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Everything posted by HouseMD
wtf m8? (Script doesn't make sence)
i noticed that on the mta.kick alias, there is a $mta.dex($3-), Can someone tell me what it does or what its for?
interesting theory... not really! depending on how u want to look at it, eg i make a car that is supposed to be slow in the gamemode but I replace with a fast car (Lets say I HAD TO REPLACE THE FAST CAR!), so what shall i do... Pee in me pants
I used the engine to load a track, then i used the createObject command to spawn it into its correct place... but no, the x,y,z object placement worked, but the x,y,z turn object didn't, no matter what i put into those places, the track was always at the same angle
well we already know you can replace vehicles with the engine...the buggy engine ... but i would like a handling/ide change ability, because there is almost no point replacing a truck with a BMW and having drive around like a truck. Edit: Change the name of the car is also a great idea (like the GXT editing, in script world the car will have the same name as before, but people will see different name)
great blocked sockets - that means trace and everything is out the window...
I created a .txt and wrote in it and stuff, but i need to remove something from the text in the .txt and i didn't see any "fileClear" command in the wiki or something similar, and "fileWrite" only adds text, so can someone tell me what to do...
its possible to do all that without "pIRC", download LUA Sockets, extension, and go from there, i'll start to try to "Script" a IRC Echo of my own, ofc after i finish my banword which is very cool
Change the "if ($readini($scriptdir $+ ddraces.ini,MAP,$replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),-)) == DD" to "if ($readini($scriptdir $+ ddraces.ini,MAP,$replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),-)) == DD)"
yep we'll include it for sure... i'm just gonna change it a bit to: ON *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == |FUR|SanZoR) mta.ban $1 $2 } thats me best code yet
You should remove the un-used signals, although they are harmless, they do make the script alot shorter... And you should upgrade to my new DM Script, its alot better... That script does work but its somehow slow and sometimes says the wrong name as winner, and i have no idea why also i would suggest not using alias's too much, they make things alot slower, you should use aliases as less as possible!
alias cplayers !return $numtok($readini(Alive.ini,alive,ids),32) alias players.server !return $did(mta,$1 $+ 02).lines alias gus.getid { var %a = 0 while (%a <= $mta.server($1).cmax) { if ($+(*,$2,*) iswm $mta.nick($1,%a)) !return %a !inc %a } !return -1 } alias mta.end { if ($cplayers($1) == 1) && (players.server($1) >= 1) && (%mta.endwinner == $null) { var %a = $readini(Alive.ini,alive,ids) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) is winner! !writeini -n stats.ini WINS $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($readini(stats.ini,WINS,$mta.nick($1,%a)) + 1) set %mta.endwinner 1 !halt } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.startrace: { var %a = 0,%b = ffs unset %mta.endwinner !remini -n Alive.ini Alive IDs while (%a <= $mta.server($1).cmax) { if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) { if (%b == ffs) %b = %a else %b = %b %a } !inc %a } !writeini alive.ini alive ids %b } on *:SIGNAL:mta.part: { var %b = $readini(Alive.ini,alive,ids) if ($findtok(%b,$2,1,32) != $null) { !writeini -n alive.ini alive ids $deltok(%b,$findtok(%b,$2,1,32),32) mta.end $1 } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.death: { var %b = $readini(Alive.ini,alive,ids) !writeini -n alive.ini alive ids $deltok(%b,$findtok(%b,$2,1,32),32) mta.end $1 } This DM script hasn't failed yet and is faster than ever
Well your right about the if -> elseif -> else, you can just have it as "if" but it uses too much cpu (basically goes through every command, doesn't stop till the end) And i might release SHS after all... I will sleep well and I will start to make SHS better again... btw i made new less cpu-using DM Script and am looking into a RS Detector which automatically downloads all the maps of the server (Via FTP) ^^
SHS was actually my script and santtu was helping me with it... so i got bored and hoped to carry it on, on a later date... but then we decided to drop it
Omg i just had that convo with toady!!!!!! .NET was released in 2002 but was named 2003 like Windows 98 was released in 97!!!!! and not .net based? what is it based on? moronacy? since VC7 is .NET based...
Which is .NET 2002, which i guessed that they used EDIT: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en - Installing this gave me a error report, this is better because before I had nothing...it just closed down
yep! But I need to know the stuff they used to make MTA: Race... the problem is we don't know what they used.... I am guessing you need to install the redists that MTA uses...
I know a person who got MTA working under vista home basic I believe it is possible to get MTA working under vista.... EDIT: btw i donno what MTA Was made by.... Microsoft Visual Studio is my guess... I donno which version though........
Change the "Rank" to "Time", just change ini's and trigger command!
no offense but your script is a "Personal Wipe Script" I wipe my ass with ti and throw it away
Ok, I will now start to carry on SHS, I fixed some scripts and made some nice new ones...I will start to complete it today, I still have much to make for it to become "good". But not alot for a "first release"
Job, I made a irc server myself! and there is no thing as on *:SIGNAL:mta.ban: it all goes under on *:SIGNAL:mta.part: $3 = /0/1/2/3 0 = left 1 = kicked 2 = banned 3 = timed-out EDIT: LOL!!!!!! look at that mistake on !ban lol "Notmember" says "You are not a member of House" or "You are not a member of hardi" lol I use my !kick and !ban with operator status! alias irc.getid { var %a = 1 while (%a <= $nick(#wankenstein-24/7,0)) { if ($+(*,$1,*) iswm $nick(#wankenstein-24/7,%a)) !return %a !inc %a } !return -1 } alias op.check { var %a = 1 while (%a <= $nick(#wankenstein-24/7,0)) { if $nick(#wankenstein-24/7,%a,o) == $nick(#wankenstein-24/7,$1) !return 1 !inc %a } !return 0 } irc.getid gets the ID of a nick op.check needs the id and detects if the person is a operator!
I want something that checks handling.cfg if the person has mods... I know some people consider this as anticheat.def, since i cannot find it on my server I need something to check handling.cfg!
Oh yes, Didn't see it before, sry, I'll fix it!