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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. What do you mean by more than 100?
  2. You can create a object, attach the plane to the object and use moveObject to move the object smoothly.
  3. destroyElement -- To destroy the button. removeEventHandler -- To remove the event handler.
  4. 'button' isn't the GUI element, is the mouse button clicked ( right, left ). 'source' would be the GUI element. And no, the event handler remains.
  5. That's because 'v' in that loop is the account name, change 'v' to 'i' at setElementDimension.
  6. Post the code and where it says that.
  7. You are using two different paths: local rootNote = xmlLoadFile(":Data/Data.xml") --to load it once if not rootNode then rootNode = xmlCreateFile("Data.xml", "Data") outputChatBox("File created !", source) end 1º path: ":Data/Data.xml" 2º path: "Data.xml"
  8. Castillo


    What? there's no such function.
  9. Castillo

    .map name

    Yes, you must use the XML functions.
  10. Why are you even using a loop? you can do it without using one.
  11. @Jacobob: You want the player to keep the weapons he/she has after he/she dies?
  12. Castillo

    [HELP] Please

    That code doesn't make much sense. You have 1 extra addEventHandler, and the function setElementBlood doesn't exist, maybe you meant setElementHealth.
  13. @LekRoots: There's no need for that, dxDrawText has a colorCoded argument as MrBrutus said.
  14. You can try with this program: viewtopic.php?f=140&t=38462
  15. Yeah, pa3ck is right, I missed that part. GUI alpha is between 0 and 1. So, instead of 255, you put 1. And instead of 150, you put 0.6 or so.
  16. Any error in the debugscript ( /debugscript 3 )?
  17. We don't give support with stolen scripts. Topic locked.
  18. Castillo


    What game mode are you using?
  19. Post your problem here: viewforum.php?f=91
  20. function setSQLData ( element, row, data ) local db = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT * FROM ?? WHERE name = ?", "db", getPlayerName ( element ) ) if ( db and #db == 1 ) then executeSQLQuery ( "UPDATE db SET ?? = ? WHERE name = ?", row, data, getPlayerName ( element ) ) else executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO db ( '"..row.."' ) VALUES ( ? )", data, getPlayerName ( element ) ) end end Try it.
  21. Castillo

    Help Me

    You should ask the person who sold you the script.
  22. ACL is not meant for this, you should store your data somewhere else, like account data, for example. setAccountData getAccountData
  23. You can make it shorter by using "resourceRoot".
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