ini command $4 $5- mta.text $1 Command $4 created } } elseif ($3 == !RemCom) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !RemCom else { var %a = 1,%b = $lines(commands.txt) while (%a <= %b) { if ($4 iswm $read(commands.txt,%a)) { !write -ds $+ $4 commands.txt !remini -n coms.ini command $4 mta.text $1 command $4 removed %a = $calc(%b + 2) } !inc %a } if (%a == $calc(%b + 1)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Command $4 has not been created. } } } alias Commands.checks { var %a = $iif($4,$iif($mta.nick($1,$4) != $null,$4,$gus.getid($1,$4)),$2),%b = $3,%c = $lines(commands.txt),%d = 1 while (%d <= %c) { if ($read(commands.txt,%d) iswm %b) { mta.text $1 $readini(coms.ini,command,$read(commands.txt,%d)) %d = %c } !inc %d } } I included Gus.getid so u can say $mta.nick($1,%a) and it says someone else in the server (Who u "wildcard" or say part of their name) Have fun, I know i will!
Betadevil, I think its time u add my "Votekick&Voteban" works perfectly with my 6.16
sry...can't do bet script, can't make it read ur names