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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. You are using two tables there, with one you check if the element exists, and with the other you try to get the type and bounding box.
  2. That's because the height it's too small. Combo box doesn't auto resize for each item, you must do it yourself. Try this useful function: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Gu ... justHeight
  3. No, that function is working on current release ( 1.3.5 ).
  4. You can set the damage of each weapon using setWeaponProperty.
  5. local myString = "Hello World" local myString = string.rep ( "*", myString:len ( ) )
  6. There's nothing we can do, your server is your responsability.
  7. Loop the "wcols" table the same way I did in "isPlayerInColshape" function.
  8. Y vos tenes permiso para usarlo?
  9. De quien es el script ese?
  10. Me parece que ninguno de ustedes leyo lo que dije, no vengan aca a discutir sobre si algo es robado o no. Si sigue asi, tendre que cerrar el tema.
  11. You can easily make that with a script.
  12. I don't get the point of this, it actually makes no sense.
  13. Disable the collisions with the function: setElementCollidableWith
  14. You are passing the player name, not the element to harvestWeed function.
  15. Castillo

    Login panel

    You must modify the ACL while the server is stopped.
  16. Castillo


    You could put a colshape and a ped instead of the marker.
  17. function respawnWeed ( col ) if isElement ( col ) then setElementData ( col, "isHarvested", 0 ) end end Then after: harvestWeed ( thePlayer ) You can put: setTimer ( respawnWeed, 300000, 1, source )
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