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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo


    That code has only one problem, you put one extra =.
  2. You are using the same variable names for each player, I recommend you to store them in a table, using the player userdata as index.
  3. Yes, you can play underwater if your position is directly set.
  4. Es porque el servidor CIT bloqueo partes de Latino américa.
  5. That's a terrible idea, you are creating as many timers as vehicles there are, that's gonna be highly inefficient.
  6. It's because of the MTA version you are using, I had this problem in my server, it resulted to be the MTA nightly version we were using, update to the latests and it should fix it.
  7. Castillo


    No need to create another function, what I posted will work.
  8. Maybe teams don't have a element data called "teampoint".
  9. You are never setting the "HS_INFO" element data to the player, at least not in that code.
  10. Castillo


    Errors in debugscript?
  11. Castillo


    That's wrong. setTimer ( setElementAlpha, 1000, 1, car, 200 )
  12. Castillo


    He had the entire "audio" folder missing, so "race" couldn't start.
  13. Castillo


    Fixed through teamviewer.
  14. Castillo


    Isn't there another "race.zip" in gamemodes category? also, make sure it has all the resources needed to run.
  15. You got a typo there, it's: outputDebugString
  16. Castillo


    I don't understand what's wrong with that?
  17. Maybe you can, but I'm not sure how good is it.
  18. Castillo


    Post your code with the kick function.
  19. You got 1 extra end before addEventHandler, remove it.
  20. The addEventHandler has to go inside the function where you create the GUI.
  21. You can use triggerServerEvent and execute the command server-side.
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