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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Ah, ya entendi, pues vas a tener que darle algun tipo de dato al zombie, podrias usar setElementData y al darle la experiencia usas getElementData si es "especial", le das extra.
  2. No tengo ni idea de que hablas, como que extra?? decis darle experiencia? Si es asi, entonces fijate en la pagina de la wiki del recurso: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:Exp_system
  3. Con mi recurso de niveles podes usarlo para cualquier cosa, zombies, personas, misiones, lo que se te ocurra, pero claro, tenes que saber usarlo.
  4. Hi everyone. I've been working on an Announcement box script, but I have a big problem, if the messages are too long, it'll start on another line, but now the problem comes when you send another message, it'll mess with the previous one. Part of script: if ( messages [ #messages ] ) then y = messages [ #messages ] [ "y" ] else y = originalY end local numLines = math.floor ( ( dxGetTextWidth ( text, 1, "default-bold" ) / 370 ) + 1 ) local height = ( dxGetFontHeight ( 1, "default-bold" ) + 3 ) local y = ( y + height + numLines ) Screenshot of the problem: If someone could find a way to fix this, I'll be very thankful. Thanks in advance.
  5. Ese recurso es muy pero muy antiguo, hay otro que se llama "fuel" que es nuevo.
  6. Castillo


    You don't have to, just start it.
  7. Simplemente lo pones en un script y creas el meta.xml. Para lo del boton usa el evento: onClientGUIClick.
  8. Vos me estas tomando el pelo o que? es que no sabes a que le dicen probar?
  9. Haces click derecho sobre la ventana.
  10. Hace click derecho y pone en "Create Window".
  11. You're welcome. P.S: It works, I've tested it.
  12. Simplemente lo diseñas y listo.
  13. You can use the function: setInteriorSoundsEnabled, though it'll disable all interiors music I think.
  14. You didn't get me, maybe I didn't said it right. I meant that your script is server side instead of client side.
  15. Your script must be set as server side and not client side in meta.xml.
  16. Can't you just do this? count = #executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT * FROM tableName" )
  17. Castillo


    Estas intentando insertar el userdata de la cuenta, no el nombre. Debes obtener el nombre de la cuenta con la funcion: getAccountName.
  18. You can use this: local _addCommandHandler = addCommandHandler function addCommandHandler ( commandName, func, restricted, caseSensitive, ... ) if ( type ( commandName ) ~= "table" ) then _addCommandHandler ( commandName, func, restricted, caseSensitive, ... ) else for index, command in ipairs ( commandName ) do _addCommandHandler ( command, func, restricted, caseSensitive, ... ) end end end addCommandHandler ( { "hello", "world" }, -- Both commands will work for the same function. function ( thePlayer, commandName ) outputChatBox ( commandName ) end )
  19. Jaysd, what TAPL said is correct, if you try to, you'll notice that you cannot enter on them.
  20. You're welcome. About that request: I may think about it.
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