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Everything posted by Zango

  1. Zango

    Hey Guys please read

    There's a number of errors in your script. Turning on debugscript 3 will let you know of these. You probably can't start your resource because of the syntax errors in your script. function joinHandler() local x = 1959.55 local y = -1714.46 local z = 10 spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z) fadeCamera(source, true) setCameraTarget(source, source) outputChatBox("Welcome to My Server", source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), joinHandler) function createVehicleForPlayer ( thePlayer, command, vehicleModel ) local vehicleModel = tonumber (vehicleModel) or 402 local x, y, z = getElementPosition (thePlayer) x = x + 5 local createdVehicle = createVehicle (vehicleModel, x, y, z) -- you need to create a vehicle before the if check if (createdVehicle) then outputChatBox ("Sucsess to create Vehicle",thePlayer) else -- add indention and simply check if createdVehicle is anything, otherwise report failure. outputChatBox("Failed to create vehicle.",thePlayer) end end addCommandHandler ("vec" , createVehicleForPlayer) I suggest some debugging (debugscript 3 / console) and use a source code editor such as Notepad++.
  2. Zango

    Hey Guys please read

    Your acl.xml is corrupted in some way. Please post the contents of it at pastebin and give us the link. Otherwise it's most likely a syntax error, missing /> so on.
  3. Just curious, you did try second time right? First time I started the 1.1 server I got a similar segmentation fault. Second time did the trick.
  4. Zango


    This you can set up yourself > meta.xml
  5. Zango


    For wiping all accounts? for i,account in ipairs(getAccounts()) do removeAccount (account) end I suppose if you want to remove an account by name: function removeAccountByName (strName, bPrtName) if not strName or (type(strName) ~= 'string') then return end for i,account in ipairs(getAccounts()) do local accountName = getAccountName (account) if (not bPrtName) then if not (accountName:lower() == strName:lower()) then return end removeAccount (account) return end if accountName:find(strName, 0, true) then removeAccount(account) end end end bPrtName is a boolean specifying whether to search for an account name containing the given string, or whether it has to be matching.
  6. Zango


    Then it's getAccounts
  7. On a 200 player scale, servers like CIT simply proves what you really can't help but expect. I don't know any place with a higher concentration of idiots than the Internet, for servers like CIT where you choose what to do inside the limits of the game, you would need all players monitored, a dozen of moderators and a pretty damn solid report system or belief in humanity. There is usually in the range of 0 - 5 admins online on CIT. Considering they hit around 200 players everyday, they're already doing exceedingly well. As Arran mentioned you can apply for staff if you believe you can help make things better, administering 200 players is a lot, especially since CIT got a tad of freeroam. You can probably imagine hosting a server with 200 concurrent players isn't anywhere cheap. Creating premium advantages toward a payment can do the trick for a server to survive. Not everyone is able to cough up £50 per month for a server, and those people who buy the premium benefits pretty much sponsor your gameplay. I don't see why they shouldn't be entitled more attention from the server staff. I can agree with you that your treatment is unfair, out of what you've written, but it's pretty much one case and as mentioned this is a big server where it's impossible for everyone to be happy. You can't go to a big concert without a few people being squeezed By the way, the English restriction is probably the biggest overall winner of MTA, one chat, one language. If you have a look at DKR, we have an attempt at multilingualism and let people talk into language channels which you can choose to mute. This just doesn't work out as the majority is either Spanish or Russian, thus the English speaking minority becomes the foreign language and pushed into the English channel, where the Russian and Spanish goes into the Default channel. As the server is in English this isn't really ideal. The easiest and far most effective method is to force English in the chat, and only allow other languages in local chats.
  8. Should he for whatever reason be unaware of any cheats, he can try and remove d3d9.dll from his GTA San Andreas directory to begin with, if it's present.
  9. a simpler way to toggle: strGodmodeMessage = " #ff0000Godmode is now: %s!!!!" function EnableGodmode() GodMode = not GodMode outputChatBox (strGodmodeMessage:format(GodMode), 255, 255, 255, true) end addCommandHandler ("godmode", EnableGodmode) Your original example was serverside. The above is clientside. If you want it to remain on the serverside, you should try something with onPlayerDamage + setElementHealth (with loss value) I'm not sure whether that'll prevent against hard deaths though.
  10. Zango

    Spawn in San Ferrio

    davve95 I reckon you asked the same question some time ago? Click me Anyway playerspawn.lua is wrong, follow the steps provided there. Replace START_X, START_Y and START_Z to whatever you like. The example provided does spawn you at San Fierro.
  11. What about an 70 players server. Is the 250gb bandwidth enought? 70 slots server, or are you confident you will have 70 players? 250GB per month isn't sufficient for a server with 70 players. But this really comes down to how much your players clump up and how much download you have. I wouldn't say 250GB is enough at least.
  12. Well i use this function to get rid of big download size as possible i don't need playSound 3D for just few integrated sounds This way your players won't download them, but have them streamed like a YouTube video.
  13. I would highly discourage anyone to use serverFFS. I wrote a post about our experience with them here. I'm not saying things haven't changed at serverFFS, but I would never rent a server with them again.
  14. yeah ok, I think when I wrote that post the thread was in the Scripting section anyway. The mission audio, there were a few reports regarding it, here for one. I can't remember why it wasn't included in playSoundFrontEnd, there was some issue with it I think.
  15. Those are the only sounds available via that function. playSoundFrontEnd provides you access to default GTASA sounds. You can however add more sounds using playSound, and stream them in 1.1
  16. Zango

    My userbars.

    Have you read the other posts? You can make it yourself: http://gta.1nsk.ru/mta_ub/contributor.png
  17. Have you tried the CJ alien bug? I think it's the strange parachute anim playing. Your ped is disintegrated yet you can move it around For some reason I can only replicate these on DKR, and they seem to happen after dying.
  18. Zango

    Server starting issue.

    You need to install the sockets module. Get the Windows or Linux version here: http://code.google.com/p/multitheftauto ... loads/list If you're running Linux report back whether it works, as there's a bug in the IRC resource for Linux and I'm not sure if you have the updated version.
  19. Zango

    peds for mta

    How does that technique work on the bigger scale? When you start pushing the peds away? Run them over? I might have low FPS, the ped will walk slowly, I will run it over, but the ped walked out of the vehicle's range on another person's screen. Your video doesn't show what happens when a player warps straight into the action. Judging by your technique he will run from the bedroom to the target again, unless the target distributes the position information, and let the new client do the job from there?
  20. Zango

    peds for mta

    You're right CrystalMV, it's not hard to create peds over the map using path nodes, but for a feature with such interest, it is in my opinion important to create a very flexible and efficient resource that is able to anticipate many different situations involved with these peds. A physical MTA element like a ped needs syncing, how do you decide a reliable syncer? It would look correct on his screen, but what about the rest?
  21. Things went really well, here at the second beta. It was much more organised, we played race, tdma, ctv, fallout, hay and freeroam. Many of the features introduced in 1.1, such as shaders, screen source, sound stream and handling edits were tested along the way. I only got so many screenshots, simply forgot taking them Can see the water shader effect and some changes to the hydraulics on the limo. Screen source test. Impressively no frame drops at all! Fallout spectator. Fallout player. Car reflection shader. lols were had and 1.1 is shaping up real nicely. Looking forwards to release. Good job MTA.
  22. Why did you enter like 9 lines of empty space into your chatbox? What's the dollar icon for? I don't really know about this, it could be a bug I suppose, one GTA traffic ped leaking through in some way. Never seen it before.
  23. Zango


    This is not really related to MTA scripting itself, you should've asked in the General section. Do you need help with setting up mysql on a server, or on your computer? Or do you need help getting it setup on a GSP via phpmyadmin?
  24. Not that I've ever spoken to you, but I recognise your name. Could it be you were a little active in 2008? That's about from where I remember seeing you the last time. I wasn't registered on the forums back then, only browsed the bug tracker. Btw, do you still drive a lot of Volvos in Norway?
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