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Everything posted by zerb

  1. That link will be removed soon due to warez. Also the weapons.dat error can be easily found under the known issues thread, so i dont understand the reason for this topic much
  2. Is this happening for every single server you try to connect or is it just happening to that one particular server? If you do connect to just any random server and find that there arent any players on the servers thats quite common. Most players are just playing mtasa and a majority of the community for vice city mainly play only in clanwars and other occasions.
  3. Who mentioned to you about reinstalling windows, if this is even occasiated with 0.5?
  4. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=315341 This is information for XP.
  5. This was mentioned on the homepage a few months back. You can find the information in the previous archived news on the homepage navigation. Download the ASE (All-Seeing Eye) program. Its an online gaming server browser which is quite useful if you have never used the program before. http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/doc.html Run the ASE, Tools -> Options -> Games -> Non-Installed games -> Multi Theft Auto. Refresh the servers afterwards.
  6. Not long to worry about, his ass will be banned soon.
  7. Yes. This has been explained many times before. Check about the regular updates on the homepage and blogs about the next coming release of deathmatch.
  8. http://www.mtavc.com/docu/index.php/MTASA_server_readme This is the windows installation. Linux is found here. http://www.mtavc.com/docu/index.php/R1. ... 28Linux%29
  9. Do you mean server? Have you ever read through the WIKI documents, alot of simple information is explained here and could be some use for you. There are different categories to read from providing you information on the servers, maps etc. http://www.mtavc.com/docu/index.php/Docu
  10. zerb

    mfS --- muffoni SOLDIERS

    Good Luck, some talented players in that roster what i already know.
  11. Nice to see your clan coming along steadily, hopefully i can come up against your clan during the times yet to come if you succeed further.
  12. A. Look in the mirror and find out. Q. Cake?
  13. zerb

    HB KRIS!

    Happy Birthday Ladies.
  14. I dont understand your grammar much, however i will try and help. Are your friends asking to play on the map with you or would they like the map available to upload to their servers?
  15. 0.5 was developed on the old core, which the team no longer develop on. The concentration is mostly all on DM and probably extra releases to the current RM, which a majority of the community would like to see developed on and created as quickly as possible. VC for the Blue platform is obviously right down the pecking order, development on that looks like a hault, however im sure during the times yet to come the community will see eventually another release of VC in the future hopefully.
  16. Yes, if you just download MTA.
  17. zerb

    Clan {FEAR}

    You sound quite confident with your clan and your aspects of growing it. Good luck while it lasts.
  18. Keep the comments in english please, helps others aswell who may want to find out the information.
  19. This was found under the known issues thread, hopefully it should help. More solutions can be found in that thread also for your own help. http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=11098
  20. zerb


    http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=11098 Other issues can be found here also for your own help and solutions.
  21. Take notice of the blog and read the updates.
  22. zerb

    cheats caps n stuff

    Trainers allow you to turn on and off certain qualities or enhancements that were not included in the original game. This could be Unlimited Lives, Unlimited Money, Invulnerability, etc. The trainer alters the original memory locations to allow you to "Cheat" where you wouldn't be able to do so without it. MTA does not support the usage of cheats, mods, hacks and other unknown qualities.
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