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Everything posted by Zango

  1. Zango


    I did saw it is yes
  2. Although I'm not MTA team I would personally set a loose guess on March 2011
  3. The example on wiki playSound sets the volume to 0.5. People probably acknowledge you need to set the audio volume before you can hear it
  4. it doesnt really matter ... well at some point it does.. the sound volume is max by default anyways
  5. area? as it city area or your predefined one? surround it using a colshape. add the event onColShapeHit, check if the element is a player then warp, if the element is a vehicle, warp it.
  6. setSoundVolume is 0.0 - 1.0 not above 1.
  7. Zango

    Invisible Objects

    addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function () Object1 = createObject ( 13647, 4170.9091796875, -446.18707275391, 2.7261011600494, 0, 180, 261.99096679688 ) setTimer ( function () setElementCollisionsEnabled (Object1, false) end, 400, 1 ) end )
  8. was the above function removed purposely from wiki clientside overview? it's only in the relatives for some functions, and I was looking for it the other day and I thought it wasn't included in 1.0.4. Can someone who can edit the protected page add it in again? thanks
  9. Zango

    Invisible Objects

    resourceRoot is hardcoded variable but - it takes a bit time for MTA to create object, so set a timer on like 100ms to apply the non colliding stuff
  10. nVidia GeForce FX5200 is the low end 5000 series, I had a 5600FX Ultra and I ran MTA windowed 800 x 600 with all graphics settings to low, it was stable at 20 FPS, would run down to 10 if something happened. I think it's pretty much to say you wont have any FPS higher than that, unless you upgrade. What resolution do you play at?
  11. Great work everyone! Personally looking very much forwards for MTA 1.1, brings so much more awesome stuff
  12. What is your CPU, Graphics card and amount of RAM? (use Start > Run > dxdiag // Start > dxdiag) Has it always been this low? If it's this low in Single player then it's simply your system which can't render GTA SA at a very high frame rate. Try lowering the draw distance, setting to minimum resolution and playing in windowed mode.
  13. Same on DKR we had several glitches that would enable a player to crash our server (or cause it to end up 100% CPU usage) just by physically tapping a command, that would normally seem harmless. I don't believe MTA crashes itself like this without reason, atleast not what I've ever seen.
  14. I doubt you're going to get that question answered - meanwhile download MTA Wiki Taxi Talidan uploaded.
  15. Zango

    Not in list

    hmm, i got also static IP and i just foward the ports 1 time and they stay there... Yes that's my point, static IP's remain the same hence ports are always forwarded to the same IP, versus dynamic where the IP changes.
  16. Zango

    Not in list

    You probably have a dynamic IP, in which case the ports you forwarded are not enabled for your current IP. Setup a static IP to avoid this in future, or reforward the ports to your new internal IP.
  17. Zango

    Costum sounds

    Your best chance is to play this sound when vehicle accelerates and notify the player to turn down game volume
  18. Zango


    setSoundMaxDistance & setSoundMinDistance. Min distance should be 0, and max distance should be 3, for it to fade and stop playing after 3 metres Since wiki is down, it would be something like: setSoundMaxDistance ( sound, int distance ) setSoundMinDistance ( sound, int distance )
  19. spoiled I play at 1024 x 768 windowed, 1280 x 800 when recording for the aspect ratio that everyone should have. If you need more statistics from a big ingame server, hook me up.
  20. Zango


    Found something while searching > viewtopic.php?f=91&t=29092
  21. The way I understand it, not registering your business doesn't make it less of a company. A company can represent person(s), people can sue "the company" instead of sueing a person of the company, for example.
  22. You can't generalise the fact, that businesses not registered at the local authorities are fictional or 'non-authentic'. Take for example my country, Denmark. If the business turns under 50.000 crones a year (~ $9200USD), it is not subject to VAT. My point is, depending on his country it might not be needed to register anywhere. Hence, his or hers business shouldn't be considered less good, even tho you might prefer it over a registered one. I still agree, the grammar sucks.
  23. Spelling errors ruin so much, especially in online businesses. Customer is not spelled 'costumer', a costumer is one that makes or supplies costumes, as for plays or masquerades. In some contexts it's a clothes rack or hat tree, which some may find even offensive.
  24. MTA in Wine worked in the Development Previews for me, I've never got it to run on 1.0 neither.
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