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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. I don't need that, I need a fix for the function: string.split.
  2. Castillo

    Como se hace

    Estas intentando updatear la cuenta, no el data que aparecera en el scoreboard.
  3. I've built my own function to split the string by width, but it fails at second line for some reason: Source: function string.split ( text, maxWidth ) local oldlen = 1 local len = 1 local width = 0 local strings = { } for i = 1, text:len ( ) do width = ( width + dxGetTextWidth ( string.char ( text:byte ( i ) ), 1, "default-bold" ) ) if ( width > maxWidth ) then table.insert ( strings, text:sub ( oldlen, len ) ) oldlen = len width = 0 end len = i end if ( #strings == 0 ) then return text else return strings end end Screenshot of the problem: As you can see, there are some letters outside the rectangle.
  4. Castillo

    Como se hace

    @Soren: No, el quiere que al usar el comando, aumente el dato: "resets" en el scoreboard. @Plate: Estas mandando cualquiera, no tiene el menor sentido eso. Tenes que usar getElementData y setElementData.
  5. Sorry, but I already done something similar. At start of function: local numLines = math.floor ( ( dxGetTextWidth ( text, 1, "default-bold" ) / 370 ) + 1 ) if ( #messages >= 6 ) then local extraLines = ( 6 - #messages + numLines ) for line = 1, extraLines do table.remove ( messages, line ) end end At end of function: for index, msg in ipairs ( messages ) do local index = ( index - 1 ) msg [ "y" ] = ( originalY + 18 * index ) end
  6. Castillo

    Como se hace

    Lo unico que estas haciendo ahi es reiniciar los datos, no estas aumentando los "resets".
  7. Castillo

    Como se hace

    Volve a leer mi post.
  8. Castillo

    Como se hace

    Eso aun tiene fallos.
  9. I already have a way to get the total lines the string will use, I just need a way to make it work without bug. Edit: Kenix, the function: string.transfer only works with character len, but that doesn't work for this I noticed, I would need a function that divides text by width.
  10. Castillo

    Como se hace

    Volve a leer mi post anterior y corregi los errores mencionados.
  11. Castillo

    Como se hace

    Las funcions son exportadas de mi recurso, asi que tenes que usar: exports [ "exp_system" ]:function ( ) Porque usas "thePlayer" si tu argumento es "player"? estas pensando en lo que haces vos? P.D: es setPlayerEXP, con mayuscula "EXP".
  12. Castillo

    Como se hace

    Claro, pero vas a tener que crear tu propio sistema de resets, igual es muy facil usando las funciones de mi recurso.
  13. Castillo

    Tiburon ?

    Bueh, mi idea era que vieses como funciona ese . De nada.
  14. Castillo

    Tiburon ?

    Fijate si esto te sirve: http://kwkfiles.kwksrv-mta.info/TopSecret/KWKSharks.zip
  15. What? that doesn't help.
  16. function guiCreateColorLabel( ax, ay, bx, by,str, bool, parent ) local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" local s, e, cap, col = str:find( pat, 1 ) local last = 1 local r,g,b while s do if cap == "" and col then r,g,b = tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 1, 2 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 3, 4 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 5, 6 ) ) end if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then local w = dxGetTextWidth( cap ) avc321 = guiCreateLabel( ax, ay, ax + w, by,cap,bool,parent ) if not r then r = 255 end if not g then g = 255 end if not b then b = 255 end guiLabelSetColor( avc321,r,g,b ) ax = ax + w r,g,b = tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 1, 2 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 3, 4 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 5, 6 ) ) end last = e + 1 s, e, cap, col = str:find( pat, last ) end if last <= #str then local cap = str:sub( last ) local w = dxGetTextWidth( cap ) local avc123 = guiCreateLabel( ax, ay, ax + w, by,cap,bool,parent ) guiLabelSetColor( avc123,r or 255,g or 255,b or 255 ) return avc123 end end If that doesn't work, then search for "guiCreateColorLabel". P.S: I didn't make that function.
  17. Labels don't support HEX codes, you can't do it. Although, around the forums there was a function to make it color coded.
  18. I'm not one of these who ask for the script done, if you tell me how you think I can fix it. Edit: I've edited the function you've posted Kenix, and made it to use a table instead: function string.transfer ( s, nMax ) if ( type ( s ) == 'string' ) and ( type ( nMax ) == 'number' ) then local stringsTable = { } local nMaxOld = nMax local nLength = #s -- change to utfLen( s ) if you working with unicode. if ( nLength >= nMax ) then local nStart = 0 for nCount = 1, math.ceil ( nLength / nMax ) do table.insert ( stringsTable, s:sub ( nStart + 1, nMax ) ) nStart = nMax nMax = ( nMax + nMaxOld ) end return stringsTable end return s end return false end local stringT = string.transfer ( text, 45 ) if ( type ( stringT ) ~= "table" ) then local y = ( originalY + 18 * #messages ) table.insert ( messages, { [ "text" ] = text, [ "y" ] = y, [ "r" ] = r, [ "g" ] = g, [ "b" ] = b, [ "addTime" ] = getTickCount ( ), [ "table" ] = formatTable } ) else for index, msg in ipairs ( stringT ) do local y = ( originalY + 18 * #messages ) table.insert ( messages, { [ "text" ] = msg, [ "y" ] = y, [ "r" ] = r, [ "g" ] = g, [ "b" ] = b, [ "addTime" ] = getTickCount ( ), [ "table" ] = formatTable } ) end end That kinda fixed the problem, but now I got this new issue: As you can see, there is one extra text, it should only support 6.
  19. I don't understand what do you mean.
  20. function setText1 ( ) local time1 = getRealTime ( ) local monthday = time.monthday local month = ( time.month + 1 ) local year = ( time.year + 1900 ) guiSetText ( uhrzeitText2, "".. monthday ..".".. month ..".".. year .."" ) end P.S: Today is 27, not 25.
  21. What it's supposed to do that script? is it yours?
  22. You don't understand how it works, the problem is the HEIGHT of the word wrapped texts.
  23. @myonlake: You mean split the whole string and send it as many messages? if so, then I already had that idea and didn't work either. @CapY: Why would I use timers? @Kenix: I didn't post the whole code because it was not required, that part of script is the part which fails.
  24. Castillo

    map zindex

    You're talking about the F11 map?
  25. Eso es porque te olvidaste de cargar el GUI ya creado, tenes que clickear en "Load GUI" y clickear el elemento principal.
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