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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. He wants to disable the damage, not disable being able to fire/punch. @FaDy: Cancel the "onClientPlayerDamage" event.
  2. http://lua-users.org/wiki/TablesTutorial
  3. Store the blips in a table.
  4. I don't understand what do you mean, could you explain yourself better?
  5. That's not what I told you to change... type="map" version="1.0.0" gamemodes="BattleField 3"> "NoshairCannals.map" dimension="0"> "#maxplayers" value="[ 128 ]"> "#useLODs" value="[ false ]"> "#gamespeed" value="[ 1 ]"> "#minplayers" value="[ 0 ]"> "#gravity" value="[ 0.008000 ]"> "#waveheight" value="[ 0 ]"> "#locked_time" value="[ true ]"> "#weather" value="[ 0 ]"> "#time" value="5:10"> This: gamemodes="BattleField 3" Change "BattleField 3" to "BF3".
  6. What did you change in the map?
  7. If it's "BF3" the game mode resource name, then change it on the map too, instead of "BattleField 3" put "BF3".
  8. Your resource name has to be called "Battlefield 3" if I'm right.
  9. Post the entire code.
  10. Forget what the above user said, account data can do the job as well. Do you get any error in the debugscript ( /debugscript 3 in chat )?
  11. What is that? and executeCommandHandler server-side has a player argument. @Hypex: Forums have no problem with indentation.
  12. Castillo

    bindKey bug?

    Events work between resources, yes.
  13. Have you tried checking what "MapTable" contains?
  14. You are using my "exp_system" resource, is that correct? if so, then that code won't work, because the event is server side.
  15. Castillo

    Help bind

    Isn't that wrong? it's always setting the variable to false.
  16. Castillo

    bindKey bug?

    That's what I thought, "onLogin" is being triggered twice, that makes it bind the key twice.
  17. Te refieres al codigo de colores HEX? o al color del nametag?
  18. When are you executing "SetPlayerTeam"?
  19. Change "else if" to "elseif".
  20. That 'else' you have there is the problem, to use an 'else' you need to first use an 'if' statement.
  21. Are you sure that the "player" argument is correct?
  22. The car mod obviously doesn't have paintjobs support.
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