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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Did you set it as client side? P.S: That command is case-sensitive, so if you write "/cameramatrix" it won't work, it'll only work when you write "/cameraMatrix".
  2. Good work stealing the suggestion from my community forum. http://saur.co/board/index.php/topic/14 ... squadscops Also, What?
  3. Castillo

    New Project

    We don't give support with leaked scripts. Topic locked.
  4. getVehicleTowedByVehicle
  5. I don't understand why are you doing all this: local start = 0 for i,v in ipairs(tables) do start = start+1 for column, value in pairs(v) do loadUpTable[start] = value end end It doesn't really make any sense to me, try my code above. local loadUpTable = { } function LoadUpOnResourceStart ( resource ) local dbqery = dbQuery ( Database, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'" ) local tables = dbPoll ( dbqery, -1 ) outputChatBox ( "#6969C9*AS: Restoring ".. #tables .." records from sqlite.", root, 255, 255, 255, true ) for index, tbl in ipairs ( tables ) do loadUpTable [ index ] = tbl.name end for _, v in ipairs ( loadUpTable ) do local Query = dbQuery ( Database, "SELECT * FROM ".. v ) local result = dbPoll ( Query, -1 ) outputChatBox ( #result ) for i, v in pairs ( result ) do outputChatBox ( v ) for col, val in ipairs ( v ) do outputChatBox ( val ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, LoadUpOnResourceStart )
  6. Castillo

    Server name

    You can create or draw a text in there, you can either do it using GUI label or DX drawing. dxDrawText guiCreateLabel
  7. As far as I know, it has no default tables.
  8. SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' That query will return all the table names.
  9. No, eso no tiene el menor sentido.
  10. Vos siquiera sabes de que va el tema este? el estaba pidiendo ayuda con uno de los recursos de los que le pase el link, lo cual no necesita para nada hacer lo que vos dijiste.
  11. Como la funcion para dar armas es solamente server-side, tenes que utilizar triggerServerEvent para ejecutar un evento en el server side para dar el arma con la funcion giveWeapon.
  12. Estas seguro? porque la tabla 'vehicles' esta definida en "veh-data.lua", y si dice que no existe, entonces quiere decir que el script "veh-data.lua" no se cargo.
  13. No tiene ningun error proveniente de "veh-data.lua"?
  14. I gotta say it, all what you do is just amazing, good work and keep going like this!
  15. Castillo

    Scores help

    Ah, that's because you removed the entire function, you must only remove the player loop to reset scores.
  16. function functionPanel() Ahi tenes que poner 'source' entre los parentesis. Y luego, tenes que pasar el valor en el setTimer, just despues de los argumentos del temporizador.
  17. Tenes que ir a "veh-data.lua" dentro del recurso y buscar la tabla que se llama: "vehMarkers", ahi podes agregar nuevos markers.
  18. Castillo

    Scores help

    Post the script after removing it. And remember to check debugscript.
  19. El tema es que 'source' en la funcion 'functionPanel' no esta definido en ninguna parte.
  20. Castillo

    Scores help

    In this piece of code: This part of the script resets the scores when the resource starts, you can remove it to stop them from resetting.
  21. @TomasitoCaram: Te pido que no postes si no tenes ni idea de que estas hablando, ya que solo confundis al que pide ayuda. ( No hace falta que respondas a esto ) @molina: Depende de cual recurso uses, decime cual de los dos elegiste asi te puedo decir como agregar un nuevo spawner.
  22. Castillo

    [Run Fast]

    You can execute that function client side for the player you want.
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