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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    Que esta mal?

    Tu argumento es: Son diferentes en algo.
  2. Does it include Mic support? or is just chat?
  3. Castillo


    Las tablas de esos dos recursos son SQLite, no MySQL.
  4. 1: You should convert the "amount" argument to a number with the function: tonumber ( string ). 2: Target is just a string there, you must get the player element from it's name with the function: getPlayerFromName.
  5. --[[ Dont Copy my Script or Dead -.- ]] BNumber = {} ENumber = {} B = {} x2, y2 = 58,31 selected = 0 CGUI = guiCreateWindow(0.3648,0.1517,0.25,0.3667,"Calculadora",true) ENumber[1] = guiCreateEdit(9,25,112,23,"",false,CGUI) guiEditSetMaxLength(ENumber[1], 4) ENumber[2] = guiCreateEdit(125,25,47,22,"",false,CGUI) guiEditSetMaxLength(ENumber[2], 1) ENumber[3] = guiCreateEdit(177,25,133,22,"",false,CGUI) guiEditSetMaxLength(ENumber[3], 4) EResult = guiCreateEdit(9,51,344,21,"---Resultado",false,CGUI) BDelete = guiCreateButton(237,75,72,26,"Borrar",false,CGUI) BNumber[1] = guiCreateButton(9,112,x2, y2,"1",false,CGUI) BNumber[2] = guiCreateButton(70,111,x2, y2,"2",false,CGUI) BNumber[3] = guiCreateButton(130,111,x2, y2,"3",false,CGUI) BNumber[4] = guiCreateButton(9,145,x2, y2,"4",false,CGUI) BNumber[5] = guiCreateButton(70,145,x2, y2,"5",false,CGUI) BNumber[6] = guiCreateButton(130,145,x2, y2,"6",false,CGUI) BNumber[7] = guiCreateButton(9,177,x2, y2,"7",false,CGUI) BNumber[8] = guiCreateButton(70,176,x2, y2,"8",false,CGUI) BNumber[9] = guiCreateButton(130,176,x2, y2,"9",false,CGUI) B0 = guiCreateButton(251,175,58,31,"0",false,CGUI) B.D = guiCreateButton(190,111,58,31,"/",false,CGUI) B.X = guiCreateButton(190,145,58,31,"X",false,CGUI) B.S = guiCreateButton(250,110,58,31,"+",false,CGUI) B.R = guiCreateButton(250,144,58,31,"-",false,CGUI) B.Re = guiCreateButton(190,175,58,31,"=",false,CGUI) BChooser1 = guiCreateButton(9,73,68,21,"1 Edit",false,CGUI) BChooser2 = guiCreateButton(83,73,68,21,"2 Edit",false,CGUI) guiSetVisible ( CGUI, false ) showCursor ( false ) bindKey ( "c", "down", function ( ) if getKeyState ( "lctrl" ) then guiSetVisible ( CGUI, not guiGetVisible ( CGUI ) ) showCursor ( guiGetVisible ( CGUI ) ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, function ( ) if ( source == BChooser1 ) then selected = 1 elseif ( source == BChooser2 ) then selected = 2 elseif ( source == BNumber[1] ) then if ( selected == 1 ) then guiSetText ( ENumber[1], "1" ) end end end ) Try that.
  6. I already know that, Shadow, but I mean what he's trying to do.
  7. Mind explaining what are you trying to achieve?
  8. I supposed it was self explained that you had to search and remove everything related to the ranking board.
  9. Topic moved to: "Scripting > Tutorials" section.
  10. Jaysd, no offense but that's not right I think, if is an Arms Dealer, then there must be a Dealer and the player who buys the weapons.
  11. Why don't you re-read the topic before post?
  12. That's because "seller" argument is nil, you're not triggering a player element.
  13. The death list script files are: "rankingboard.lua" and "rankingboard_client.lua".
  14. I'm glad that you'd it alone. You're welcome.
  15. Sorry, that doesn't make any sense. You have to make a function and attach the "onClientGUIClick" event handler to it, then get the selected item from the grid list with: guiGridListGetSelectedItem, check if he really selected something and then get the selected item text with: guiGridListGetItemText, after this you set the GUI-label text to the selected item text with: guiSetText. It's all explained, now you have to read it over and over until you understand.
  16. onClientGUIClick guiGridListGetSelectedItem guiGridListGetItemText guiSetText
  17. Castillo

    [REL] DxWorld

    Stop replying about the discussion between Kenix, Dwane, it's over. P.S: @death666machine: Just so you don't get confused: Dwane isn't the Dwayne from SAUR.
  18. Yeah, you was using outputConsole instead of outputChatBox .
  19. You're using the event: onPlayerJoin? if so, then use 'source'.
  20. You're right. Topic moved to "Other Creations > Other".
  21. Castillo

    [REL] DxWorld

    I'm not the one who started pissing me off because you're jealous of me, you know, that's not the way you achieve things. Now, can you guys stop this discussion? next posts will be removed.
  22. Si, con esa funcion podes cambiar a los jugadores tambien.
  23. They're nice, good work .
  24. Castillo

    [REL] DxWorld

    Oh, I actually know OOP, I was using it on a DX-GUI project of mine. Let's stop with this discussion, you can keep it over PM if you want.
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