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Everything posted by Zango

  1. Is this the exact output of running mtaserver? Something is fucked for sure. Backup your resources and configuration files, and wipe everything in /mtaserver Download the latest 1.0.4 Linux nightly build @ nightly.multitheftauto.com Upload the files, and try to start the server (without screen) Does it work? Now add your mtaserver.conf Does it still boot correctly? If not, there's a fatal error inside it. If it boots, add resources and additional configuration files. If everything still fine and works with screen, you can conclude it was your server files.
  2. does he need the ia32-libs? I didn't think he said 64 bit but I might be wrong aptitude install libpcre3 worked for me
  3. you can also compensate the variable sound with isElement, I think
  4. Hi, please post in the subforum below this one, Linux server for questions related to stuff on Linux in the future. What operating system? (Debian, FreeBSD, etc.)
  5. I don't think there's a wiki page with this exact purpose, however if you want this to work for dudes with an account only, use setAccountData. Else use databases to store money amount along with player serial
  6. no you dont. You can practically have all serverside files in one resource, if the clientside files are there too, I guess.
  7. what the MSE as in Microsoft Security Essentials? Please verify your human existence
  8. I didn't mention guiStaticImageLoadImage or refer to it I think thought it was hidden logic to use guiSetVisible on the images. That is atleast what I'd do
  9. Not as far as I'm aware. If the image isn't too big, you can compress a grey scale edition and use it combined with onClientMouseEnter attached to your grey image. Draw the coloured image on the same X Y as the grey scale one, and now add an event onClientMouseLeave for the coloured one, to show the grey one.
  10. 'Last night' maybe you're referring to the Steam sales (75% off all GTA classics). Please see I have the steam version of GTA San Andreas on the wiki FAQ for information to get it working (if you bought it on Steam) I can send you a 1.0 HOODLUM should you have problems.
  11. Chase there is no reason to unload it again. The parkour animations work fine. I made a quick video starring fatcj so you can taste it's potential: MTA 1.1 Unstable (not 1.0.4)
  12. viewtopic.php?f=106&t=26156&p=300821&hilit=GLIBCXX_3.4.9#p300821
  13. Zango


    I'd rather not discuss a specific server related ban here, but as I don't see your post or user account at our forums I will tell you here: The actions on behalf of your brother is your liability, if it's your computer. If it isn't, his actions is his own liability. We get tons of people banned trying to patch their way out via the brother excuse. We've got clear politics on this to avoid too many situations like this: You're banned until you're able to evidently prove the opposite. The attending staff member doesn't ban you for nothing. This cannot be a false positive catch on our cheatlog either, as staff member's doesn't interfere with caught cheaters. Your brother has violated several rules over several warnings, else he wouldn't have been banned.
  14. You need to emulate a 32 bit environment on centOS using a couple of libraries, if you choose to go with 64 bit.
  15. What is the point in this for example then? outputChatBox ( "How can i help you(/ticket)" ,thePlayer) As far as I know, clientside cannot output messages to someone else's chat clientside outputChatBox outputChatBox ( string text [, int r=255, int g=255, int b=255, bool colorCoded=false ] )
  16. try to set the permission (chmod) of the file to 744 It might be because executing is restricted.
  17. actually you're not the only one who found that timer completely amusing
  18. Boot the server without any resources - /start resources each at a time, and lets see
  19. Zango


    You need to forward ports 22003 and 22116 TCP and UDP What is your router brand ?
  20. Try the community site and maps section of forum
  21. Well I rarely check if it's registered or not, any 12 yo, grabbing your example, can just fill in 9 numbers and say it's registered in some country's VAT. To be honest I start out reading through the website and judging how things are. Then I look for real testimonials by people other places (example here at Hosting solutions) and I'd never buy the full ass spanking 128 slots server but start out low and turn it up
  22. try setting a timer of 200 ms to apply the rotation and animation if else fails
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