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Everything posted by =BDC=Kenny

  1. Hey there, good luck with your clan, hope you enjoy MTA, and hope you get more members.
  2. =BDC=Kenny

    Hello all

    Welcome to the MTA community. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
  3. =BDC=Kenny

    Dem n00bs

    And I am one of those n00bs. I totally learnt everything about GTA:VC through MTA, from island names to almost every building, since I play MTA alot back then, but I didnt know about MTA after 2 months of playing GTA, but I'm still a n00b then rofl.
  4. its gotta be an error.... and neither do I.... Heh, probably, and I know.
  5. I wasn't so surprised why you wasn't banned, and I still don't think you will be banned afterward (atleast in these 2 weeks). One more thing, BAM. I don't give a f**k.
  6. what?... dedicated servers for mta cost money too, wtf are you talking about. and noone ever said it would be manditory to have a streaming radio. lmao. I stand corrected.
  7. Sorry, cant help you then. (Try SAMM (San Andreas Mod Manager) or ask help at http://www.gtaforums.com)
  8. I don't really mind anyone taking my password and making immature posts, (unless i get banned ofcourse) so I'll just leave how I post the way it is. Thanks for the warning anyway EDIT: Hmm.. Ahh yes. Killer once told me that phpBB does not store passwords, which makes it more secure.
  9. Heh, I take precautions before i install mods just to make sure it could work with MTA:SA and SA-MP no racism That isnt racism and you cant gimme rules because u have 2 warnings It happens to be related to racism, and atleast I think it is. [offtopic]He may have 2 warnings, but you happened to be banned once.[/offtopic]
  10. =BDC=Kenny

    help me out

    It could not boot you out of the server if you click start game and it says you are using a trainer. Don't spawn as crusader twice, don't have any windows open (or a file at the desktop that has a "trainer, cheat, hack, etc)
  11. lmao sobeit. And how will you do that? Streaming radio costs money too, unless you do it yourself with your home connection.
  12. Whoa, i better change my pass. (lol jk) Anyway, thanks for advising us Venom.
  13. Lol then I shall post 3 more posts and then never post again. By the way, how do you see how many posts I have? LMAO!!!
  14. Yes, but you would have to do it manually. You could ask some players to spawn as police and tell your gal to use a M4 instead, and for the gamg let ppl spawn as robber and tell your girl to get in their car and so they kinda protect the girl and kill you, so you could kill them (I dont guarantee you could win) [totally off topic]It seems he has found his caps lock key. lol.[/totally off topic]
  15. I dont have any handling files modded. carcols.dat just changes the vehicle color that spawns on the road on GTA, and replay text remover is just american.gxt edit. Is this a modded version (i have this version in another directory)
  16. =BDC=Kenny

    Help Please

    Use the edit button First quadruple post i have ever seen, and you have only waited for 2 hours. A lot of us reply about 3 hours after the post, since people are inactive. Its not like 30 people are constantly online everyday, heck, i havent even seen more people than 15 online at the same time.
  17. Is modding carcols.dat (color of cars, its easy, open it in notepad and choose your color.) and removing replay text as in american.gxt modding MTA?
  18. *cough* Email...? LOL but some people dont check mail that often, they just sign in the messenger, then surf the web, waiting for ppl to chat with them.
  19. Is blacklisting him on all servers getting us pwned? lol, if so, i stand corrected.
  20. Thank you. /me secretly goes to his room and dances while repeating "BAM just got pwned!" over and over again.
  21. what clan? its just me - 1 punk - and some guys who test my sh*t who have CKY in there nic. its not clan. Although, i do do enough damage to be classed as a clan. So you mean CKY.PauLy, CKY.Kie, CKY.Kris, CKY.RABB (Thats you) isn't a clan? Waffling? I have a point better than yours, and yet you blame me. Sigh. Don't double post btw, and im getting out of this topic.
  22. Simple. Tease the above person's name. If you dont want your name to be teased so try not to post here Example: =BDC=Penny rofl. Start.
  23. lol have you been giving your invites to 45 people?
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