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Everything posted by DazzaJay

  1. ok, looks like i screwed up..... the whole timered message thing works perfectly, but the next part dosent.... on *:SIGNAL:mta.connect: { .timerrnd 0 200 randommessage $1 } alias randommessage { var %a = $ini(randommessage.ini,msg,0) var %b = $rand(1,%a) mta.text $1 $readini(randommessage.ini,msg,%b) } alias newnick { if (($chr(33) isin $mta.nick($1,$2)) || $chr(34) isin $mta.nick($1,$2)) || $chr(94) isin $mta.nick($1,$2)) || $chr(36) isin $mta.nick($1,$2)) || $chr(60) isin $mta.nick($1,$2)) || $chr(62) isin $mta.nick($1,$2)) || $chr(46) isin $mta.nick($1,$2)) { mta.msg $1 $2 Invalid Text In Nick!!! mta.kick $1 $2 } } that is the entireaty of randommsgandcharkick.mrc that i created using the info given.... the random message part works perfectly.... (well, it keeps sending the messages to IRC after everyone leaves the server.... kinda annoying) but the character kick script dosent work attal. what did i do wrong?
  2. ok, small quissie about that, do i make my own .mrc file for that, or do i edit PRS? :::EDIT::: Dont worry, all good, i made a .mrc file like this: on *:SIGNAL:mta.connect: { .timerrnd 0 200 randommessage $1 } alias randommessage { var %a = $ini(randommessage.ini,msg,0) var %b = $rand(1,%a) mta.text $1 $readini(randommessage.ini,msg,%b) } and it all works perfectly fine
  3. Thanks for the help man, iil start making those adjustments now. (as for the 20 minute race, MSD made a map that goes for roughly 24 minutes..... fairly boring, its like a Nascar track.... (with lots of people its pretty fun) but when people finish, this would appear in the chat, (note, there is no records set on the map) 1st: 24:14.171 (+4:14.171) so basically, whatever over 20 minutes comes up as being behind a record time........ even tho there isnt one, and no record is saved.
  4. Now, this has the potential to buts out into a flame war, so iima spray some water on it..... Seriously, i dont wanna hear a flame war.
  5. oh, i forgot to mention, there is no signup for the race, so its open to anyone and everyone. and the way the results are taken, is at the end of every race, just after the 30 second finish timer, a screenshot of the results, then i do the calculations. (just making this known as some people often finish the race then quit before the end of race timer, so thier name dissapears from the results)
  6. I hope this is the correct place to post this.... if it isnt, can a mod move it to the correct place. Recently PotholeStudios.com has been holding MTA Championships, we have had 4 so far, we hold one every 2 weeks.... here is a link to the results of these 4 championships..... http://www.potholestudios.com/Content/pid=15.html As you can see in those results, the number of people participating has been on a constant Downhill slide, i am guessing it was mainly because we changed the time one week and nobody bothered to look at the times sheet.... anyways.... im here to attempt to get some more particapants for the next championship. As allways, we have out vote going, this championship will be a FWD car, and the vote is here: http://www.potholestudios.com/Surveys/pollid=7.html If your wondering why Jester isnt in the vote, its because it was in the last FWD Championship we held. As for all other Championship Info, it is located here: http://www.potholestudios.com/Content/pid=16.html.html Server rules are located here: http://www.potholestudios.com/Content/pid=12.html altho i will give a Quick Overview on the info: Next Date: Saturday, July 14th, 2007 6:00 AM US Central Time (-6) 7:00 AM US Eastern Time (-5) 12:00 (Midday) UK (+0) 9:00 PM Australia (+10) (Note all times are the same time, just different time zones) Points will be awarded ONLY to people who make it to the Finish Line, The points will be Set up like this: Stage 1 thru to Stage 6 will have respawn set to 30 seconds, and points set like this: 1st: 500 2nd: 350 3rd: 200 4th: 100 5th: 50 Extra Stage will have 150% Point value... And NO RESPAWN!... So..... For Extra Stage the points will be... 1st: 750 2nd: 525 3rd: 300 4th: 150 5th: 75 Note: In the Event of a Draw, a winner will be determined by Secondary Scoring Rules. (click the thumbnails to see a bigger map) Anyone is welcome in the championship.... (anyone other than cheaters that is)... the Quick Connect info is mta.potholestudios.com 22003 So yeah, come along, join in the fun!
  7. Hello all, im looking for a little help adjusting some scripts.... mainly cos i suck at scripting.... but yeah, im also looking for a few scripts also.... so i will start with them... (Yes i have searched, and i have come back with no results, well, lots of results, none even matched my search terms) ============= ok, im looking for A Timed Message Script [script to read messages out of a file every few hundred seconds..... yes i know scooby's PRS already has one but it only does a single message, i want to have all different messages, randomly selected] ============= An auto kick script for Characters in peoples names... so not the whole name, just ones that have retarded characters in them... like !^&%*:;|+"<> and so on. ============= an !played command that shows a players played time this session and total time played in the server ============= And now a few things that i will probably need scooby's help with as these are issues And/or changes with/for PRS. !new command..... wanting to change this so it needs only 61% of people to vote to change the map, instead of everyone in the server. Wanting to change the message in PRS that says: "Race: - Ran 20 times" to be like this: "Race: Played 20 Times out of 1072 Total Races" (basically so it shows how many races have been ran since the server began) the !stats command often glitches up..... as this is how it SHOULD look.... [PHS]Dan[AU]: !stats Admin: Full Stats For [PHS]Dan[AU] Admin: Races: 3408 - Finishes: 1529 - Ratio: 0.45 Admin: Placed: 1st: 1065 - 2nd: 357 - 3rd: 74 Admin: Deathmatches: 673 - Wins: 186 - Ratio: 0.28 Admin: TopTimes Held: 75 - Points: 4276 But it Often (like 99% of the time) only replys with this.... [PHS]Dan[AU]: !stats Admin: Full Stats For [PHS]Dan[AU] Admin: Placed: 1st: 1065 - 2nd: 357 - 3rd: 74 Admin: Deathmatches: 673 - Wins: 186 - Ratio: 0.28 Admin: TopTimes Held: 75 - Points: 4276 adjust the "!map random" command, as it often says Starting a random map, and Dosent change the map. (like 70% of the time it does that) Change the message: "This is a Deathmatch Map, Type !new For A New Map." So it comes up at the start of EVERY map as: "Dont like the map? Type !new to vote for a new map" oh, and a dumb problem, PRS dosent store a record if the map takes longer than 20 minutes to complete. ===================== Can anyone help with some of those issues / scripts please?
  8. Which isn't all that good, i often get "could not verify client" when connecting to my own server. 90% of the time, i connect fine, the other 10% it just craps out.
  9. Break the EULA? Well, i dont really care for that, i will use this appliction to allow me to use Rumble and my Analouge Triggers, AS analouge triggers, not Digital buttons. Seriously.
  10. That does make sence, i only hope the NEXT verson makes an "Exception" for SAAC, so i can use Analouge Accelerator and Break triggers and Rumble Pack.
  11. So that means the server will be able to have Race, VDM, and DM maps all in the same server, correct? and about this "Tool" is that going to be a auctual release tool, or woll i have the fun of using Notepad to adjust all the maps?
  12. I have a little app for SA, i havent tried using it yet, because it probably dosent work, BUT... can somone tell me if SAAC (San Andreas Advanced Controller) works with MTA. cos if i can use that, i wont have to bind anything to the keyboard. AND if SAAC isnt able to be used with MTA..... i want to know WHY!? its NOT a cheat app, all it does is enable the ability to bind Any keys, Any buttons, Any axis's to any control in the game. http://www.thegtaplace.com/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=574 Theres a link if anyone wants to see the app. :::EDIT::: Ok, can someone make sense of this for me, cos i sure as hell cant. An application for Key binding and Controller Binding is unusable with MTA, Spooky's Analog Speedometer doesnt work with MTA, Camera Hack doesnt work.... all are not cheating apps. BUT S0beit, possibly the only cheat app WORKS with mta. Why?
  13. If you ask me, DM SHOULD have Race map compadibility..... Cos in the header of all race map files, you see, map mod="race" version="1.0" So why cant they just make the one server compadible with everything, as, you know, that would be the Smart way to do things. as say, the header of the map file, designates what game mode is to be played. and why not also write in the header the end race timeout..... And Danderton, I have got complaints from EVERYONE who was in the championship about the 30 second timeout. i wouldent have made this thread if it wasnt such a problem.
  14. well, we havent had the crashing issue since i changed one little thing..... basically, i changed capitolisatin in the file name of a coupple of the .dll's and wouldent you know it, it hasnt crashed out since,
  15. seriously, it would take about 15 seconds to change it.... load in the editor, find it, change it, save..... done. and Fuck the EULA, ive allready changed heaps of shit. now the server dosent crash every few hours.
  16. What the fuck? thats gay. ok, where is one of the creators, iil ask them to do it. cos its completley retarded the way it is.
  17. I recently held a small championship with 7 Stages all around 10 mins long, with a 2 minute respawn, so only the skilled would finish, but even tho not many people died, not many people finished the stages, because of the "ooso has won, race ends in 30 seconds" crap.... now what im wanting to do, is change that to be a whole 5 minutes, to give everyone a chance of finishing... cos if you follow this link here: http://www.potholestudios.com/Content/pid=14.html and look down the bottom, you will see just how many people DNF. and i have checked thru the config file, and that 30 second thing isnt in there. wich points to it being in another file, so i opend up every file that was on the server in a Hex editor, and to my surprise, i couldent find the thing in there. Basically i wanna stretch the "race ends in 30 seconds" out to 5 minutes. or even 10, to give everyone a chance of finishing the race. can anyone point me in the right direction in the Hex editor?
  18. Ah, remote admins, No idea then, sorry. mabye somone else will be able to help you out, altho, dont bet on it, i posted a question on Apr 15, 2007 and it still hasnt been awnsered.
  19. Well, find an admin by !admin then /pm "message' and that will work.
  20. i didnt see any topic's / threads named ladders and leigues.
  21. Please excuse the bump, i figured, better bump than make new topic.... ITS FINALISED!.... (The car will be the one that wins on the vote the DAY BEFORE the race.) (vote for the car at http://www.potholestudios.com/) Oh yes, Its Official, The First Ever Pothole Studios MTA Race Championship! Saturday 19'th May 2007! 6:00 AM US Centeral Time (-6) 7:00 AM US Eastern Time (-5) 12:00 (Midday) UK (+0) 9:00 PM Australia (+10) (All the same time, Just different Countrys) Points will be awarded ONLY to people who make it to the Finish Line, The points will be Set up like this: Stage 1 thru to Stage 6: 1st: 500 2nd: 350 3rd: 200 4th: 100 5th: 50 Extra Stage will have 150% Point value... So.... For Extra Stage the points will be... 1st: 750 2nd: 525 3rd: 300 4th: 150 5th: 75 If in the event of a Draw, Extra Stage will Be Repeated untill a Winner is Confirmed. Here i will explain the Odds and ends of Each Stage: (and also click the Red Stage # text to see the map of that stage) Weather: Clear Sky In Game Time: 0700 Respawn: 2 Minutes Weather: Overcast In Game Time: 1800 Respawn: 2 Minutes Weather: Rain/Stormy In Game Time: 0400 Respawn: 2 Minutes Weather: Overcast In Game Time: 1600 Respawn: 2 Minutes Weather: Clear Sky In Game Time: 0400 Respawn: 2 Minutes Weather: Clear Sky In Game Time: 1600 Respawn: 2 Minutes Weather: Clear Sky In Game Time: 1000 Respawn: Off
  22. Ok, i once had this problem, i will let you all in on how i fixed it. It was very simple for me, and will be simple for anyone who knows Regedit. The problem is caused by having the Trial installed.. and then upgrading to the full ver. Basically, when you uninstall the Trial, it "Forgets" (Bad programming) to remove its Registry Keys. So before Installing the Full ver, (Wich you have either Obtained..... or Purchaced) You need to load Regedit. Use the Search function and search for Fraps, and delete everything with Fraps in it. Then repeat that process with the search term FPS1 (This includes deleting folders by the same name in the Registry) Then install the Fraps that you are trying to use, and WALA! it will install, it will run fine. (and no need for the Bat file that saturn made!) (Yo saturn, you should try this method, itl make things oh so much simpler.) And thats how both me and ben have fixed this issue.
  23. Well, i am working on Stage 6 At the moment, (Then possibily an Extra Stage) Then after the MTA Scripts have been upgraded (that shouldent be too far away) about a week or so after that, i will announce the Official Time (it will be a weekend, either Saturday or Sunday) and it will be a time that fits in with AUS, USA and UK times (i hope) The official Race time will be released about a week before the race is held, The car vote will continue untill 1 day before the race. But yeah, it should be held about 2~3 weeks from now. :::EDIT::: Stage 6 Complete... http://files.potholestudios.com/dazzajay/mta/bigrace/Stage-6.jpg
  24. Well, Our server is un the USA, Im from Aus (and a few other admins), so i get a 260MS to the server, And Ben and others are from the UK (they have about 100MS ping) The Auto Kick is set to 450MS (And yes, i pourposeley use my ping to slam others, but i will be nice in the Championship) The first one will be RWD, if we like the idea and how it works, the Second Championship will be FWD, and the Third will be 4WD, and repeat. A Championship Consists of All 6 Stages (Plus Mabye an Extra Stage) Oh and BTW, Stage 5 has just been Created.... Heres the map http://files.potholestudios.com/dazzajay/mta/bigrace/Stage-5.jpg
  25. Thanks for testing, I auctually dont mind the Elegy, i find it drifts realy well, (Concidering its supposed to be a Nissan Skyline GTT 32) (yes i know i said GTT and not GTR, as the GTR is 4wd and the GTT is RWD.) Alltho everyone bitches about having to drive it, saying "it drives like crap" i reakon it drifts godly.
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