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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo


    That resource was created by the game mode scripter.
  2. Castillo


    What do you mean?
  3. Pero si los timers ya funcionan asi... igual ese timer tuyo esta mal hecho. local Timer1 = setTimer ( triggerClientEvent, 60000, 1, thePlayer, "Probocacion", thePlayer, Turf1MinutosPro ) 60000 milisegundos = 1 minuto.
  4. Pues claro, porque las funciones de MySQL son server side, y eso que tenes que borrar es client side.
  5. addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), function() exports.sql:create_table('doingJob', { { name = 'Player', type = 'TEXT' }, { name = 'State', type = 'TEXT', default = 'false' }, } ) end ) Borra eso.
  6. Castillo


    I wouldn't recommed that Montiz, these functions are old, the built-on MySQL functions are easier to use.
  7. Castillo


    To install MTA you must have GTA:San Andreas installed.
  8. Castillo


    Why instead of ask for an example of something specified you don't go to the wiki and try to make it with the examples given? -- SQLite only: executeSQLCreateTable executeSQLDelete executeSQLDropTable executeSQLInsert executeSQLQuery executeSQLSelect executeSQLUpdate -- MySQL and SQLite: dbConnect dbExec dbQuery dbPoll dbFree
  9. You mean a event which is triggered every frame? If so, then this is what you're looking for: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientRender
  10. Castillo


    You're welcome.
  11. You're trying to use MySQL in a client side script, that'll never work because MySQL is server side only.
  12. Castillo


    We don't accept requests.
  13. I've just read it again, and I see that it makes no sense the script itself, I recommend you to start again.
  14. There's no event handler to execute: "sendmessages" function?
  15. Castillo


    @Jaysd: I guess that's from the "race" resource. @Vendetta: You can change the labels position, it's located at: "race/rankingboard_client.lua".
  16. The main reason is that getPlayerSerial client side just returns the local player, it doesn't has a player argument. Same as money, also there you're trying to get it from a GUI-element, not a player?
  17. You want to make a player search? if so, you can use a GUI-edit and the event: onClientGUIChanged with string.find.
  18. Esa funcion me parece bastante inutil, hace lo mismo que getAccount
  19. Te explico, vos tenes un nombre de una cuenta, es correcto? si es asi, entonces tenes que obtener el userdata ( elemento ) de esa cuenta con la funcion: getAccount y luego usar ese elemento en getAccountPlayer.
  20. getAccountPlayer -- Obtiene el jugador de una cuenta.
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