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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. By targets you mean aiming to a player or just that you gotta kill that player?
  2. You're welcome. Anything you need, just post, we'll help you as long as you want to learn .
  3. Exactly, onClientPedWasted is a client side event, and onPedWasted is a server side event.
  4. Indeed, as elf23 said, the createColRectangle has infinite height, so you can try with another col shape type.
  5. You couldn't have changed the player health client side if I'm right.
  6. local chatRadius = 15 function sendMessageToNearbyPlayers ( message, messageType ) if ( messageType == 0 ) then local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition ( source ) local chatSphere = createColSphere ( posX, posY, posZ, chatRadius ) local nearbyPlayers = getElementsWithinColShape ( chatSphere, "player" ) destroyElement ( chatSphere ) local gracz = getPlayerName ( source ) local dlugosc = #message for index, nearbyPlayer in ipairs ( nearbyPlayers ) do outputChatBox ( "#99b7d0".. gracz .." mówi: #c8e6ff".. message, nearbyPlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) end if ( dlugosc <= 8 ) then setPedAnimation ( source, "ped", "IDLE_chat", ( #message * 70 ), false, false, false, false ) else setPedAnimation ( source, "ped", "IDLE_chat", ( #message * 35 ), false, false, false, false ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, sendMessageToNearbyPlayers ) Try that.
  7. You're talking about the "username" and "password" saved to client PC?
  8. You can either make a script that when you login it'll set you a element data with setElementData. if you're on the group, e.g: "inACLGroup", and then use getElementData client side.
  9. addEventHandler ( "onPedWasted", root, function ( _, killer ) setElementHealth ( killer, 0 ) outputChatBox ( "Just in the middle", killer, 255, 0, 0 ) end ) That's a server side script.
  10. Usa las dimensiones, necesitas usar la funcion: setElementDimension.
  11. function showClientImage() myImage = guiCreateStaticImage( 0.0,0.0,1279.0,767.0, "images/image.png", true ) setTimer ( destroyElement, 5000, 1, myImage ) end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, showClientImage )
  12. Que yo sepa se refiere al tag en el nombre del jugador, si es asi, entonces podes usar la funcion: string.find que se usa para buscar un string en otro string.
  13. function joinStaffb ( incAdminb ) local accname = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( incAdminb ) ) if ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. accname, aclGetGroup ( ( "SuperModerator" ) ) ) ) then -- You had a missing ")" near "then". setElementData ( incAdminb, "Occupation", "Admin Staff" ) setPlayerTeam ( incAdminb, StaffTeam ) setElementModel ( incAdminb, 217 ) elseif ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. accname, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) ) then setElementData ( incAdminb, "Occupation", "Head Staff" ) setElementModel ( incAdminb, 217 ) setPlayerTeam ( incAdminb, StaffTeam ) elseif ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. accname, aclGetGroup ( "Moderator" ) ) ) then setElementData ( incAdminb, "Occupation", "Moderator" ) setElementModel ( incAdminb, 217 ) setPlayerTeam ( incAdminb, StaffTeam ) elseif ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. accname, aclGetGroup ( "Trial" ) ) ) then setElementData ( incAdminb, "Occupation", "Trial" ) setElementModel ( incAdminb, 217 ) setPlayerTeam ( incAdminb, StaffTeam ) end -- You had an extra "end". end addCommandHandler ( "adminboy", joinStaffb ) Read the comments.
  14. You must use the event: onPlayerChat, cancel the default message with: cancelEvent then put your code.
  15. Is a MySQL function to connect to a server & database.
  16. Castillo

    Como se hace

    Yo no estoy presumiendo, te di los links que necesitas, en la wiki hay ejemplos para ambas funciones. P.D: Ese script no tiene sentido para mi.
  17. It actually has, because people will host their scripts on your hosting, and you can steal them, so you won't get much customers if you got bad reputation.
  18. Tema movido a "Scripting". @On topic: Yo no veo nada mal en tu script, deberia destruir la imagen si esta existe.
  19. Not like I'm going to use it, but still I like it, good work .
  20. There's also a function called: setElementVisibleTo.
  21. Castillo

    Como se hace

    @Edikosh998: Me alegro de que alguien por fin les diga la verdad, yo ya me estoy cansando de darles todo hecho asi nomas.
  22. @John_Michael: That worked, thanks for your time. And thanks anyway to everyone who tried to help.
  23. You just download the game from: http://www.multitheftauto.com/ and install it.
  24. I've used the wordWrap parameter of dxDrawText, but then if I send another message, it'll appear down the old one.
  25. Castillo

    Como se hace

    Le seguis mandando cualquiera.
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